Tree of Savior Forum

Time to nerf quickcast and Magic arrow

You might want to see all the cryo, chrono, kino in the ET

The problem with quick cast is that it removes the need to add INT, because +50% magic damage is better than all the INT you can get. If they reduce the attribute to 20% damage it would be fine.

Magic missile is fine though.

Nerf Quickcast and you can remove higher circles of Wiz altogether. Without the current system of combining Quickcast with Surespell, there is no reason take the class past the mandatory C1. And the impact on casttime-heavy classes would be notable too.


No, Magic ARROW

Very true. Because “highly invested players” tend to have tunnel vision when it comes to efficiency, meta isn’t something you can easily be rid of. What OP really wants is for exlusionary mentality to vanish from MMO culture altogether.

I completely agree. It should. Also, best of luck with that one.

@renanforsaken2 Theres threads (ancient at this point) calling for the attribute on QC to be nerfed by like half. Sensible players of all kinds generally agreed to a partial nerf. As for 100% uptime, it didnt used to be so. Players complained then they (over?)buffed it. Just sayin’.

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That is just confusing, you’d think he was complaining about Wiz3 since he mentions Quick Cast. I knew about Magic Arrow but this was too easy.

It’s because Wiz3Elem3Warlock and ???Fletcher c3 are considered the 2 OP damage dealing classes from their trees, and the core reason being Quickcast’s attribute and Magic Arrow, hence the topic title.

I hear you. Thanks for the correction.

No mention of Frost Cloud? I am not against Ele3 having high dps but it’s way too powerful and the Quick Cast’s attribute just makes it even more so. Literally, this skill is all that’s needed in a grinding party to make most other class seem like they’re being carried, you could just make a party of 3 wiz3-ele3-warlock, have a swordman peltasta to be the taunt slave and a healer and you’re all set to decimate everything.

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I said all “DPS” wizards. None of those wizards you listed are DPS wizards.

ppl should thinking why there are only few builds which are popular and why servers are flood with them
so what 's the point of having many class when only few build will become the strongest ?

so it’s cause of imbalance that make people do that, most of player always want them self to be the strongest so they up to OP, popular build. But they never think about the other classes

OP always need nerfs to balance the class choice that make the game more interesting

now just look at ToS: tons of classes but most of people up to

sword man:
sm c3 > cata c3 > dragoon

wiz c1 > cryo c2 > psycho c3 > warlock
wiz c3 > ele c3 > warlock

archer c1 > ranger c3 > fletcher
archer c2 > qs c3 > scout c1 > musketeer/canooner

cleric c2 > priest c3 > krivis c1 > plague doctor
cleric c2 > krivis c3 > druid c2

so where 's the balance ?
i see most of the time those who defense when it come to nerf OP stuff are those who play that class and always want them to be the strongest
what a self fish way of thinking


the problem is quick cast attribute that make frost could very strong
frost cloud it self have weakness that not hit flying target and in pvp no one gonna step on it unless you sleep or petrified them

that 's only you who confuse because what you do is brainless mocking people without reading the comment carefully


Hey look, a person who found out his significant other was cheating on him and is mindlessly insulting people on the internet!

In fact, did you lose a LoL or Overwatch match recently? Your crying is…a little salty.

Kino3 -> warlock is a fine DPS build, just not as easy as ele3

Try going et without a good int build.


Oh here we go! Elememe’s deflector shields up! Our class is fine, yours will get fixed next year kthx.

nerfing swash its actually good idea :open_mouth:

Quick Cast needs to be good because you have sacrifice 2 circles to get it. It’s mainly used for Elementalist anyway. There are several other wizard builds that don’t have it as mandatory spell. I don’t really see a big problem with it.

If you look at all the wizard classes you’d also realize that Wizard is more of a support than a DPS class in ToS. If they made Pyro more attractive in endgame, you’d get your DPS balance without having to nerf quick cast.

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Thank you for bringing up this skill :slight_smile:

I think reducing it’s flat skill damage (+643) would be enough to solve what you mentioned. It plays a large role in Frost Cloud’s overall damage at ranks 6/7, but will have less impact at much higher levels anyway.

The thing is, Frost Cloud’s 30sec cd + high tick speed will probably be what saves elementalist from becoming irrelevant. I’ve had a couple of arguments with other wiz about FC being doomed to fall off before we see level 500 enemies. That was before trying ele for myself.

If you take away +50% damage and nerf Frost Cloud (tick speed, duration, or cooldown), wiz3>ele3 is only slightly better in terms of raw damage than wiz1>pyro3. Elementalist’s only futureproof skills are Rain and Stone Curse :joy:. Zero support and one viable cc via Hail’s freeze attribute.

TL;DR I don’t trust the devs to take everything into consideration on the first try. Would rather see them buff weaker classes than potentially making specialized dps wizard something of an irrelevant build.

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Some times there is no point in simply apply nerfs if other classes remain the same. Some times a pure nerf is very necessary.

But taking your example, nerf Cataphract it’s pointless and would weaken further SwordsmanTree. And cata ins’t even a OP class.
Instead of that, it would be much better buff Highlander because swordsmen tree doesnt deserve more nerfs.

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