Tree of Savior Forum

This message from IMC worries me

I don’t get this:

We’ve come up with this initial access to prevent numerous Bot Accounts from the early stages of service and to provide a stable in-game environment to our users.

Does this mean they are admitting there will be lots of bots and they can’t do NOTHING to solve the problem?

Because that’s what I think when I read this, preventing numerous Bot Accounts “from the early stages”. But after the early stages?

This worries me a lot.


What they mean is that they want to stop the bots from the very beginning (early stages) rather than leaving it and it becoming a problem.

It is a sign that they are not going to let botting be a problem with ToS, something good.

There is no way to completely stop botting, even the largest tripple A titles have problem with bots. Of course it can vary in severity, but personally i wouldn’t worry too much about that specific message.

silly, those botters and scripters will come in june after early access tests.


I hope you’re right.

Unless they find a way to stop botters after they make the game free, the statement in itself sounds either disingenuous or just a temporary solution to botting.

After 3 months, bots will basically flood the server when the game goes free so…


Ok. I think ther’re ways to stop botting but I didn’t see any serious action for that.

Free player = bot.

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There are ways to reduce botting, not stop it. The game will use a game guard afaik, but that is not a very reliable protection.

This is another point about why the statement is stupid.

So, bot will be prevented for 3 months. Great.

What about in June when the game and new servers are released? Bots will be there with the new players, so obviously that statement is fault since it only effects the founders, and not “users” at stated in the statement.

(Users = everyone except staff members)

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It just means that people who play during the early access period are less likely to have bots. You don’t magically stop bots just by delaying the game’s release. By that logic the game should be in an eternal early access rofl.

Exactly my point.

I think they’re using bots as an excuse to justify a bait-and-switch. We all know, IMC games especially as they develop games, that Founder Packs, early access and such does not stop bots. It lowers them, perhaps, but it doesn’t stop them. Not to mention that with the plan IMC is trying to push forward, bots will just join in afterwards.

They’re just trying to sensationalize the idea that by paying $50.00 USD for what was once an Open Beta you are somehow going to play in an environment where bots aren’t a problem. It’s simply not true. Even FFXIV has bots and that game is B2P with a subscription behind it.


I have seen some mmo that uses captchas. Every X minutes it appears on your screen. If you don’t complete the captcha you get negative points. When you get 5, you are kicked.

That is one of the most intrusive things I’ve seen in games. It’s absolutely horrid. As I said, I’d hope more people who develop games would take examples from Guild Wars 2. They have bots, they farm, but they only once in a blue moon chat to anyone. It’s a much nicer environment, and that is from a good system of In-game to cash-bought currency and also the opposite.[quote=“Rubiss, post:13, topic:145578”]
They’re just trying to sensationalize the idea that by paying $50.00 USD…
This, entirely. False justification. It’d be a lot easier on the ears if they just didn’t mention bots at all, with everything the same in the post.

Now that you mention it I recall that too… there was a small pick a matching image thing on a game I played ages ago, though can’t recall the name.

Main issues is not just botters. Its those illegal websites selling in game currency that will dominate the economy selling in game gold. I guess they just do not want the economy to be destroyed by these people on the get-go during launch. It would make the game suck right at the beginning, not to mention long term survival.

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Indeed. Trying to make a justification with the bot problem was a VERY BAD decision. It really worries me because they are telling us they have no idea how to deal with the problem.

In the game I mentioned before, you don’t get captchas if you don’t “do” any action in the game.

Yea the game I was talking about is RPG MO. Still live.

@hiei_iceworld Yes I think most of the bots are managed by those companies.

I’ve seen games while you are actively doing things, a captcha pops up. There are always different degrees though.