Tree of Savior Forum

Time to nerf quickcast and Magic arrow

Seeing is believing I guess then

Pay attention to the damage when it jump from 45x to 6xx when the golem is frozen.

Let see how simple can I put this, swordman is a 7/10, wizard is a 15/10, how about that?


wat? killing the game?
the only skill that actually worth getting in the wiz 3 =_= and you want it gone…

your probably gonna say
NERF PRIEST blessing scaling SPR =3=
if they implement it… because oh boy such damage such bonuses…

Add Cyro + kino PP Shot and your gonna cry in pvp… when they do it here…

the skill is fine as it is…
if you dont wanna take wiz 3 then fine…
take cyro 3 or pyro 3(Might get buffs) so your free for linker or sorc that doesnt use cast time… like ELE does…

I hope you know nerfing classes do not make for an enjoyable experience. Dragging people down to other’s level is about as groansome when they never needed it in the first place. There are some classes that do need more attention than others, but some skills honestly need a straight overhaul. There’s way too many classes that don’t get a gradual boost and are more defined in route rather than potential. (You’d rather pick Barb because it’s a R3 class instead of Highlander which is an R2 class, even if Highlander has much more damage potential than Barb’s own, even though they’re both 2H classes.)

The meta will shift again when R8 comes out simply because not only will there be another slot but more classes will come out as well. It shifted when it was only R6 to R7, and the same thing will happen. I honestly expect to see full supports more since Wizards are actually pointing more in the direction of hard supporter. Honestly, what IMC needs to do is up the power level of some branches: Nerfing is not an option considering “endgame” is more combination and preparation rather than going the obvious route.

Not to mention that guy missed more meta builds such as Cleric2 > Diev3 > Druid > PD, A2 > R3 > SR2, and even Squire Pelts or 2H Doppels. ._.


if they dont nerf quickcast they will have to balance ALL classes and wizards around it, its stupid and should get toned down.

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I’d honestly rather if alternatives also had power boosts. Pyro sort of has this in a really weak way (Walking through Firewall and Enchant Fire), but instead if Enchant Fire straight boosted fire damage by a % with Hell Breath’s Fire Vulnerability debuff would seriously make Pyro’s just as much a contender as Wiz3, but only for builds that involve Fire: Which don’t seem to really exist yet.

However, and I agree, the quicker and less complicated way would be to nerf it. But picture this: Before Quickcast got it’s buff, Wizard3s even for Elementalist weren’t anything done or anything special. A few people went that route but it was arguous despite the okay-ish AoE damage. At best, they could pump out okay AoE damage that hit fairly hard but nothing to write home about. People instead were all OVER Linker, being quite broken in iCBT2 and becoming a quick crutch to any build: As long as you had Linker1, you were useful. It’s the same effect that Pelt has right now, and Pyro Linkers were extremely popular because they tore everything up.

The point is, people fled to Wiz3-Ele3 because Pyro Linkers aren’t as broken as they were and actually have a timer to fall off. Unlike that though, Elememes don’t particularly have a timer to fall off since their AoE damage has been vastly pumped up. I imagine if Quickcast was nerfed to anything under 30%, that you’d recieve such a heavy lashing from any Min-Maxer who cries at night since they can’t be as ‘broken’ as they were.

tl;dr: There’s more ways to balance things than nerfing/killing the problem, usually because it creates more problems to begin with.

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I tested with my elementalist as well (via hail). You indeed do more damage to frozen enemies, it’s not restricted to cryomancers. Searching in the forums gave me some really old thread where it was speculated that freezing may lower both defense and magic defense. Or maybe, like you say, it’s just a straight 30% increase.
Guess they should really give more info about what those status effects actually do, mh.

hellbreath is worthless without wizard 2. It gets interrupted by a single random hit and if you pick wizard 2, you will also pick wizard 3. Not to mention quickcast makes your hellbreath pretty much do 100% increase damage, thanks to faster cast > more ticks and increase matk. ALso pyro is “melee” range which can be problem.

wiz3/pyro 3/wl build is a thing in KR, its very good damage wise and it outscales ELE in pure damage over time. The problem is just that most current ET mobs are fire element and pyro only deals 50% to those and random fireball knockbacks are still a thing.

You can pick EVERY damage spec for wizard tree and pick wizard 3 with it, and it will be simply an upgrade. All damage specs with wizard 3 in it are viable and for the most part simply better than pick anything else and the trend will go on with more ranks, the later we get into r10 stuff the MORE viable quickcaster will become because of scaling % and the harder you have to balance EVERY damage dealer around it.

No one would complain if they would put the strongest buff in the game into a contested circle, but they didnt, they put in the 3rd rank of game where there is little reason to pick anything else, IF YOU DONT GO support.

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You said it much better than I do :thumbsup:

The problem will only deepen once another rank of wizard DPS get released.

rip quickcast


And that’s fine. Builds should have weaknesses. Throwing Pyro into a Fire-Resistant dungeon should do that. Its a mechanic and an ideal that should apply to most Wizard branches, like how Featherfoots can’t make some monster types Bleed out.

But why not buff others to where certain combinations can be just as strong if not stronger than going Wiz3 into whatever? The thing I see with it is that you get a jack-of-all-trades DPS boost, which is alright; If it weren’t actually the best thing to do currently. Specialized builds should be a thing where they destroy one thing but do rather mediocre in another. And if you wanted to go inbetween; you’d be decent to just okay in most if not all areas.

