Tree of Savior Forum

Thoughts on Radical Shift (1/10th Previous Prices) on Market [7+ Years of being an ACTIVE RO Player]

You DO realize that the head of this company is the main person who LEFT Gravity (creator of RO), right? I’m sure you could tell him more on the circumstance of the company and why he left, oh wise master…

Of course, it’s pretty common knowledge. He wasn’t the only person to leave though and that doesn’t change the truth behind what I said in the slightest and I’m not sure why you think it would. I’m sure if the head developer was here, he would confirm what I said about RO being a shadow of what it was meant to be.

@belkner_p It isn’t so much an inconvenience as it is completely non-sensible. There are early items that sell for 500 silver, and lvl 75+ items that are 1500~2000 by comparison in the same category despite expenses being over 200x higher at that point. It’s evident that the costs were based around the original sell prices of equipment.

You also seem to lack any sort of understanding about ToS in terms to the role things like attribute play. Many builds will only be able to get 1 tier of a class, but likely still use the skills from it for a long period of time. To keep the damage from said skills relevant to the higher level of gameplay one is faced with, they require attribute investment. Also, you have new skills you want to increase the attributes of as well as your more potent skills. You will only be dampening your experiences if you focus on one or the other, but in reality, with these new changes, focusing on even just one may not be enough to bring attributes to reasonable levels when they are most likely to make a propper impact.

This is just attributes though. Basic upkeep, gear upgrading, and god forbid, buying something from the marketplace also are all very expensive. Then later there are pets. You simply can’t engage in many of the features in the game when they are ideal to be engaged in with such low silver generation brought about from the sell price changes we are seeing. If the server was like this from the start, you would have many high level players mostly using quest stuff and having not been able to make use or explore many of the games methods to enchancing your character.

As for your “experience” with other mmos, a mmo can easily be unique with its ways of having players spend silver. You can’t just assume what works for some mmo in the past will even be remotely effective here as Tree of Savior is its own game. Not to mention, I’m sure many of us have been playing mmos for a large number of years; I myself have been playing mmos for a good 11 or so years now. It’s not much to weigh on in a discussion.

And again, with how ToS is set up, in the enviornment I’ve informed you of, and as many people in this thread have agreed on, it would certainly encourage botting and RMT with silver and such. I’d say not everyone is hardcore and that you need to account for a multitude of player types, but it isn’t even an issue of that. It simply wouldn’t flow well with how they have things setup at all, hardcore player or not.


You’re still trying to tell me I don’t know what expenses they are in this game.
I know about them, I’m playing the game.
I’m buying consumables, I’m repairing my gear, I’m buying attributes (those I can afford) and at the end of the day I’m still ahead in silver, by just leveling.
What’s the point of all these “service”/merchant classes if you can just grind yourself silly and still be able to afford anything you want?
The blacksmith takes too much (at the moment) for repairing your gear? Find a squire who will do it for 1/4 of the price. You’re happy and the squire got paid for sticking with that class.
Not to mention when Pardoners, Alchemists and the like join the market.

Being self sufficient while ignoring the Market (AH), other people’s businesses, earning enough money just by leveling up is not the way to go in a Massive Multiplayer game.

See how garrisons ruined WoW’s economy and player interactions, by making everyone pretty much self sufficient - it went into the opposite spectrum of what IMC did.
Before you judge them how about we let it run for some time or at least until the end of the beta and see if it’s as terrible as you predict.
My money is on no.

I suspect that you aren’t making much use of the features you claim you’re using, nor did you address even half of what I said which leaves me little to reply to. And no, I will not agree with you on ruining the beta by causing players to not be able to generate any funds in mid levels and up (which will leave them unable to properly test those aspects of the game).

You seem to want a game where no one can make use of features in any significant way for the majority of their play, where there is a constant lack of funds for anything other than a crawl of progress. Pretty much no one will enjoy that, and that will mean a huge portion of players will buy silver with RMT, bot, or jump at any exploit they find. It goes beyond just inconvienance and actually inhibits full exploration of the game and its features.

Not to mention, with a high influx of items with barely any value in selling to npc, the market will become overflooded with such items and they will become meaningless in the game. RO was also infamous for having a large slew of items that served no purpose in any way shape or form. Yet another thing to avoid.

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I suspect that you aren’t making much use of the features you claim you’re using, nor did you address even half of what I said which leaves me little to apply to

Nice strawman. I guess I’m lying just to support my point.
If you’re so immature then there’s no point in responding to your posts at all and this thread is one giant whine because “muh economy is bad now”.

Yeah, no.
Git gud.

@belkner_p: I’m staying out of this exchange for the most part, but I do have one question: If one is not supposed to have enough money to afford everything they need, then why should the game be designed in a way to encourage or necessitate having everything?

I’ll leave pets out of this because quite frankly pets are only important to the classes who get them for free, but for the other sinks I am unsure on why it is necessary to force players to have all of these other things to perform optimally and then fail to give them the means to have them.

Just discussing from a game design standpoint, that’s all.

You made a claim and I am questioning it, acting like a child in response by saying things like “git gud” and such further hurts your claim. As to whether you’re lying or not, I don’t know; I more so thought you were probably putting very little into the things you said by how much is actually optimal and that you are the type of player to not mind it.

It doesn’t change the fact though that it’s still an option to invest silver into that you are simply opting out of. Which is fine. It’s okay to sacerfice attribute damage to hold onto silver. It doesn’t change that you have a huge silver sink to get significant damage returns from at any point you whim. That is true for every single player as well. I imagine this is also true for your gear and your upgrade levels of it. That you are opting out of getting new gear often and of upgrading things consistently and proportionately to your income. Which again, that is your personal choice, which it’s great to have choices. It again doesn’t change that it’s another huge silver sink a player can opt in to use rather than just holding onto silver.

Large ammounts of silver being held by players isn’t an issue as long as there are sinks in place to instantly use up all that silver for increased stats and such if fully utilized. Which there are. Those sinks grow as you grow and will always be there until you eventually get to max level and max out all your attributes and have the best gear at +10 or higher. Which there should be seperate sinks via end game content for such players that shouldn’t have an influence on everyone else and their journeys through the game.


Who cares? Its beta, Let them test stuff…

My opinion here:
In my experience I have barely gotten enough gold to sustain the my characters that using pots each 5 min or so, buying market items, attributes, repairs, enhances, etc. My experience with this goes up to level 70, so low and mid. If I wanted to actually increase my capital, I would have to pretty much stop enhancing, buying attributes and finding a good grinding spot. Even then it’s slow.

I agree with most of @valkyrie_regalia’s arguments; I worry about botting and notice that the game seems to be designed with the expectation of buying things at a constant rate. Still, its good to keep in mind that economy is a balancing act and making prices too high, will also be detrimental. If anything can be bought easily, money loses its value. Therefore, anything that depends on money loses value too (squires, alches, market selling, etc).

I think the happy medium lies a little above what it is right now. But I too as a developer would have done pretty much the same price change for testing purposes. To see what a change does, it’s usually helpful to go big with your change, to more clearly see its effects. I just hope they are able to see those effects and find a good balance. And they probably will, specially with the community giving this kind of feedback.

TL:DR: The selling prices are too low right now, might have been too high before. It’s good to see what low prices do on a beta.

Prices are fixed lol. :smile:

Not sure if they are back to original levels but they are definitely higher 1.36k -> 2.9k.