Tree of Savior Forum

Time to nerf quickcast and Magic arrow

It’s just a catapult crossbow (I try to use a weak one so that I don’t
have to search for mobs) and zachariel bangle + bearkaras bracelet. I
have absolutely nothing special in my equipment. Yes, the chance is very
low, I would say as low as 1-3%

Hi, looks like this Armor Penetration pop up is in fact NOT RELATED to One-Handed Bow Mastery.

It popped up when I was using a Bow as well.


no idea why you guys change the discussion

passive from xbow is ignore x% def
and that armor pen is from the player stat

Guess it’s my luck that I never seen that with a bow then.

ppl should understand that quickcast is a NIGHTMARE to balance around in the future.

EVERY CIRCLE of future wizards have to be damage balanced with QUICKCAST in mind. This is a huge problem for any decent game designer (luckily IMC doesnt seem to have many of those). For each new skill you have to think around quickcast… most of time when something like this happens new skills are either totally UP or just retarded OP. Basically, like now, quickcast FORCES every wizard into pick c3 in order to stay on top (damage wise).

I am almost 100% sure it will get nerfed with c8 release.

Aside from Wiz3 Ele3Lock name a an op dps wizard thats has c3 wizards into the build. Chances are you won’t cause people don’t put wiz3 in their build because they don’t need quickcast for the long casting times of their spells or they don’t room for it.

One could argue that people will have room in future ranks cause you have more ranks to work with. Well damage wizards still might not be able to fit it in their build due to wanting some other op spell from those future ranks. The truth is we don’t know these future ranks, spells, attributes and how all of them will compare to quickcast. So the futureproof point becomes irrelevant since its based of speculation. Nerfing something off of speculation is just retarded.

Every seen a cryokino? Every seen one with wiz3? They don’t have the room to fit wiz3 in their build without sacrificing ranks of cryo which reduces their icewall size which in turn reduces their pp icewall combo. Most of them want runecaster in their build due to rune of ice. To assume that wizard3 is going to be put into their builds later on for the quickcast bonus is dumb. You don’t know what spells these future ranks will have and how they will interact with other spells. So again your basing it off specualtion.

Quickcast might be a problem for future balancing but so will other skills that are much more op. They’re just not Op in the viewpoint of muh damage vs their damage that some of you are so keen on focusing on. On the subject of future balance why focus your attention and energy on damage skills but don’t even mention the op support this game has and the balancing of it?

If we want to fill our posts with speculation I’ll give you one that’s going to be the real balance issue and its of classes that are already in game.

Chrono3Linker3 will be the new wizard everyone wants in their party. Everyone will share all stats for 100% uptime. If you’re a physical class full Dex and you party with physical class full Str you always are full both. This doesn’t just help out the physical class either. That chrono linker can go full Int and team up with full Con animus wearing wizards. Can you imagine the damage that will provide?

Hardly anyone has mentioned examples like this kind of interaction between classes in their posts about balance. This is an MMO for god’s sake and there’s more to balancing involved than comparing your classes damage to another classes damage.

  1. Quickcast from +50% damage to +50% MATK bonus (you gain matk from INT, leveling up and gear like weapons, armor, accessories)
  2. Magic Missile base damage/scaling +50% or move it to Wiz 2 (and make it scales to do 2x current damage at lv 10 on wiz 3)
  3. Swell Head +25% matk bonus
  4. Free one time stats reset for wizards.

Would be nice if IMC made the casting animation fast too with QC, but that is asking for too much, lol.

And a re-balance to Elementalist’s skills, specially Electrocute/Hail/Prominence/Meteor/Stone Curse/Rain. Frost Cloud is too good already and hits so many times that frankly, if the spell had 0 damage like Fire Wall it would still be godly.

I’m most sure any Elementalist here wishes their other spells were more useful than just Frost Cloud later on.

Warlock is very strong already (r7 c1), even without QC to boost the base damage from their skills (remember, on my version you still get the matk), IMC can reajust some values later IF needed, which I doubt that will be necessary.

Kino’s spell base damage are too high already considering they also comes with a strong CC and Necromancer’s Flesh Cannon too, Necromancers needs buffs on their summoning spells to fix and compensate the damage loss from QC on Flesh Cannon which has a high base damage and will suffer “my” nerf.

