Tree of Savior Forum

Time to nerf quickcast and Magic arrow

Just do it like any other dungeons, level up some more first. Rank 7 ended at level 277-278, not 280. You are not supposed to complete ET right now …

Free +50% damage regardless of build is not problematic to you?

We are not even talking about completing 20F, but just the 1F, which is designed for 275-280.

I’m pretty sure someone posted earlier that they can finish 1F with 2 extra minutes. It’s not like you need 2x wiz 3 ele 3 wl just to barely make it to the last 10 seconds

So there’s nothing problematic about Wiz 3 Ele 3 Warlock if someone else can make it without them.

The only problem is that there is no percentage increase ability aside from Wiz 3 in wizard class, while for other class it’s all over in many different class.


Not like every w3 is ele3… i’d just throw my necromancer in a trash can, ofc he need nerfs.

No one say ele 3 has problem, only quick cast attribute has problem …

Like I said earlier, this is way above the power curve. There’s no way for other classes to compete, whether in the same wizard tree or not. It’s like how magic arrow vs world boss work, the 1 skill topple all other builds no matter what they do, that is the sign of problem.

If there is a drawback for quick cast, may not even be a damage reduction, but for example, double the SP cost for spell, or you take 50% extra damage while quick cast attribute is active, then yes I think I can leave it as that. But right now, it is +50% damage without doing anything.


We dont have the kr version changes, did you see pyros there? I can show one thauma pyro dotting for 6-7k on flaming ground, and oh, thats a rank 2 class skill. And he didnt even use hell breath… if you want to see, i can link the vídeo.

I like your idea of restrictions to quickcast. Leave it at 50% damage, but you will take a beating when its active.

Its not simply " no other percentage ability".

Again At rank 2 your choices are
Wiz C2, Pyro, Cryo.
WiZ C2’s lasting tools are Sleep, (hypothetically reflect shield) and Surespell.

Cryomancer gets a trivial increase to rod damage, but a nice bonus to magic defense while equipping a Shield. It also gets an attribute boosting electric damage to frozen enemies, and gets to deal the frozen status.

Pyromancer gets a trivial increase to Staff damage and a skill that grants an additional attack, as well as other multi-hit moves.

At Rank 3.
Wizard C3 in addition to what it has gains a 50% permanently sustainable damage boost to all magic attacks it has, and will obtain.
This boost then means that Cryomancer, Linker, Psychokino and Pyromancer as class choices are all trying to have equivalent value (not specifically in DPS) to a permanent 50% damage boost.

Because Rank 4,5,6,7 and eventually 8 will exist.
Where the question is.
What did you gain for NOT going Wiz C3.

Lets for instance look at

Cyro C2- Elementalist
Pyro C2 - Elementalist
Wiz C3 - Elementalist.

Elementalist is a class that specifically has attributes exclusive to Cyro C2 and Pyro C2. A Wiz C3 does not have access to these attributes.
Yet Cryo C2, and Pyro C2, are by large uncommon path choices into Elementalist.
Not Just for how they work for Elementalist itself, but going forward to Warlock and Featherfoot, becuase the 50% damage bonus is that large overall.
Now Hypothetically a Pyro C2 can compete. but thats in the context of Rank 6. You then have rank 8, where It’s damage is now effective relevant to mob health where as Quick Cast is constant.

Cryo C2 runs into similar issues where its value is in jeopardy not specifically because its bad but because you’re talking a 50% flipping difference, vs a stronger electrocute, and slows to enemies already nearly dead.

A Class with specific attributes with other classes, isn’t even being paired with those classes because of the size of the gap, and people cannot tell that Quick Cast isn’t currently polarizing from a balance perspective?

The reason why pyro 2 and cryo 2 can’t compete with wiz 3 for DPS ele 3 is because their damage is lacking (no percentage based buff). Not because Wiz 3 is too strong.

Just look at archer, archer c2 has critical rate buff, ranger has damage buff, scout has 50% extra on first hit buff. Archer class can choose from many class to build their DPS which all involved buff that increase your damage by percentage. Wizard class though, only has Wiz 3 (and arguably pyro 3 after the ktos buff).

It’s just that simple. A tweak to pyro would solve the problem (such as ktos’s buff). Cryo don’t need any buff because they are not even a DPS class.

