Tree of Savior Forum

Time to nerf quickcast and Magic arrow

If I prove to you that rank 7 swordsman class can outdps any fletcher class at level 280, will you quit the game?

You know what I’m talking about. Name all viable archer builds that do as much damage as Warlock.

Wiz3>Ele3>Warlock is the DPS class for level 280. Fullstop.
You can also go Wiz3>Thau3>War for future proof DPS.
Or go Pyro3 for early good DPS.

But there are many non-DPS Wizard classes viable. CC, full support. Why would you take these out of consideration?

Just because Wiz3 is the way to go for future proof DPS doesn’t mean it needs to be nerfed. It just means you have to take Wiz3 if your goal is to be DPS in endgame. That’s a very specific goal.

How much personal experience do you have playing wizard if I might ask? Just curious.

God you’re probably just trolling, why did I take the bait anyway.

Telling me to quit the game won’t do anything, I already did and just logging in to do boss rushes and leave.

And no, you won’t be able to even prove it.


Please quit the game. Thanks.

Completely disagree. Magic Arrow has such a small radius and is completely useless once the monster moves. The 10 second cooldown is justified and balanced by the skill’s mechanics.

Burst != dps,
know your facts, thanks.

Why are you even arguing with a guy that can’t understand the topic of discussion?

I don’t even know why I got baited in the first place


And I did mention it didn’t matter what your DPS is because all bosses dies in less than 20 seconds. You’re here crying about Magic Arrow, small radius, stationary and you got a ton of other skills that are broken as hell that are “gimmicks” and can do way way way more burst.

Again, when you are doing world bosses and it’s nothing but level 230+ there, your DPS does not matter. It’s all about who is closest to the spawn and who did the most burst.

Or even a better question: why are you arguing about a game on the internet via a forum, when you know all you are going to do is both stubbornly bat across the same opinion back and forth?


Hey smart guy, the topic title says “nerf magic arrow”.


Waiting for a download to finish. It’s quite amusing to see these whiners cry about irrelevant things. Magic Arrow will never be nerfed because it isn’t even that great.

Omg I love Edwad Emberpants!

BTW, let me share a secret with you so you aren’t so ignorant in the future. It’s not his magic arrow that’s killing the boss fast. It’s Harpy, it’s flying, it’s leather. (i thought it was cloth because it melts so fast) Barbed Arrow spam does way more damage and kills Harpy way faster.

Good night.

Yes, I know. But the fact still stays.

Magic Arrow is powerful because bosses are dumb.

I don’t even need to say a lot of things seeing a lot of WB fletchers around. And those that even rerolled to it to compete.

Tenku has a point defending magic arrow. Nerfing skills right now, not considering future content is doing what people and devs did with Swordman on CBT2.

Cerberus and all those items that right now that are “popular” like Gladiator band, will get outperformed by future bracelets. (Too bad Phada is not that good)

Wait for the next level cap, we’ll have an endless "please nerf -insert a class/skill- " thread cause of it.


Don’t worry, when they get to 280, they will reroll to Mage or Swordsman class. Archers needs to be carried in ET. They are only good for world bosses.

That was my point in the first place if you read the very first post you replied to, I’m talking about magic arrow on bosses.