Pyromancer is “fine”, will even be more competitive after this “fix” since the base damage from pyro skills is so low it ain’t going to be affected too much, also, we have some pyro buffs coming.

Yes, it will be a overall damage nerf, but a necessary one. Giving 100% uptime 100% critical chance (it multiplies everything currently, even arde and M.AMP too IIRC) with no means of resistance (like con’s crit resist) is too much for “two early ranks give up” when it also comes with a useful kit.

I also don’t want IMC to balance all the next wizards spells thinking that “this will be too strong with QC” to the point where warlock/ff/ c2 and possibly r8 DPS spells comes watered down to not become overpowered because of QC and non-QC users will need to avoid that classes because they aren’t going to do damage with other builds.

Remember: Wizard 3 also comes with MM, true 100% uptime Surespell, faster casting and Sleep 15. New classes/warlock/ff c2 spell may come demanding fast casting/surespell even more than Ele and a QC wizard will still get a HUGE damage bonus from it.

I can’t speak about archers, but Swift Step’s attribute pumping critical rate from your gear (and gems) too instead of only the Base+Dex+/natural gain from Lv Up and / KR Steady Aim are a bit off the charts too.

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man i sure wish i could use a 2h bow and get all that flying bonus

but sadly my sapper rogue has 1 single skill that hits flying things

which is c1 archer multishot

that is what i get for being trapper build

edit : oh i lied there is also oblique i just never use it

About the whole class comparisons, i guess we will just have to agree to disagree. I saw several rogue builds using Vendetta, i wouldn’t ever call Earthquake a good utility skill, and having a monk too, i can’t agree when you say that one inch punch isn’t a good offensive skill. It is no double punch, but it still deals a good amount of damage over time. Regarding the magic missile and rush debacle, you missed the point completely. You can’t expect every skill to be balanced over dealing with 100k hp enemies. Many skills just aren’t that good enough. Even in late classes.
About the rest:

If anything, i should ask the opposite: why do you think that since swordman classes are terrible, every other class should be as bad? Since that’s all what those comparisons entail.

It has everything to do with opportunity costs. Pyro isn’t meant to compete with Elementalist. Pyro is a rank 2 class, balanced to be used over those subsequent ranks. You weren’t even meant to be able to get it after wizard 3, for how the game worked before. You should get it at rank 2, instead of going to the wizard route. And that’s why it’s getting buffed. Because despite specializing in fire spells, it doesn’t just offer enough compared to the generalist route that wizard 3 entails.

Yeah, i can see you’re fixated over wizard 3, that’s for sure. That, and getting low rank classes at levels far different from what their skills were balanced for. Wiz 3/Ele 3 is the only good choice in there…because it is the only one that actually uses classes at the ranks you’re supposed to get them.

It covers damaging spells, actually. Not everything. A chronomancer won’t have much use for it, for example. And if they implemented a good enough pyro-dependant fire spell damage bonus , depending on whatever fire spell we get in the future, going pyro would get to be a different and still good choice. As i’ve written above.

that1cheezyguy already answered about this point, anyway. Just read his post.

What? God, no. Cryo kino that doesn’t build wiz 3 is because they focus on CC not damage. If they want ice wall PP combo, they only need 1 rank of cryo and 1 rank of kino, which can easily be built with wiz 3 - cryo - kino - rune caster, and that’s not even full 7 rank

Here’s a video for you

Seriously? You don’t know how future damage spells interacting with +50% damage? Or you mean in future wiz will not have any DPS class?

Linking has range limit.

Lol, no swordman is not terrible, just that wizard is vastly superior than other DPS that no one want to pick swordman. Remember CBT? When wizard QC isn’t as potent? Many people picked swordman back then

See the video I posted above, and tell the guy in that video he’s not supposed to do that lol

So I feel like I should drop these here:

But seriously, QC as it is will hurt either Wiz tree (having to reduce power of higher rank class to maintain balance, but inversely causing Wiz 3 to be mandatory for any DPS build more than it is already) or the game as a whole (game become Tree of Wiz3s (and heal slave clerics))

Swordsman tree being below the power curve doesn’t equate to Wiz 3 not being over the curve. Both thing can be true at the same time (and imo is true right now) and the Dev have to address both of them. They touched the swordsman part with various buffs in kToS, and with rank 8 coming out soon, they should addresses QC power level before having to receive another backlash later when either complaints of Wiz being OP happens or the nerf they need to apply to it to maintain balance.