It’s easier to nerf and forget, but to actually fix the problem that exists requires either a combination or just honestly flat out fixing other things to make it insignificant.

ele/wiz has no such weakness in ET.
ele/kino has no such weakness in ET.

Its a pyro thing only and many ppl already complained about it. Infact its very bad to say that such weaknesses should exist in the first place, otherwise each build should be some sort of weakness over the course of earth tower, but ONLY ONLY pyromancer have the issue. Pyro weakness is already RNG fireball kicking and beeing melee range+ fairly long cooldowns+ sucks vs flying. A class weakness should be IN THE CLASS itself.

Its like old wow raiding where fire mages didnt deal damage vs fire elementals in raids. Such “fair” weakness… nope:D

Ok, so. You want quickcast to stay and rather buff ALL OTHER class/damage combinations to the same level… yeah, makes sense balance wise. Rather adjust 10+ circles and somehow implement synergy between them all…than to rather nerf one op abillity… currenlty the only real synergy between wizard dps circle is indeed wizard2/wizard3, because it gives pure dps all it needs, surespell and quickcast. Both skills are cruical for every DPS. Surespell is amazing for pyro/kino, if you dont want to get your spells interrupted by any random hit. Its mandatory for almost all dps, especially in solo play.

There are only 2 kinds of builds. DPS or SUPPORT. Full dps or full support. No one wants a hybrid, because he lacks in both. With limited group slots you will always want a full build, this is why there is a meta. The meta doesnt have room for a pyromancer / thau build or a cyro / linker or a pyro/cyro or whatever else of ■■■■ combination someone can come up with. These builds all work fine in solo / friend play, but are not fit for “et endgame”, where everyone wants to play at.

The way ET is designed is simply that it leaves no room for such playstyle. That is imo sad and a another huge design flaw of IMC, giving players the option to pick a dozen+ combinations but design the only endgame pve for a FEW very specific builds.

You dont have to nerf quickcast into oblivion, cut it in half and it will still be extremly strong for a 100% uptime buff, but make future balancing much easier.

I cant believe that ppl think a 50% DAMAGE increase, not even including + cast speed, with a 100% uptime is fine and balanced skill. Have you never played ANY OTHER GAME at all?

YET <<<< HAS NO WEAKNESS YET. As soon as ET gets flying mobs w3 ele3 will become useless and people will start bitching like this: “hur dur have you played other games? Which games your initial class boost your damage vs a kind of monster by 100%? 100% uptime because thats a passive? Op. My swordsman is nowhere close to that”.

sure if ET gets flying mobs with 20-40, you will still have r 7/8 wizard for dealing DPS to those.

To mention we are talking about wizard quickcast, go play WIZARD3/XXX then. Just because ET might get flying mobs doesn’t chance the logic that quickcast is OP.

Your brain is strong.

Also bow passive = BOW.

lol why don’t you read previous comments ?

buff weak stuff to be equal as OP stuff -> game broken
it’s the worse when every class deal tons of dmg, nothing solve -> make the game which is boring more boring

buff weak stuff up to decent, viable -> meta still the same OP classes still rules, nothing change

so the best choice is bring OP stuff down to equal the others so they have to think about other class to build different paths

The problem is: “the others” are not even viable. Not even close to viable btw. So nerfing things to this degree -> broken game, everyone is useless.
IMC should focus on buffing swordsmen and monks… man, melees in general need some love. Make them viable and bring wizards to an equal situation.
I’ll tell you my situation, i’m necro 2 but i’m a Monk fanboy, i’d like to see monks shining, or at least viable, but people dont even care about them, people just want to make Wizards weaker.

lol broken game, when you have 10 things, 9 of them in line, 1 out of line, let move 9 instead of 1, sure, that’s a good logic.

The others are not picked because you only want to play the OP class, not because they are not viable.

Some people don’t even know that your freeze skills give you 30% extra damage to mob, and he play ele :joy: that’s what OP class give you, face rolling and don’t even know your class

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If you really like monk then you will play it, but NO you choose other class instead because you see them as weak, useless

when everyone told me rogue c3 is bull crap i still have my courage and love for rogue to make a main rogue c3 (lv 265 atm)

the problem is your point, logic is pretty fail that you treat meta, Op class as useful and other are useless so you don’t even bother to try the class that you like and up to a stronger one

Monk is NOT viable, i dont want them op, i want him VIABLE. Ofc i’ll not pick the useless stuff. Thats dumb.

not viable because you treat them as useless my friend
you don’t have your courage and love enough for monk

and still told people you like monk, oh well
coward detected

not everything is a class balance problem. Infact it would be much easier and quicker to simply nerf ET mobs, these mobs are just huge hp spoonges. Cut their hp by 50% and damage by 25% and you will see much more classes in ET.

Once done you can just nerf quickcast.

I dont want to “nerf” wizards, i want to nerf quickcast because it is a retarded ablity and will proof a nightmare to balance around in the future.

Melees and monks are just not viable because they lack multi hit abilities like frost cloud, retreat shot or magic arrow, etc pp… Energy blast CD is simply too long, reduce that ■■■■ cd and implement / fix some decent c3 aoe and monks are fine.

In theory they could easily fix most swordman problems by changing their abilites into multi hits and thy are atleast viable.

barb cleave? Make it 5 hit like barrage. or give in an aoe dot. IMC created a balance situation where single hit abilities are sadly bad, especially when linked with a fairly long cooldown.

The are only 3 ways to reverse that situation:

  • let those single hits scale to absurd levels (making them hit for like 70k, which will kill pvp)
  • give every DPS multi hit skills… and try to balance the circles around that
  • adjust your monsters
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