Tree of Savior Forum

Time to nerf quickcast and Magic arrow

harpiea is really easy boss for archer class in general, because you get a passive that increase your damage by 100% vs flying.

Why should one even bother spending three ranks for a 30% damage and a single good skill to use it with, when you can have a 10% damage and just get two ranks of pyro instead?
This isn’t even a choice, it would make going wizard 3 utterly useless.
Wizards aren’t rangers. Going wizard rank 3 means you’re spending three ranks in an offensive class and getting a single good offensive skill in return.
Making wizards’ higher ranks terrible isn’t a solution at all.

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If they make Magic missle as strong as barrage i’m fine with the idea of making w3 like ranger. :smiley:

Pyro skills aren’t going to last forever as enemy Magic Defense increases. The only ones that will truly stay relevant are Enchant Fire and whatever the kToS has that increases Fire Damage by 50%. Basically, someone building a Wizard would have the option of going Pyro if they decide to go Elementalist, maybe Sorcerer or some other higher circle that synergizes with the increased fire damage.

Archers have the same option of either going high into Ranger if they want to focus on higher circles, or less into Ranger and picking up classes for different kinds of utility.

Higher circles of Wizard would still be worth investing, especially if you’re going FF or want to have Surespell for other channeling abilities. Wiz C3 offers 100% uptime on Surespell, stronger sleep and obviously stronger +increased damage, which isn’t different from how Archer Kneeling shot gains slightly higher damage and attack speed increase by going Archer C3.

Wiz C3 doesn’t become irrelevant. It becomes optional depending on what you want to focus on, which is significantly better than it is in its current state.

That magic defense increase applies to magic missile too. So, even less reason to go there, as it’s just one skill over three ranks. Especially since pyro gets a bigger bonus and several spells to use it with, along with the 10% you would get by wizard 1 either way. Plus whatever fire spell you get later, along with the benefits of doing so (elementalists already has pyro and cryo related attributes, for example). Future classes included.
You would get higher circles only if you need surespell, spending a rank of an offensive class to get a single buff and 10% damage. Again, sleep in PvE isn’t that useful. You don’t even have decent skills to use that bonus damage with, whereas getting a different offensive class would have provided you with actual offensive skills you could have used your previous 10% bonus with. But sure, if you really need surespell, you could do it. As a matter of fact, people who need it already do so. And often go for wizard 3 because, unlike your example, you are rewarded for doing so.
According to your changes, people should gladly spend a third rank to get magic missile (that won’t last forever like the pyro skills you mention before) and another 10% damage.
Why should someone waste a rank doing so? I mean, we’re already talking about an offensive class that doesn’t provide much in terms of damaging skills, so you won’t have anything to raise from previous levels as far as damage goes. And you even think it’s a good idea to go further? Opportunity costs, ever heard of them?
Despite what you say, it would become irrelevant. There isn’t a good incentive to go further, unless you really need surespell for some particular build. But you would do it for surespell, not for the pitiful bonus damage.
People right now go wizard 3 because, despite spending three ranks with a single good damaging spell in return, you get a substantial damage bonus. If you remove that substantial bonus without giving anything in return, wizard 3 becomes useless. As every other option would be better than it, either way.
If you want people to go pyro - as in, the other offensive path - make it worthwhile. Instead of trying to make wizard advancements meaningless.

lol and look at ranger

3 rank and only got 20% damage boost from steady aim and have to be rank 4, also 10s duration - 25s cd

look at quick cast
only need to be rank 3, 50% dmg boost and 100% up time
even you nerf it to 30% it seems still very strong

and sword man not even have an boost attack buff by percent :open_mouth:

We cant compare mages to archers… while spells cant miss, spells cant crit as well, we dont have 100% bonus dmg to flying with staves like archers have with bows, we dont ignore 25% Magic defense from targets using rods like archers ignore physical defense using crossbows… etc… and oh, for these they dont need ranks, they just need to be Archer 1.

can’t compare ? so this game is tree of wizard only ?
and archer got a size damage penalty

no idea are you even think before posting ?

it’s much easier to stack p.def than m.def
also physical attack can be missed, block
even magical attack can’t be crit but it will 100% hit for sure and it’s much better than you have a chance to miss or blocked

for barrage that you mention earlier
against multi target it’s very weak compare to magic missile which can bounce and deals many extra hits
barrage aoe ratio is 1 so it’s only hit an fix amount of hit
it’s only good if you combo with feint which is not confirm that it’s a bug or not, if it’s a bug it will got remove soon

Aside from all that, they still aren’t considering that wizard, despite being categorized as an offensive class, gets a single good damaging spell over three ranks. At the last rank, nonetheless.
They’re just comparing apples with oranges.

wth 's wrong with you man
every class categorize in this game have offensive class which have red icon

and if we not compare different classes then this game have only one class ?
so i have said TREE OF WIZARD ?

try to find a better reason please :smile_cat:

Yeah maybe we should compare wizard to swordman. Swordman, despite being listed as offensive, get ZERO good skills over 3 ranks (not even buff or utility). Dude, you are talking about base class, why do you expect base class to have good offensive skills?