Power creep seems like a far-fetched concept for people that is drowning in power.

Seeing the amounts of buffs they’ve given to swordman classes in the korean version, it seems like devs aren’t of the same opinion.

Given that he spent 6 ranks for a single combo, i do think that’s kinda useless. It’s a one-trick pony, essentially. Can’t do anything else. Could as well have used a fletcher if he wanted to go boss hunting. At least that one isn’t pigeon-holed in doing so.

Why yes, they are bad at balancing. If they are good then we wouldn’t have this situation in the first place. The same dev think it’s fine to increase QC up time from 50% to 100%. I’m still waiting for that to happen to swordman.

And I assure you we will have this discussion again when rank 8 hit and wizard has another DPS circle.

Actually that build grind fine. Not top notch but not weak either. From rank 1-6 you can just rely on quick cast and magic missile for group (those deal crapload of damage) for solo kill just ice bolt and auto attack (cryo get +30% damage on frozen enemy). Now if I think about it, that build even has more skills than my sword 3 cata 3 :joy:

Also picking a fletcher just to go boss isn’t all that different from the pigeon hole

So, since you don’t agree with some of their design and balancing decisions, it means they’re bad at it. Ok.

rank 3-6, not 1-6. And it is also the only decent attack skill you’ve got.

You’re likely doing better just with autoattacking, rather than using a low-leveled ice bolt at monsters far above its intended level.
Especially since the bonus damage you mention (it’s +50%, by the way) is only provided from lightning property attacks. Of which there are none, in such a build.

Whose utility apart from the “one trick pony” combo may be debatable, though. Especially since they’re capped at low levels, due to having rank 1 in two professions (whereas those skills would go up to lvl 15 instead).

Are you seriously comparing a fletcher to a one trick pony such as this build? Come on.


really? i remember whenever i get a cryo on my dungeon team it always increases the AA of my archer when enemy is frozen. and when its not frozen it goes back to the damage my AA is supposed to do. I think Frozen debuff has a hidden effect? i can’t show any proof because i am currently not playing the game. waiting for R8 classes to come out then i would play again. besides im busy with RL.

Do you have a manamana? Its has lightning property attack.

As mentioned above, you probably have a Manamana. Or some other source of lightning damage.

Don’t pin it on me lol, look at the swordman subforum

Cataphract has 2 skills, which is pretty much the same as 1 skill with 2 overheat. But not with +50% damage, and range. So yeah. BTW I’m leveling a wiz 3 right now for future proof, so yeah.

It’s +30% and yes it works with auto attack, no manamana either, I have an arde dagger though

Aside from boss fletcher is crap everywhere else., so yeah, pretty much the same. And to make it worse, fletcher is not future proof. Who know what kind of different weapons they gonna put on archer. I heard Pied piper already.

Just stop man, this guy keep comparing wizard to swordsman. He dont get that swordsman will still crap if they dont change… swordsman.

Funny, cause you said that swordman isn’t terrible some post above. Guess the situation changed during the last night, apparently.

I wouldn’t call it pretty much the same, due of how overheat works, but still. I you find comfortable to go rank 3-6 with autoattacks and magic missile when it’s available, i guess i’ll just have to disagree.

As far as i know, there is no attribute other than Freeze Speciality giving bonuses versus frozen enemies amidst all the classes you mentioned, and i’ve linked it above.
If there is somehow some other bonus, i can just ask for proof. Cause i can’t find anything about this +30% bonus that you keep mentioning. [quote=“thailehuy, post:419, topic:308268”]
Aside from boss fletcher is crap everywhere else., so yeah, pretty much the same. And to make it worse, fletcher is not future proof. Who know what kind of different weapons they gonna put on archer. I heard Pied piper already.
It still deals consistent damage to single enemies. What is that cryokino doing while it’s single gimmick is on cooldown? Shooting a couple magic missiles and autoattacking for the next 17 seconds?
Come on, you can’t seriously compare the two. Are you trolling or what?
And saying that it isn’t “future-proofed” because we don’t know what weapons they’re giving to archer classes in the future is one of the most nonsensical rebuttals i could have ever read in this forum.
You could say the same for any class requiring a particular weapon for their skills, then. What’s the point?

Guess i shall do so. The arguments he’s bringing forward are getting absurd, anyway.

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