You should realise player will just stop playing wizard for DPS if this option is nerfed, because it’s just so much better to play archer (not as if archer beat every wizard in DPS except for wiz 3 ele 3 already).

Wiz cryo 3 ele 3 is still a strong PvP class though.

Can we get some serious love for pyromancer (scaling/fireball mechanics) and sorcerer (AI) before we convince ourselves that nerfing wiz3 is the best idea ever lol

Very important point exactly because its so tricky to translate that equivalency between different classes and the roles they are meant to satisfy.

Let talk about the wizard tree on its own for a sec. Remember before the damage attribute on QC was a thing cryo1>linker1 was one of the most common components of ele3 builds. Pyro2>ele3 was also a thing, albeit less popular due to how powerful HK was during cbts.

With that in mind if you make specialized dps path too ineffective, what you’re left with is an exclusively support meta for wizard. The support options like linker, chrono, thaum have always been both effective and popular in their respective role.

The main reason why wiz 3 is dominant now is because of how linker is nerfed.

In all honesty linker needed to be demoted from its status as the “one rank to rule them all.”

There is no need to. At current iToS linker is not that good even if they are not nerfed.

Don’t forget that the mobs can resist JP.

lets nerf both of these and keep the no job reset idea


Swift Step - Crit rate buff means you need +crit rate gear and/or investment into Dex to actually be effective.
And even say you have 600 crit rate, that 150 is about 25% crit chance at lv 280, or LESS THAN 15% increases of your damage.

Steady Aim - Yeah, it’s ‘only 20% for 40% of the time’, whereas Wiz have 50% for 100% of the time, grats you just proved that Quick Cast is outperforming other class’s buff.
(Even the pre-nerf version was 45% for 60% of the time)

Scout’s 50% is NOT a 50% damage modifier, it’s literally 50% p.atk bonus, meaning if you do something like Cloak->Snipe it’s not (atk + 3000) * 4 * 1.5, it’s more of (atk*1.5+3000) * 4.
It also only applies to ONE HIT (not one skill, one HIT) and with 35s cd.

Even that Pyro’s Hell Breath buff applies to only Fire damage, and let’s see how many classes have fire type damage?
Elem’s Meteor and Prominence.
Alchemist’s Combustion aka the waste all your money skill.
…that’s it, neither Warlock nor Featherfoot have a Fire type attack.

So one class have +50% to fire damage for the duration + some seconds after using a channeling skill with 65s cd and drains massive amount of SP, another class +50% to all damaging skills because it has 100% up time and pretty negligible SP consumption in late game stage.

Archer crit is only relevant with DEX build. So how about making quick cast give you +50% INT for the duration? Or even +100% INT

It’s not that simple, you talk like pyro covers all 8 ranks of wiz. While quick cast attribute cover everything.


Some cleric builds are extremely efficient for soloing. Infact most offensive cleric builds can outdo swordsman dps and heal on top of that, they also got some really good protection buffs. No one complains about them. Why’s it always archers and mages? I get cryo kino but not really anything else. They just need to buff every class to be equally as good. Mobs at higher levels have extremely high hp. If you nerf archer and mage damage and bring them to swordsman level nobody are going to play them. You’ll then just see swordmans and clerics. Why play that mage or archer when swords and clerics do the same damage but can survive better. What we need is a buff every class so for an example, despite the lower damage it can do certain things well enough to be on par with other classes. Late game every class struggle in pve content. It just that dps class struggle less. If mobs and bosses ai change maybe future content will favor other classes more. For now we just need a buff so other builds are worth considering.

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lol how about let’s nerf the whole game.
all players deal 1 dmg to any lvl of monster
ur hp is 10 hp and boss deals u 11dmg everytime.

oh pls dont be salty,u must be a swordie player or u arent high enough in lvl OR u are salty over a lost in pvp vs mages with those skills.
the dmg of magic missile and quick cast isnt all that godly at high lvl.
and mind u that mages dont have much AA dmg compared to swordies
just wait for the swordie buff that is already implimented in ktos lol

We can’t nerf the whole game because of 1 OP skill, can we? If +50% damage isn’t all “that” then you can turn that off for a day and see how you do at your “high level”