Tree of Savior Forum

This update made my character really weak

Most MMOs are not even multiplayer games anymore, all items get locked onto your character, quest chains replace partying and are more efficiently done alone, you get punished for partying outside your level range, boss monsters only drop items for the highest dps character, etc. Luckily ToS only has a few of these problems and is slowly improving now.


What’s the damage difference you’re seeing exactly? From briefly testing I’m seeing about 1000 bonus damage with and without a weapon equipped, which makes no sense if it’s a % modifier and not just a flat bonus. [quote=“Zefiris, post:38, topic:360006”]
Try playing most other MMOs. Most will soulbind an item immediately - no way for alts to use it.

Yeah, but most of them just continue to give you reasonable gear through quests and nearly guaranteed loot from dungeons/raids, and you only really have to grind out the absolute best in slot equipment which is definitely not 5x as strong as average equipment as is the case in ToS with transcendence and enhance and etc. I actually LIKE the obscene scaling you can get on gear in ToS, the problem is there’s really nothing in the game that requires that obscene gear scaling, even Earth Tower/Solmiki isn’t really about having obscene gear (obviously it helps a lot) so much as just the right strategy. So they can’t just balance regular content around the idea that everyone has obscene gear, average content needs to be balanced for average geared players. IMO they need to expand on the idea of hunting grounds and introduce much more difficult and dangerous areas for endgame parties who are already well geared.

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clear dun
-get credits
-get gear
-get loot

Sadpanda minigame>ToS
It has Burden&Interference on its equipments which makes the full plated spell casters(increased resource consumption)/lightning bruisers(reduced action speed) of ToS meta unreasonable, and that’s a turn based game.

Why cant there be more MMOs that takes a leaf out of some good tabletop mechanics.

Our new itemization focus still leaves STR and INT in the dumps, due to how BIG raw equipment atk stat makes the difference in damages.

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Ok. I’m really not sure now, sometimes I’m seeing identical damage and sometimes +1000 dmg with 1000 p-Atk (Also note to self, never go full CON again…75k HP is nice but at what cost…)

In exchange the items often aren’t that hard to get or in the case of FFXIV you can do all classes on one character anyways.

All these different playstyles and TOS tries to make them logistical nightmares to pursue.

I reset my Peltasta2-Squire3 to Highlander 3-Squire3-Shinobi and i have to say that considering that im using a +10 Gale Slasher with no transcendence my damge is huge on the 290dg boss (Lavenzard), Clones + Moulinet + Debuffs(Crown/Skull Swing) and the boss’s hp got down 1/3 in one blow. Moulinet has this attribute that grants crit rate which makes alot of synergy with crit attack builds. Currently 4k rounded critical attack, also full dex on stats.

Currently tested full CON on my Doppel, 100k HP using a Sarkmis (-72 CON), build is pretty cheap, you get low damage with this system, you simply won’t die by mobs. 135k HP with Squire foods + Aukuras lvl 5 scroll, permanent hp recovery (1,000+) cheap build to solo clean 290dg if you wanna try and add some feedback.


Here’s something if you are interested in “building up a support tavern”. If you have the following classes:

  • r7 swordsman - make him a squire for lv10 food buffs
  • r5 cleric - make him a krivis-pardoner for lv3 aukuras scrolls

Why? Lv10 food buffs reduce hp regen by 10 sec while lv3 aukuras reduces it further by 9 sec for 1 sec hp regen (can’t go down to 0 so no need lv5 aukuras). Now because scrolls cost (700 x scroll lv) silver you can opt to use a lv1 aukuras scroll by getting [divine might] before you build the squire’s [base camp] and [refreshment table]. Lv11 food buffs reduce hp regen by 11 sec so you would only need lv1 aukuras for the remaining 8 sec.

This is gonna be as weak or as strong as you want it to be. You can’t rely on this and have really low hp recover. The following accessories give hp recovery


  • 10,000 camp
  • ~2,500 food (I’ll try to get the actual numbers later when I go farm HG’s)
  • 2100 lv3 scroll (or 700 lv1 scroll)
  • 400 ~ 500 alchemist pot
  • 720 npc pot

Here’s demo showcasing a krivis doing the combo by himself and in a party setting. These are videos from last year but I tried it out again and it still works the same.

There’s almost no reason to rush that boss at all anymore since it’s silver has been nerfed greatly. The whole point of 290 is to farm the mobs and I doubt your Squire can farm it at all.

A full CON Sarkmis +15 is expensive build. No one will be able to get to that. You must have full Solmiki to boot. “Cheap” doesn’t apply to you.

I am seeing a lot of end-game geared people coming into the defense of the game and a lot of people not in end game gear saying they cannot do content normally.

Basically this patch just increased the already huge gab between normal players and whales that much bigger.


are you still using cafrisun set?

Yes the 290 boss silver drop got nerfed to 70k, BUT, the silver dropped by mobs got increased to 200k, which makes it better than 170dg. So a full clear of 290 dungeon gives 270k silver per run. Even though not every class can clear 290 dungeon after patch but it’s definitely better to clear it full. Drop rate seems to be the same as before.

I hope you noticed the decrease of the upgrading cost of the 315 Orange weapons. I mean, i wasted all my Sarkmis potential before patch and i’m telling you upgrading my Sarkmis from +10 to +11 before patch used to cost 5,1M silver. After patch it costs 150k?? On Klaipeda server i have already seen +16 and +18 weapons in the first day of patch, the only trouble i find is getting Golden anvils to upgrade. You need to compare the “BEFORE” and “AFTER” when doing these upgrading cost comparisons, after patch upgrading is definitely cheap therefore the gap between players is much smaller.


Full CON+Squire food + Kabbalist2’s Ein Sof lvl 10:

Whether it’s better to tank and dps Solmiki 40F or mix CON/DEX it’s something i will have to test.

not only 315 orange but all equipments got their upgrade cost cut by a huge amount.

I was a dual wielder before pygry/mana so i needed a new weapon to test two hand sword builds, bought a magi two hand sword and upgraded it to +10 fairly easy., failed twice but the cost was probably less than 500k, unexpectedly it does the job quite well

judging people who complained about getting weaker post patch makes it seem that they never bothered to read the patch notes and just jumped right off to playing, now clueless of how to cope up with the update and just complain out of misery which is really stupid IMHO.

170 is still better than 290 in raw silver

Guess you are right, this is what i got on a single run:

fallen legwyn gimmick is still better than 170 in raw silver 236k*3channel every 4hour

This is so wrong. In most of these games, the gear takes as long to get as lolopanther gear does, sometimes much longer, and requires 9+ other people to even get.

ToS feels genuinely more lenient on that subject than even FFXIV does. Sure, there you could have every class on one character, but that’s not the point of an alt in the first place.

How much damage do you take from Solmiki mobs now?

The chance to get artilonium makes 290 vastly better.

I just went in solo to 25F, can tank all these mobs, including mages. Taking 1,2k Missiles and 1-2k melee attacks. If i transcend my Sarkmis to stage 10 i’m 90% sure i can solo 25F. But right now, i’m trying to get +21 and some lvl 8 gems before i trans, so that will take a while.
Here’s some picture i took while recording:

Edit : Edited screenshot. Also reset stats to 200 CON 80 STR/DEX.

Except they don’t have Trans and trans is still a years worth of runs done by the 240+ playerbase.

No, they have something worse - random drops in instances that you compete with other players over and only get one run in a week

Trans at least you can reliably work on, if you care. And TBH, I personally don’t expect to ever get past trans3 on any item, and past trans 1 only on weapon XP.