Tree of Savior Forum

Time to nerf quickcast and Magic arrow

so if you only buff other class to viable
people still up to OP classes then it’s still be the same
are you thinking before comment ?

better option is nerf stuff, bring OP classes down to equal others to make other class viable

i’m sure that you are wiz3>ele or fletcher c3
so you was like " just buff other class but we are still the strongest ?"
nice idea, you just want to buff them to viable but not strong as the same what is OP right now :smile_cat:

so just nerf some skills that you said "kill that class"
then how about atm
just because some OP class that kill all other class ?
so what 's the point of having many class when only few builds are the strongest ?

self fish people, never think about anything than them self :scream:

I’m necromancer 2. :smiley: if you nerf wizard 3 you are just deleting my character, as the only useful thing i have is flesh Cannon :slight_smile: and for being necromancer i want my class to get better, i dont give a fck about ele 3 being strong, make me strong!!
Btw, dont go to the personal side. You are concluding my class and saying i’m selfish for having a different opinion, can you forget me and only discuss about what matters in this thread? Tyvm.

Nerf OP stuff is not killing anything. Like the plague doctor nerf in PvP, did it kill plague doctor in PvP? Nope.

You are thinking nerfing is something that bring your whole power to zero. It is not, nerfing is not deleting or removing, it is just to adjust to a proper level.

If you cannot live with a proper level of power, then I must say, you build your char badly.

BTW, flesh cannon + quick cast (without the attribute) is fine, the only downside of flesh cannon is its cast time.

The only downside is that its the only relevant skill at the whole tree and it will make it a little bit more “meh”. Thats why besides nerfing damn elementalists or qc, i’d like to see some improvement for other class builds BEFORE.

I’m dependant of that buff, if the class is made somewhat viable they can nerf this 50% stuff. I’ll say this again, not every w3 is an elementalist, other classes that dont have Frost cloud one finger power house will suffer.

Edit: about building my char, i like necromancer, i want to join parties and be useful AS NECEOMANCER, so i built arround. If I pick cryo or something else i’d be useful not as necro, but as cryo (for example). So removing the only thing that can be a boost to my class will suck for me and i’ll become a swordsman mage, “no peltasta? You’re useless”.

lethargy is a really good support skill

double damage for strike = super sapper broom traps

sleep is a cc, nuff said

and i would kill to have surespell on my sapper, interruptions are fking annoying

One that every wizard class can get, though. It doesn’t reward further wizard ranks.

yea ik but this guy was saying wiz c1-2 is useless…lol

Sleep 15 is a very hard CC spell provided it doesn’t get resisted compared to Sleep 5. They both do the same thing but Sleep 15 has the power to shut down anything for a pretty long time not to add that Sleep doesn’t have an AOE Ratio either.

I’d say it’s a pretty strong reward for burning two of the fastest and more insignificant ranks to ascertain higher power in the others. Not to mention said buff has literally no drawbacks whatsoever aside a slightly delayed power spike.

Honestly I don’t have much problems with the skill as it’s a good reward for getting to C3 for Wizards: To master it. However, it greatly overshadows other classes and their overall performance simply by existing. Honestly more C3 and even C2 of classes should have stronger viable buffs and attacks that actually make you want to get them for tandem use with others.


He wouldn’t be that wrong either, as far as dps goes. Energy bolt and earthquake aren’t that good, and those are the only damage skills w1 and w2 get. Like i said above, surespell is merely a commodity outside of some particular skills. Wizard 3 brings with it magic missile and quick cast, and those are good right now. Good enough to spend two ranks just to get them. It things change, it may not be true anymore.
People just aren’t considering the opportunity costs, imho.

Regarding sleep, if you’re talking about PvP, i can agree. It is indeed good in those situations.
In PvE, not so much. Sleep doesn’t even work on flying enemies, and those may the ones that a wizard would benefit most from CCing (since other spells - like frost cloud - don’t work on them either). That doesn’t mean it can’t have the occasional use, but we’re still talking about three ranks and 15 points spent on something that will rarely be useful.

I agree when you say that more C3 and C2 classes should have better viable buffs and attack, anyway. Mostly for the opportunity costs mentioned before.

Sleep nerfed for 5 sec/5 hit on PvP (kToS). :smiley:

Other classes are being improved. And last time I check, flesh cannon deal 150k+ damage with QC, it’s nowhere “meh”

That’s still longer than most (if not all) CC from other classes.

WITH QC :smiley: You got it.

Without QC it still deals 100k damage, yes I got it, you are just spoiled.

LOL rank 6 and 7 to not even kill a single high level mob with literally the ONLY burst spell I have, you must be used to play swordsman and think its normal.
Why i’m even arguing with a swordsman, necro is on trash tier for et and you think 100k on the only skill i have is something hahaha

Is necro really that bad? don’t you just need to summon a shoggoth, and you’d be doubling an SR’s damage against mobs?

I heard that Wiz C3 > Linker C2 > Necro C2 is actually pretty good and is only slightly behind Wiz C3 > Ele C3 > WL in terms of dps.

I really don’t know how much of that is true or not, but maybe you can give some insight since I’m curious about Necro + Linker dps compared to Ele C3 > WL

Cloud hits 30 times and flesh Cannon 16 times. Also flesh Cannon aoe size is too little (even smaller than pyro flaming ground) and Frost cloud you know…
I made an elementalist, he is 177 and his Frost cloud deal the same dmg than my level 10 flesh Cannon from my necro with a damn level 170 normal Rod (my necro use superior corona +8 with 2 5* gems).
Both my necro flesh Cannon and my ele cloud are 50%.

Shoggoth wont last that much against that 30 mobs wave hitting for 7k at et. He has 20-30k hp max. And has 3 minutes cooldown. Better use pole to support sr.

Point taken but Flesh Cannon also has a 50% chance to decay for 15 seconds, and then there’s Dirty Pole, which is total ■■■■ but I just wanted to throw it in.