QC boost everything from rank 4 to rank 10 by 50%, fool-proofed.

You don’t want to nerf QC but to buff other instead? Alright, let buff all other rank 4 and up skills by 50% to make it balance out, how’s that?

You’re the one that’s saying that applying the same kind of buff rangers have to wizards, without changing anything else, would be a good idea.
If you can’t understand why it doesn’t make sense, that’s your problem entirely.

no idea
you even mistake me with someone else
try to read previous comment please :smile_cat:

Yep, you’re right. You were just comparing ranger and wizard buffs. Still a nonsensical comparison, but not the one i was referring to, indeed.

I think some of you are missing the point as to why people get quickcast when they go for the cookie cutter elementalist warlock build. Yeah that bonus damage is powerful I’m not arguing that. But the main reason elementalist pick it is to make the spells that aren’t frostcloud easier to use. Meteor, hail, rain, and electrocute all have insanely long cast times. Elementalist would still pick the same wiz3ele3 build if quickcast got nerfed. Mainly cause half their spells are pretty much reliant upon the cast speed effect from quickcast. Frost cloud will still be good and people will still cry.

nonsense ?
so if you compare skills you have to be the same categorize ?

if it comes to this i have nothing to talk with you anymore :smile_cat:

Swordmans being bad it’s another problem entirely. One that’s being addressed in the korean patches, anyway.

But even if we’re talking about the first classes available, if you’re still spending three ranks on them, you should get something at least decent in return. Else what’s the point of having such advancements?
Even pyro gets to have nice offensive skills, after all. Wizard 2 doesn’t, even upgrading the previous ones. Energy Bolt and Earthquake are just terrible. Even at wizard 3.
Swordmen suffer from the opposite problem. Why bother going swordman 2 if you get cartar stroke in a class and swashbuckling in the other? Despite being of the same rank, the other choices are just far better.
The suggestions posted so far would just make wizard the same as above.

Apples with oranges, again. Going wizard 3 already means you aren’t getting several other offensive spells - like the ones a pyro 2 would have gotten instead. The increase needed wouldn’t be a straight 50% either way. And there are other ways of giving such bonuses - like they did with hell’s breath in one of the kToS patches. Or even just giving previous classes-based attributes to balance it out.

You would have to compare classes that are overall similar for a comparison to make sense. Wizard and Ranger have nothing to share. One has a rank forced upon players at character creation, the other is completely optional. The first has no decent offensive skill until the last rank, the other already starts with barrage at the first rank and gets other useful skills later on. And we could go on.
There is no point in such a comparison.

10% increase in magic damage for all ranks (including future ones) that completely overshadow lower rank abilities is a pretty significant boost, in my opinion. It’s definitely worth sacrificing a circle to do it if you want to push for higher damage of classes available at higher ranks.

The change I’m proposing would make builds like Wiz C2 > Linker C3 > Necro C2 more viable for hybrid support and dps without behind greatly behind Wiz C3 by such a huge margin in %damage increase. Again, it would be the Ranger C1-C3 treatment to balance out class choices for Wizard between Ranks 1-3.

Current Pyro on iToS doesn’t have the kToS buffs and even if it did, the current implementation of Wiz C3 is still better since the damage increase applies to all spells instead of strictly fire ones.

I already explained to you that the only things from Pyro that will remain relevant at higher and max ranks are the %fire increase buff from kToS and the extra line of damage. Extra line of damage doesn’t add much to Wizard itself and is more of a support ability for an AA composition. Wiz C3 remains relevant even when Pyro abilities become ineffective due to enemy magic defense and hp scaling… so why bother bringing up Pyro?

If you’re really going to sit there and argue that a 12.6% uptime spell at Pyro C2, which will become irrelevant or significantly less relevant than a 50% magic damage increase to all ranks (including new ones upon release), is a better investment than Wiz C3, then I’m convinced you’re just arguing for the sake of arguing without actually thinking.

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no idea if you are an idiot or trying to troll people

this game is only stop at rank 4 ? and first 3-4 rank is that hard to leveling ?
that 's your problem
you may lack of offense skill at early levels but later you still can pick other class with many offense skill and that’s why 50% dmg boost from QC with 100% up time is ridiculous

you have to compare to the whole class build, not specific class, you got it ?

then i just have some simple questions
why wiz c3 > ele c3 > warlock is considered the best dps build for wiz ? and why most of people are up to it ?
because it’s OP.
and if ele c3 > warlock without wiz c3 are they such OP like this ?
the answer is NO because they don’t got quick cast and suresspell

then the problem comes to QC from wiz c3 and why it need a nerf ? because it cause imbalance at higher rank

if it have no problem then that build will not flood the whole server like this
and if you still think it’s not a problem then screw you, you are a real idiot.