Tree of Savior Forum

Time to nerf quickcast and Magic arrow

lol @thailehuy i hope u arent replying to me :o
i am just being sarcastic

any mages grinded for wiz 3 knows the pain of it,
and any mages who are at higher lvl WITH magic missile and quick cast knows that it only contribute to a small amount dps in late game.

practically speaking "mages are justified with the glorious HIGH DPS " without quick cast.
that differentials between supporting mages and glass cannon / high dpsers.
and really now…wiz 3 users only has ONE useful skill to spam after all the hardship of lvling to wiz 3, they deserve the quick cast and magic missile skills.

OP should go lvl a mage to wiz 3,then he would understand the pain behind it.

Idk why you keep talking about Magic Missile. Topic is about Fletcher’s Magic Arrow.

Mate, I level a full CON wiz to level 130 (rank 5) with purely auto attack. There’s no “hardship of lvling to wiz 3”, it’s even easier than leveling my swordman or archer, you are just spoiled by the absurd amount of AoE and damage wiz has.

I even had a video for it a while ago lol

The aim of wiz 3 should be surespell, which give you 100% cast chance, and quick cast that give you -50% channel time. +50% damage is not what it is intended.

Oh you’re making a Chrono? Too meta need to nerf Pass and Haste. Pass should have a 10 minute cooldown and Haste should only increase movement speed by 3. Then the other support wizards will stand a chance at ET/WB parties.

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Surespell isn’t anything special in pve. Nobody would roll wiz3 for surespell if that’s half the deal. If you play anything besides kino or featherfoot you won’t need it.

I think I use it for meteor when solo and thats about it. It doesn’t prevent other forms of cc including knockback/knockdown, which many bosses employ.

Remember quick cast didn’t have the attribute before people complained about how dps wiz builds were performing.

Quick cast has the attribute before, it just last 7 seconds instead of 15 seconds. There’s a fine difference between 100% up time and 50% up time.

And people never complained anything about wiz besides the fact that they don’t overkill stuff to get bonus exp in CBT. Heck, even back then pyro linker still run around every corner of the game.

Surespell is relevant for cryo (snow rolling), kino, ele and necro channel. In fact only support build, warlock and pyro don’t need it.

Actually I’m leveling up a cryo/kino, but the cooldown of skills are too long so auto attack is easier

Pass already has long cooldown, but haste will need to be looked at. It makes the whole team as fast as cataphract lol

does any of this logic apply when every swordsmen build requires even more effort for 0 reward endgame?

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Quick cast is balance. If you nerf that how can you clear the new floors of ET then? Just make the other attributes from swordsman comparable to quick cast so we can have more choices or classes we can bring in ET or future maps.

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People want nerfs to certain classes when what this game really need is buffs to other classes. Cryo kino nerf is for pvp is justified though.

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lmao so cryo kino is justified but magic arrow being the king skill for top dps on every world boss isn’t?

well, you cant hurt the meta builds, but the other ones is fine, just make then useless both pve and pvp

Of course cast immunity is relevant in certain situations. Not denying that. However, what I’m saying is its not actually as practical as you describe when it comes to actual gameplay. Hail and Electrocute are already simple to use with reduced cast time. Cryo has freeze and Frost Pillar for good measure if its really so difficult for some players to kite, position, or Sleep before charging Snow Rolling.

Rooted channeling skills like Psychic Pressure or Blood Sucking make sense, otherwise its just a convenience against the braindead pve enemies we have lol. Not to be treated as a core skill except in certain cases, thats for sure.

ah sorry i mistaken it. always tot he was talkign about everything mages lol

sux to be you

The bigger problem with this game is that ground placement is too stupidly strong for the creatures that don’t move out of it.

Why the hell is buff —> fire and forget one of the more effective modes of play when it is both easy, forgiving and braindead? (I’m not just talking about wiz3-ele3 and fletcher3.)

If this is the height of combat mechanics in this game you have far more things to worry about than class balance…


lol wait till u are 200+
130 is still an easy path.
anyway almost everyone is complaining about how mages are too OP with con and animus combo.
so u can expect that to be nerf in the future for sure.
after all mages are suppose to be glass cannon and fragile (meta concept of mages in most games)

and of cos u arent feeling the pince of lvling a wiz to wiz 3.with that much con and buff from pardoners these days.
and truth be told, some builds dont even use surespell.
so if they were to put surespell in wiz 3 and quick cast in 2.
i can assure u.80% of us would be super happy.
cos we will be able to build even stronger class paths
(personally i would take an extra linker class woot~!)
becos all we wanted in wiz 3 is magic missile and mainly quick cast

ps : oh and the reason why swordie is harder to lvl is becos of their nerf,they use to be the best class to lvl in CBT.
of cos after majority complained about JUST playing swordie cos of how OP it was,they nerfed the class.
cleric is just good on its own,healing and dmging

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lol i think i wouldnt agree on that
it really depend on wat builds u are going.

different builds will have a different rate in difficulty.

many ppl gotta understand this.
ToS is kinda "newplayer unfriendly"
and they follow a hidden “rule” of
the easier ur char is able to lvl at low lvl (higher dps at low lvl)
the harder it is to lvl at low lvl
(Or maybe they just need to balance the lower classes skills,aka pyro for example)
the better they are used for high lvl (of cos i am just looking at wiz 3 assuming u arent going high con (seriously Con? i think it would be nerf for sure.too many ppl disagree about wiz going high or full con or animus abuse)

i can already imagine most players complaining when they nerf animus’s dmg boost. con mages would be so unwanted in most party at high lvl (200 and above)

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Not to worry, theres at least 2 spots available for you to level in for groups. We will toss that pos archer out to make room brah.