Tree of Savior Forum

Time to nerf quickcast and Magic arrow

make quickcast a party buff that applies to everyone in pt

You can easly make statistic based on not only times used but possible times used to cooldown of the skill. So every skill will be taken in fair comparision to other.

If heal is used by everybody it means it NEED NERF in terms of balance, because you just stated yourself that it is mandatory to live. There shouldnt be any mandatory skills in game with offer build diversity. So you prove by yourself that you dont know what true balance is.

Perfect balance means that no matter what you pick, it will be somewhat usefull. Some skill will work in combos better than others, but other will be better at standalone use. Statistic will show no difference in use of both of those skills since half of the players will prefer combo, other half will be independant. If some combos are broken, like you stated, than you proof by yourself (AGAIN) that skill taking part in this combo need some nerf.

And no matter if its MMO or league of legends, balance must be done here and there in order to play it well.
Also I wouldnt bring out league of legends out since in riot nobody know how to math since closed beta. Yes, I play league of legends since closed beta, the game got bugs since season 1 and got balance problems made ON PRUPOSE by riot. They even admited it by themself, that they manipulate balance in order to favorize some champions. Many games, like for example Dragon Nest, also admited breaking of balance in order to favorize certain classes to make real money out of it (thru cash shop).
Actualy there is no game that care about balance, because balance means that kids who dont know how to play will quit, because they wont stand a chance versus players with expriance and player skill. If they quit it means less money for company, and games are made to generate money.

And statisticaly top 3 skills will always be the one that require nerfing.
You got tons of skills in this game. Top used skill for swordman for example will be cyclone. By comparision to other swordman skills it NEED NERF.
Also when swordman population diminish and other classes population grow, it also boost statistical use of skills that need nerf.

And yes, the game will become harder due to balancing, I am not scared of that, but as I see many are. I already wrote about those people in this post, companies milk money out of your tendency to trivialize content.

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But most classes aren’t really going to benefit from it. Aside from dps build mages and clerics.

“stronger skills from every class must be nerfed” / “class diversity”. Come on, why have diversity if every class gets the balance you are saying? I mean, they all will be the same, with different animations. Yay.

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Your statistics won’t work for cleric. I’m sorry but no matter what people are going to use the skill Heal skill. Why do the do this? Cause it’s available circle 1 and another small thing they’re healers -.-

So what happens when Heal gets nerfed so badly that heal is barely noticable? Do you just expect every cleric who wanted to fill the the role of a healer to reroll their character to have more ranks in priest for Mass Heal? What happens when Mass Heal gets nerfed? Does every cleric player have to just stop using their healing spells in hopes they get buffed to be a decent value. Or do they just abandon the idea of healing since it has become trivial and just live in no heal meta?

Did you know there’s a combo of spells in currently game that provide immunity to all damage. I’m pretty sure everyone can agree that is far from balanced. It requires one of the least used Cleric circles which is KrivisC3 and that Krivis must have at least C1 Priest. They also need another C1 Priest and a Chronomancer. It’s very gimicky and requires multiple people to take very specific ranks skills and coordinate their cooldowns. Should something that provides immunity to all damage get nerfed? Damn straight it should. But what if it’s ignored by your system cause its not flavor of the month? Cause it’s not anywhere near fotm. I doubt you or anyone see C3 Krivis being made left and right.

Balance in any mmo is a myth. And re balancing classes constantly is just artificial content. People who play MMO’s want to feel like their character is relevant and providing something to the group. Some people go for more unique builds so they can feel different. Others like to go for meta builds so they can complete content easier.
If everything is balanced to the point where no choice is greater or worse than any other you defeat the purpose of having different classes. And classes become about having different animations and costumes. Which case I can just go play a shitty phone app if I want that.

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I was told that giving Bosses Magic Mechanics such as absorption and nullification would “destroy endgame content” and “would seperate people from doing certain dungeons due to effectiveness decline.”

But otherwise I do agree with you. Even if their AI remains rubbish, I would like more complex bosses that change how you think of simply zerg-rushing a boss. Abomination is like, a weak interpretation of what I mean: A boss who tries to have 100% uptime on a weak reflect buff. Granted right now you could yolo it, but if you’re derp you can actually kill yourself against him: And rather just wait for the small intervals where he doesn’t have reflect on.

If this forum had a downvote system I would make so many accounts and downvote this guy to oblivion.

All this nerf topic are just selfish act of a salty player. Comparing this game to LoL and Dota are really absurd. Well since they are mention, lets make them as example. You guys know Earthshaker? He can wipe out all the enemie team by himself. Did dota2 nerf him? No. Because there is so much way to counter it. Lets go to LoL area. Example, Kassadin one’s heavily nerf after xpeke used it on 2013 season 3 world tournament with incredible perforrmance. Result of nerf? Kassadin pick drop to 95% for 3 months and riot decide to buff kassadin again with much stronger kit. Same happen to Olaf. Now riot stop nerfing champion insted they always buffing, revamping, reworking champions now like this recent mage reworks. Result? All are happy and excited.

Well we cant really compare this game to those game since playsytle are diff. Those game needs brain + expirience and this game needs salty people that have a crab mentality that drags everybody down to the bottom of the mud.

PS. Hunter/Scout and Thaum/Chrono are my archers and wiz build. So if IMC nerf that skill. It doesnt affect me. My concern is how many people will quit if they do that.

Haha true. His logic are out of this world. I decide to ignore him since that kind of person dont accept mistake and just result to a keyboard war.

Plus he use the word statically without actual statistic to be look smarter. XD

Did this dude just say nerf heal because people are using it?
What in the flying ■■■■.

No I’m not saying that, don’t pick my words out of context. Someone said that swordman must be support, I said swordman has no support skills, you said that swordman has some support skills, I said that you are wrong

The nerf of quick cast has nothing to do with picking swordman (besides the fact that DPS wizard is 10 times better than DPS swordman)

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Base Camps are entirely support.

how many basecamp that you have seen in your entire playing hours?

Two dozen or so?
There are squires posting up every flipping where.
What does that even matter. The Squire is a support line in the swordsman tree, it has base camps, how many of them you see is fairly irrelevant to what they are, isn’t it?

How many other support skills have you seen lol. Basecamp is useless

Squire is no more a support than an alchemist

I’m not saying swordsman is meant to be a support role but they do have it nonetheless.

Swashbuckling - I don’t feel I need to explain this skill to anyone
Base Camp - Food buffs that reduced tick time of hp and sp regen
Jolly Roger - Chances at free money and an attribute to nullify damage taken in the Jolly Roger
Gae Bulg - Reduces physical def of target. Has attribute that buffs magic and physical defense
Warcry - Aoe Physical Defense debuff
Iron Hook- Crowd control even has an attribute that causes it to hit CC more targets
Arrest - Similar to Iron hook

Its true, base camp can’t even be set up in pseudo “dungeon” maps like demon prison or roxona right? This was the case in icbt2 and it really caught me off guard (pun intended).

reason to get a squire ?

up to rank 7 then offline shop all the way :smile_cat: