Tree of Savior Forum

Those who are complaining

To those who are complaining and whining all this time.
Saying “this company this and that…”, “i’m gonna quit…”, “why won’t they solve this…” or so.
If you want to experience a smooth game or something that is not buggie or without any problems.
It’s a closed beta and we are here to test the game and report any of the problems that we have encountered .
Fixing problem takes time. It’s not like there is a readily available solution.
So just wait patiently.
I am also having the similar problem like everyone else.
So be patient.

Thank you.

Note: If this doesn’t belong to this category. Feel free to move my post around.


Issues that happened like this is happens towards almost all games hosted by US (Eng. Version).
Lag, Heavy Traffic, Silent Dev Teams, Too long to fix a small problem, and at the end, another company takes over the game after a year of horrible service.

Say whatever you like about closed beta, in almost all games hosted in the US, if they can’t handle the Closed Beta, pub release will fail.

Go on, please have a look at all the hyped up games from Korea that was hosted in the US, much fail, such error, so wow, server close.

It is Day Two (2) of Closed Beta.
If you walked into this expecting it to be functioning 100% from day one, please with all sincerity uninstall and leave the community until Official Release.
Day One (1) was a stress test, and they are well aware of the log in issue as it is part of their “Known Bugs” Thread.
Be aware that fixing these issues takes time and it is not as if they can immediately shut down the server. They need to (A) Find out what is Causing it. (B) Code up a fix. © Update the server & push an update out to the players. Note: Sometimes what fixes an issue for one region or part of the world doesn’t fix it for another which means they have to repeat from step (A).

Now understand that making a game (Single Player or MMO) takes time and several BETA sessions for everything to smooth over. If you cannot handle the bugs, glitches, bad translations, or lag I will repeat my earlier sentiment: Please with all sincerity uninstall and leave the community until Official Release.

This isn’t coming from a fan boy but a BETA Tester of 8 years. Suck it up, report your bugs, and stop being toxic.

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IDK … but it would be nice if we can post any other error/bug except the one that’s been terrorizing us for almost 24hrs now. But that’s just me. shrugs

Off-topic : Makes me wonder how come others manage to even reach high levels when an error like this is currently happening …

idk. the game works fine for me, but I have only made it to lv 15. my friend just started having the error and can’t play now even though we were able to last night.

it’s a mystery…

I haven’t had many “Errors” I had one once when logging in and the game crashed. A couple quest text comes up with an error like “(&#^$Missing Quest_)&*3234876198253” or something like that and I’ve had pretty bad bouts of server lag and frame rate drops. You people need to chill out. It’s closed beta, have any of you played half of steam games in “early access” that you actually have to pay for, and have wayyyyy worse bugs. Some of those games have been out for months and the bugs are still game breaking. This is one reason why I hate when closed betas are treated like open beta, too many people don’t understand the concept of “testing” and expect a polished game, and when there are issues its “ZOMG! WHY IS THIS NOT FIXED! DEVS SUCK! GAME SUCKS! FAIL! FAIL! FAIL!” Save your whining for release when it actually matters. Devs are probably making a list of known bugs, and having meetings on how to fix them… This is a 30 day closed beta, don’t expect them to rush and work long hours to fix issues in a game that is atleast 6 months to a year away from official release… You are all here testing thanks to their good graces…

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oh, the guy who posted this

I don’t know if I should feel sorry for you man, It is called beta test for a reason,. It is one of the biggest bug they have encountered so far during the test and they already said that they are figuring out the source of the bug ASAP. And there are thousands of players already in game doing a better job than you testing the game.

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It’s cool to say when YOU CAN CONNECT and others CAN’T, /pif

Okay so you can’t connect. Some others can. Now what? Whine? Complain? I’m not going to stop you but don’t you think that you are letting yourselves get nowhere? Those who has never done coding in their life ever will never understand how hard it is to BETA test even a small game, and this is a huge MMORPG.

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Yup. It’s rather amusing to see the amount of people crying “instead of fixing error message you should’ve fixed the login!!!”

Because one definitely gets in the way of the other. And has the same level of complexity. Yup. Certainly. Not to mention how offended people got after the patch, considering the wording there signified pretty strongly what exactly will be fixed.

Then again, it appears the majority of QQers here are early teens or kids, can’t really expect all of them to act reasonable, can we?

Some of the venom from individuals who seem to think this whole thing is so they can play early is unbelievable. I bet the fools paid for keys.

You would have never seen this in the old days. I don’t know what to chalk it up to - is it geographic, racial, generational? Or has the whole world just collectively lost its patience and its sense?

That’s quite simple — games became popular and more accessible. Gaming is relatively cheaper now than it was before. Free to play games are especially cheap with nothing barring young kids and teens from entry. And those are still full of childish self-entitlement. They’re yet to learn to see a bigger picture and to properly assess their own actions.

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Oh come on,stupid people saying stupid things.
I played the first beta and it was not laggy as this. If they cant handle the crowd just make it back to the size of 5,000 players. The gaming experience was nice.

Tell me, what’s the point of having a closed beta if you cant even PLAY the game to TEST it?So you expect player to stand there for 15 min to test your game play since you claimed it was a CBT?come on,speak with sense.

Are you a Game developer? Do you have a background in networking?
Did you code a fix for the login bug? No? Well shut up, sit back and learn something.

The reason they don’t drop it down to 5000 players is because as part of iCBT2 they need to stress test servers, seeing as this is a popular game. (Being the Spiritual Successor to Ragnarok Online will do that.) Without a high player population how are they supposed to determine points of weakness in connections? Closed BETA Test is not about playing the game but finding fatal flaws that would be a hindrance if the game was live.

FYI Stress test IS A TEST. As the name even suggests… Unable to login issue is PART OF STRESS TEST. Whine more about unable to play, you just sound like a sore loser cause you are unable to login.

Who cares if I am a game developer or not?
TBH, i am not surprised with the level of your stupidity for posing such question.
Its just like asking someone:“Are you a mechanic?or Are you an IT graduate?” when a person is driving a car or using a computer.
As the end user, do you think we really care about the process of a product? or say, coding as a gamer?
Just because you want to win an argument (well,to prove you are right) so you decide to apply technical knowledge you may have learned elsewhere to provide a feedback to other’s disagreement?
Grow up,KID!
If you can’t accept criticism, perhaps forum is not a place for you to join a discussion. You should just hide under you mom’s dress and start playing barbie doll.

Oh, please don’t mind to reply because I won’t be checking back replies from a no brainer like you.You can keep living in your own world and become a pathetic keyboard warrior if you want because you are not going to be the last one though.

I pity your mom.

Keyboard warrior calling out on other keyboard warrior

Riddle me this riddle me that, now the jokes on me because I bought all three packs. A lag here a lag there aye aye commander another load fail we shall prepare. we are sorry for the inconvenience and the log in despair,complimentary xp boosts for you to mentally digest with glare. Enjoy our delete companion feature as it’s the latest hardcore trend in Korea.

The problem is that it was not advertised as beta. It was advertised as> early release. There’s a huge difference with most notably one is that most closed betas of MMORPGs include a wipe of all progress in game and it still got a lot of bugs as expected. Like I said, they called it early release just like what other companies did on Blade and Soul and many MMORPGs.