Tree of Savior Forum

Time to nerf quickcast and Magic arrow

Kk let’s make replies to one sentence in someone post.

…did you even read my entire post? Or the person I was replying to and the relevance of all of that. Or do you choose to read only what you want?

Yay let’s all get mad at each other for incorrect quotations.

Because you’re so mad I’m suddenly too lazy to fix it.

What the ■■■■ did you just ■■■■■■■ say about me, you little Kepa? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in Tree of Savior, and I’ve been involved in numerous guild battles on Kaipeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills against Cryokinos. I am trained in all classes and I’m the top Musketeer on the entire Klaipeda Server. You are nothing to me but just another target for me to snipe. I will wipe you the ■■■■ out with precision the likes of which no Savior has ever seen, mark my ■■■■■■■ words. You think you can get away with saying that ■■■■ to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of forum trolls and weebs your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the frost cloud, you little leafbug. The frost cloud that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re ■■■■■■■ dead, kid. I can be on any server any channel anytime. I can kill you with 14 different characters even without gear. Not only am I extensively trained in playing with broken gear, but I have access to full lolopanther gear fully gemmed and upgraded. And I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of this game, you little ■■■■. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, I will ■■■■ white boater hats all over you and you will drown in it. You’re ■■■■■■■ dead, kiddo.


Next topic > Wagushi> solo-ing world bosses

Most rank 7 can solo world boss anyway.

Frost Cloud needs nerf, not Quickcast, change the topic title.

Though you could nerf Quickcast and make everyone who is not Ele 3 but is a Wiz 3 quit.

Quickcast nerf would have to be to around 30~40% at least, but even without the attribute Ele 3 would still be the most OP class for ET.


The nerf won’t be THAT big.

Also, given how many people already whine about the ‘slow’ speed of changes, you want them to take it slower by taking the path that require more effort?

Maybe, but then eventually everyone demands buff and you run into powercreep problem.

If they built the system this way to follows specific power curve, then it’s better to nerf/buff classes to fit the curve rather than changing the curve to ‘satisfies’ people.

And this would be one step towards that ‘balance across the board’

How do you expect to have actual balance across the board if you let one class keep the very reason it’s out of balance?

Balance aren’t achieved from some kind of grand balancing patch (if anything those usually cause the imbalances), it’s the minute changes that slowly shift things into balance.

Next thing I will see is “Nerf Snipe” or "Nerf Frost Cloud"
Think about it, no matter how much you nerf a class, you can’t balance all of the classes. If you make all the class equal, whats the point of choosing a class.

Pyro, Kino, Elem, FF and Warlock are all good and thats the only DPS class on wizard tree to choose. Others are label as utility and support.
Flechers magic arrow are OP on boss? Yes they are. Are they good for multiple mobs? No + all skills of fletcher needs arrow.

What really bothers me are the CON build wizard. They deal good damage + have high HP. INT stat really weak and only few class benifits from INT. They need to force the wizard to take INT to deal high damage instead of CON. Like forcing the Archer and Swordsman to take DEX to crit.


My necromancer is on the corner crying with fear. If they nerf QC -> Cannon what’s left for me? 5k HP skeletons?

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Buff magic arrow.

Why would you nerf it? An attempt to convince players that the devs care about good gameplay and balance? What a farce.

What A Farce.

Buff magic arrow and buff mages, that is a better fix, since it might convince players of any other class to finally do the right thing.

Which is to quit and play a game made by a company that cares about good gameplay.


I’m not against them partially nerfing either QC or FC! That said…

Using your good example, what if said items have different weight? What if moving the one you intend to causes the rest to move around in ways you failed to anticipate? Sorry if that overcomplicates things. I just feel its dangerous to oversimplify balancing issues because thats precisely how IMC has approached balance patches in the past.

Sometimes I feel like the executive choices IMC makes doesn’t match up to gameplay from a player’s perspective. Is that not a fair assessment? They hand out morpine for paper cuts and hand you a band aid for your missing leg. The guy with a minor infection is nearly dead. Look, hes over there in the corner hugging his skeleton minions!

They do need to take balancing quality more seriously. Not because they haven’t done enough good patches, but because they’ve done more than enough bad ones.

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who cares about necros


It really has become an mage epeen fest. I mean groups are begging to stoke a mages sack to get them in there teams, while the cleric debates if a swordman will just slow them down. Just balance the game already.

D: But… if we can give IMC money, will their greediness speak louder? e.e

clerics are just wannabe mages

Frost Cloud does less damage then the level 15 Flame Ground and FC has a 5s longer cooldown.
It just does its damage potential in 10 seconds instead of FG’s 30s.

But as it is, QC already caused Wiz tree to be in position that most likely is not intended.

This affect their future classes too.

If they don’t touch QC, then either Wiz 3 will reign supreme by virtue of permanent +50% damage, or future Wiz classes will have to be underpower in balance of QC (which in turn compels more people to take Wiz 3 to avoid being an underpower character, making the problem worse instead)

And we can see ideas of how to deal with QC in other classes’ buff/debuff.
It can be situational (Pyro’s Hell Breath, all the +Strike/Slash/Pierce effects)
It can be partially up (Steady Shot, Warcry/Frenzy)
Make it scales from stat instead of naturally with level (say +m.atk x% of INT)
Make it a flat amount (personally I think this is too much, but including it for ideas)
Give it actual down side (as some others have said, make you take increase damage with the buff up, i.e. Deed of Valor on Doppel)

Personally I prefers the down side idea, because since it’ll affect the attribute and not the main skill, anyone who take Wiz 3 will still have the option of toggling it on/off. (As seen with Shinobi, massive damage potential that’s ‘balanced’ out by super fragility is ok)

Good luck finding world boss alone

Frost cloud has its weakness, it might need some tweak (like shorter cool down + shorter duration) but not really a nerf

Sure you can’t, look at Dota, 10 years and still balancing. But they need to nerf what is too strong and buff what is too weak, in an endless cycle. There’s no way you can make all classes equal and then leave them at that.

They already have a patch that triple skeletons stat. Why do you think that they won’t buff your class? Also, don’t rely on one trick pony zz

Like I said. Buff and not Nerf, nerfing a single circle or core skill of a specific class make the whole synergy of picking that class unreasonable. Revamping the skill are much more reasonable than nerfing.