Tree of Savior Forum

Time to nerf quickcast and Magic arrow

Try doing that without quick cast attribute


I think the main problem of the Wizz c3 -> Elem C3 is this:
you can still deal high damage even if you follow a fullcon stat distribution.
And itā€™s more damage than other DPS builds from other trees.

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i bet heā€™s gonna be like oh fk my dmg so low time to raise pitchforks in the forum! hahaha

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The last thing this game needs is nerfs to classes, nerfing classes will only make people upset and make their character less funā€¦

Instead they should be buffing classes to increase class diversity.

nerfing = no fun

Buffing = fun

We really donā€™t want more people to leave tos.


ā– ā– ā– ā– , somebody warn all the cryos, chronos, linkers and thaumas that theyā€™re not allowed in our parties anymore.


Wizards are in a great position with minimum 2 spots per group. Archers and swordman get ā– ā– ā– ā–  on when it comes to groups. No pelt? No soup for u. Fletcher 3? Sorry go WB ur aoe suks. Oh your a whatever + linker 2? common in. chrono 3 + whatever? right this way sir! Omg ele 3? can i hold your sack??

Oh not again, guys.
Just wait for lvl cap lift and r8+, ele3 damage will be compared to pyro on 280 now :smiley:

dude magix arrow is Op from lv40-70 , after that its just a simple-nice aoe skill, can kill a normal mob. on same lv as u

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Hmm nah, I will disagree with that. Archers ARE needed in groups,

for the extra exp boost. :slight_smile:

Ah of course. Forgot that the eleā€™s do need them for alittle while before they are told to fuk off.

Sometimes the game needs nerf because some characters are just way above the power curve. For example when mobs have like 150k HP, and an ele3 can drop 2 skills and deal 300k+ damage, then thatā€™s call for a nerf, because that completely nullify any other DPS.

I understand your point. But without nerf we will soon reach the state of Maple Story where everyone running to reach damage cap, and bosses would have 100 billions HP. Heck, even in Maple Story we have nerfs sometimes.

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Yah, but for example nerfing ele3 itself and nerfing QC that affects lots of builds are different things.
Nerf is instument that should be handled properly.

Thatā€™s the hard thing with current game, you canā€™t simply nerf ele since ele itself isnā€™t all that amazing. Itā€™s the combination of ele + quick cast that is too good.

Thatā€™s why I said only a slight nerf, like quick cast attribute damage down to +20-30% instead of +50%.

But right now I canā€™t think of any other DPS wizard build besides wiz 3 ele 3 and wiz 3 kino 3. Thatā€™s the bad thing that quick cast does, we no longer have any other DPS wiz build, because with quick cast and natural progression of class circles, picking ele or kino are your 2 best choices.

Thatā€™s the point, you need both high INT and quick cast to even struggle in ET (or krivis 3 + SR 2 combo).

What is really needed is more class that can do ET, not lesser.

ET is just killing a bunch of high HP sponge within time limit. So what we need is more class with high DPS.

There are more DPS wizard build such as Wiz 3 Necro 2 (which actually has higher damage than Wiz 3 Ele 3 at certain condition), but it all involve Wiz 3.

The same as Archer which require at least ranger 1 to be DPS.

But still, with nerf to quick cast, wizard canā€™t compare to cleric class and archer class in DPS at all (and tbh, ele 3ā€™s dps lose to even swordsman without quick cast).

Also, with all the nerf to wizard class in PvP at kToS, without quick cast for PVE they will be useless.

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Iā€™m leveling wiz3-link2-necro right now and my damage is ok with QC, but if it will be nerfed, wellā€¦

You donā€™t need high INT, really. Iā€™m not saying full CON, but the difference between 200-400 INT is not that big

And about archer, archer actually has a lot of viable DPS option, sapper, scout, wugushi, quarrel shooter etc. In fact, besides the buggy hunter, all other picks are fine for DPS. Ranger just have a better AoE kit.

Without quick cast attribute (you need quick cast -50% cast time, Iā€™m not saying removing that, heck, I donā€™t even say give you 0% damage on attribute, only 20-30%) you can still drop 2-3 skills for over 100k damage. There is only 1 build of swordman can do that, that is hoplite 2 -> corsair 2 with the combo of spear lung and hexen dropper. And that combo has a tiny hit box comparing to any wiz AoE.

And you canā€™t expect to be good at PvP with a PvE build, can you?

