Tree of Savior Forum

Time to nerf quickcast and Magic arrow


Yes, but why are you talking about Magic Arrow? There’s SOOOO many more skills that makes Magic Arrow useless. Reversi.

LMAO… that T guy sure knows how to troll or just being… STUPID? :joy:


Do you even know what Reversi is?

i totally agree. just becos major amount of players are still low/mid lvl,
nerfing these classes not only affect the late game classes,
they are causing the high lvl players to feel agitated after playing for so long yet the build is being disrupted.

Please check scout flare shot. Same radius, same mechanic, 4 times the cooldown.

Lmao this thread is killing meeeee. Fletcher3 are hands down the strongest world boss class. This game is flooded with them and wiz3ele3warlocks. Yes they both need to be nerfed/adjusted. And the only time a warrior can secure a cube is if they are there first and other DPS comes late, my guildy can confirm and he’s a 280 shinobi too. And tbh, I wouldn’t use orsha as a reference as a meta considering it’s a dead server, anything is possible over there :joy:

Something will always be the new strongest when you nerf the top class, just like the old swordsman and linker.

It’s better to create more choices by buffing more class than nerfing the top class such that the player will need to reroll.

If there’s a row of items, and one of them is in different position than others, do you think it’s easier to move that one in line or move others to make the whole thing follow that one?

As for “but then nobody can do ET” argument, you know it’s also possible for them to nerf ET?

Effort wise, yes.

Player’s satisfactory wise, no.

You are essentially griefing the meta class player by nerfing them into sht tier class, and then the non meta class players will find a new class to complain on. No one will be happy.

By buffing certain class to raise it to meta level, you made player of those class happy, the player of current meta class will just felt threatened, while the non meta class players will still complain that ‘muh snowflake build is useless, please nerf every meta class’.

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Actually you’re the one talking out of your ass. The only group to clear level 20 of ET had a Schwarzer Reiter in their team composition. Quarrel Shooter has spell called Deploy Pavise that is actually quite handy for ET. During the floors where DPS actually matters Falconer provides great support by using circling. Plenty of archers get invited to ET.

On topic

Magic arrow is op I’ll agree it needs a bit of a nerf. But I think some of you are looking at this from a very narrow minded point of view. A major factor for WB is you can manage to get your damages out there while dealing with the extreme frame rate drop and lagfest that is WB. Fletcher can just cast magic arrow every 3 seconds and keep up nice damage.

You notice fletchers are at the top of WB killers but don’t even look at who the Fletchers are partying with. Without that extremely gimicky full Dex linker, Fletcher wouldn’t be top WB DPS. If you nerf magic arrow then full Dex linker friend finds new full Str friends and then cry for nerfs friend has a new dps to scream NERFS at.


Just close this topic already. Nuff said.

you have to forgive tenku

he is on orsha

the server is so dead he doesn’t know what a fletcher is LOOL

(and he is a fletcher main,thats pretty bad)

clearly the entire forum is wrong

it was when you said this that i left and let the forum eat you alive for being so stupid

srsly i will take a picture of this and hang it on my wall its so out of place

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LMAO for this one :joy:

We don’t need the easiest fixes though…we need them to treat balancing more seriously across the board.

Ladies and gentelmen, no naming and shaming of skills.
Lets make it fair system, my proposal is clear and fair.

NERF any skill that is in top 3 used skill for each class (swordman/wizard/archer/cleric) each week. BUFF any skill that is in top 3 most underused skills for each class.

Goal: even distribution of skill alocation = balance of classes.

We dont name any skill, let the statistic make work for us. If you are fair player, you will not be scared of nerfs at all. If you are not, then you will cry. Because only bad people are scared of possible punishment.

What… the pain of buying Sacrament and Blessing from Pardoners and easy question to R4 class?

Doesn’t sound very painful to me, especially considering the fact that Wiz C3 Quickcast Attribute will always be useful.

This system is flaud as hell.
If we nerf the most used skills each week then the game would slowly become a nightmare. The most used cleric skill universally is heal. I’m sure they do exist but I’ve yet to meet a cleric who doesn’t use heal. So heal gets nerfed for several weeks. Finally people are forced to roll new clerics to try out alternative healing builds but then mass heal and other spells get nerfed. Regardless cleric is the healing class and whatever the best healing option is will be the most used spell for them. So no matter what happens heals will always get nerfed and eventually balanced to where there isn’t much of a difference between

Following statistics of the top 3 and bottom 3 and nerfing/buffing accordingly is lazy balancing system. The top 3 skills won’t even be the skills that need nerfing mainly cause a large majority of players want to play dps.

Here’s an example we can see a trend right now that people are making fletchers for worldbosses. But fletcher isn’t exactly the best worldbosser on its own. It requires that full dex c3 linker to make that damage lovely. So a week later Magic Arrow gets nerfed. Did this solve the problem? I wouldn’t say so cause it nerfed a dps that relied on another class to make its op shenanigans happen in the first place. And Umbilical Cord the spell that makes the Fletcher worldboss monopoly problem a thing won’t get nerfed cause it won’t be in the top 3. Why? Cause the majority will always play damage. Its common knowledge that more people play dps roles than support roles such as tanking and healing.

TLDR this is an mmo not league of legends. Balance isn’t as simple as nerfing/buffing based statistics that don’t even take role, class/skill interaction or gameplay type(pvp, wb, item farming, general grind etc)

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Flare Shot is also attainable in much earlier Circle, which why it SHOULD be less effective. If it was as powerful as MA with a lower cooldown, we’d all go Scout and stop there. Flare Shot isn’t intended to be part of the “end game” (current level cap) skill rotation.

Kk let’s nerf Cleric’s Heal to the ground. No more heals for anybody.

…did you even think before posting that?