Tree of Savior Forum

Time to nerf quickcast and Magic arrow

Tbh you can do the same or more with wugushi or any single target DPS + linker 2/3. But elememe is noob proof, which you don’t require much skill to give the same impact in party. As someone said, you can be useful as elememe just by quick cast + frost cloud (please don’t just do that, it’s seriously retarded if you only do that as an elememe just like most low skilled elememe does).

There are better composition which can wipe the map faster without wiz 3 ele 3 warlock, but that require the 5 players to be of certain skill level, which is extremely hard to find.

i saw a footage of ktos where the party make full use of krivis c3, schwarzer and diverby/pally (Melstis + retreat shot + barrier) i cant remember whats the other 2 party members,

Elememe and cryo 3 chrono 3.

Thanks for the crash course, tbh elememe’s(is that a real word?) seem boring and simple that I’ve avoided them all together. I know DPS wise they’re strong but not sure how they compared to other classes.
Although i think from a balance perspective its pretty said there’s only a handful of viable DPS builds.

Magic arrow definitly needs to be nerfed, the skill cooldown should be increased.
It’s pretty much impossible to defend magic arrow right now, and i’m honestly surprised the forum is not filled with complaints.

but all the elememe damage becomes my rogmemes damage

Nothing is wrong with quick cast you fool. Almlst every single mmo has a mage skill to use spells faster

Well, it seems boring because most people can’t even think of how to use it aside from quick cast and frost cloud.

magic arrow is broken, this skill need to fix

All fletcher 3 will be on suicide watch because they can’t do anything aside from killing wb.

Just make wb move, simple.

then wtf with that attribute ?

the cast speed is fine but 50% magic damage increased 100% uptime ?
what a joke

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I don’t know about Magic Arrow, however a Quick Cast nerf could be validated.
An unconditional 50% difference in skill damage between two players picking the same later classes is fairly suspect.

However given Linker is supp, Cryomancer is Def.
The only classes that are particularly in competition against this are Psychokino and Pyro C2/C3.
Psychokino isn’t a pure damage dealer, and its Crowd control is supposed to be its draw.

Quickcast skill is fine, but the Attribute Quick Cast: Magic Damage is Overpowered, 50% magic damage increase and 100% uptime is a huge bonus and you don’t see it in any others classes, you can compare it to Steady Aim in Ranger C3, (+20% damage for 10s and 25s colldown, and it’s a LV 15 Skill).

I think if you nerf it to 25% magic damage increase it still be OP and the mages will still be happy, but to really start balancing the game you need to nerf it to 15% or less, doing so you force mages to start using INT and not FULL CON builds.

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A near 80% crit rate in other class is equivalent to 100% uptime 50% damage increase too.

Don’t forget magic can’t critical.

Also, no sane elememe would use full CON. All elememe at end game going for ET is using high INT build, or they will be useless for having too little damage. In fact, all full CON ele 3 warlock is the same as swordsman without peltasta nowaday because of neutrality and pvp is ded.

This imply that the real problem is not elememe having too much damage, but other class has too little damage. What is needed is to add multiplier to skill of other class, such that they can do ET too.


Ofc you can compare to ranger steady aim, if aim was permanent (as Quick cast is) THIS would be op, because crits. Nerf Quick cast imc, but make spells crit, like every other game :smiley:

Spells cannot be blocked or evaded. They’re not held back by the inability to crit as they’re already given a benefit in damage by not having to go through the same mitigation checks.

Again this just isn’t a realistic argument.
Quick cast isn’t good for balance WITHIN the wizard tree.
As it creates a 50% difference between say 4 Fleet Foots one with Pyro, one with Cryomancer, one with Wiz C3, one is Cry into Psychokino. Same deal when you talk Warlock instead, or C2 Necro, R8’s and beyond.
It’s simply messy to deal with because in the worst case scenario you have a 50% difference in efficiency at the same rank, and its not conditional.
In the best case scenario the other classes niche’s compete with a 50% damage boost, or the skills internal modifiers diminish the 50% boost to something like 20% relative difference.

It doesn’t mean it needs a need a nerf, but for the wizard classes build variety (within itself as a base class) quick cast isn’t helping relatively speaking and a nerf is another way of remedying that.

I think you dont see the problem here.
Its not qc atribute that is op, the problem is that other classes dps just suck balls. Earth Tower mobs have tons of hp and you must do that in a limited amount of time.
Use your mind, besides nerfing the VIABLE classes, why not make the bad ones viable?

Whatever classes you have after Wizard C3 are still going to have the reality of
Class with Wiz C3 = 50% more damage (generally speaking, if there are already modifiers at work then relative speaking while being +50% damage, it won’t be 50% total damage)
Which again, can be very polarizing. Especially since it has no inherit drawbacks or shortcomings, so there isn’t a niche. It is 50% more damage for little to no opportunity cost.