Well, since you pick 2 support circles, you shouldnā€™t really expect your DPS to be over the roof. And Iā€™m saying 20-30% damage quick cast, not 0% so not like you gonna die.

Itā€™s really huge. Every elememe is trying to squeeze out that 10 or 20 matk just to kill faster in ET from end game enchantment. 200 to 400 INT is worth 500 to 1000 damage per tick, and worth at least 50 million in terms of silver (think of an extra +10 to your already +15 superior corona rod).

Any Elememe with higher CON often regret at later game because CON is completely useless after rank 7 aside from that 1 world boss that one shot you with 16k damage (even so you can compensate your hp with buff). Mobs at high level is hitting you for 1 damage (Iā€™m exaggerating, but most physical mob hit less than 100 damage) with proper gear anyway.

And all of them either has archer 2 or ranger and scout, with only one of them is comparable with ele 3 dps. I wouldnā€™t say their diversity is much different. Wiz 3 can pair with as many class and deal as much DPS as what you mentioned too. Sapper is not a dps though.

Wiz 3 Link 2 Necro 2 is a meta DPS build which is second to Ele 3 Warlock, with higher burst aoe damage.

Even before the kToS buff (currently), my guild leader, which is a doppel Templar, can deal 100k damage easily to one mob at Maven Abby. If a rank 6 class can do that, I can imagine a non Templar can do it better.

Of course Iā€™m not saying that swordsman is a good DPS, but 100k damage isnā€™t that much for every DPS class.

I think what we really need is great buff to many class, so that we can have many class combination. Nerf will only reduce the available awesome combo, thus decreasing the viable combination (and surprise).

I would also like to point out that FC has an enhance attribute (in addition to having already a 50% extra courtesy of Quick Cast, which yes, it can be expensive to make it Level 100 but hey, itā€™s there). The skill, in addition to having a sizeable AOE and good dps, also sits at a generous cooldown of 30 seconds (a mere FIVE if thereā€™s a competent chrono around) while most other AOE/semi-AOE skills tend to be at least 40s or more and most of the time doesnā€™t deal as much. Ele may (I stress, MAY) not be uber OP in terms of damage but what it can bring to the table as a DPS class far outweighs anything else such that 90% of grinding parties are almost entirely built around it or in some cases, REQUIRED to have. Heck, meteor is a far inferior skill to FC and it has a whopping 1m30s cooldown.

Sapper is a DPS, just not in a really good spot right now due to the nature of this gameā€™s mechanics and scaling. However, it is still the closest to choice of class for any archer who wants to play an AOE-based character without joining the horde of ā€œelememeā€ running around.

I sometimes wonder if IMC mixed up the CDs wrongly. :slight_smile:


Tbh itā€™s the linkerā€™s nerf (which is not justified) and neutrality that made elememe appears on the top.

If elememe is nerfed, there will only be another meme class where everyone complain about.

Before neutrality I would spend my time investing on a good PvP/utility class to grief others during GvG. However, as of current where GvG is basically dead, everyone is rolling or rerolling to elememe/fletcher 3/chrono 3 for end game content. This can be seen by the rising price of Animus, where everyone is trying to get matk for ET instead of HP from Max Petamion for PvP.

As of current I would say Magic Arrow by Fletcher 3 is the real OP skill. 25 hits at 10k each for every 5 seconds is just untouchable for every other class.

No itā€™s not huge, really, you just want to out DPS another ele by squeezing out any bit of damage possible.

Except they donā€™t. High level physical mobs still hit 800-1000 damage each

And there you go, 3 base classes for DPS, which can be further expanded, unlike wiz 3. Sapper is DPS, just think of sapper like laying your frost cloud first and lure mobs into it, not throwing it on top of mobs.

Thatā€™s the problem, with 2 support circles you are not supposed to do that, 200k damage with flesh cannon and quick cast is just ridiculous

[quote=ā€œMirarara, post:57, topic:308268ā€]
Even before the kToS buff (currently), my guild leader, which is a doppel Templar, can deal 100k damage easily to one mob at Maven Abby. If a rank 6 class can do that, I can imagine a non Templar can do it better.
[/quote]Except for Shinobi nothing can beat a doppel cyclone at rank 7. And even that requires a mob weak to slash to deal 100k damage. And cyclone has 40 seconds cooldown, itā€™s burst, not DPS.

Yes we need great buffs to many classes. But we will need to nerf quick cast attribute for sure, because +50% damage will be relevant through out the game no matter what you do. And the number just get bigger each rank.