Tree of Savior Forum

Shocked by all these bots

You are Foum-Sheriff? Then you should also know that it is IMCs job to moderate the forum and not yours.

In the wake of that you will hurt legit customers. There are more ppl optimizing their pings via WTFast etc than you might think.

IP-Bans would hit them aswell.

Of course IMC is free to do this and it wouldn’t be unprecedente to forbid IP altering measures via EULA

no I’m a bored alchemist who is suffering from the tincturing bug and who has to semi afk while crafting 3000 pots, which means
that I somehow have to kill the time

you are welcome

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i 100% sure that they are bots as i followed them for minutes, the two bots had the same moving pattern and actions.

i already reported ingame, and posting in the forum to let people know that bots evolved and can be made from players as well.

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Yah they probably already doing this. Guess what? People complain about bot not being banned immediately.

If you’re saying this ironically let me remind you of a few things:

  • there are 4 servers to take care of
  • there are tons of bots on each on different maps and channels probably generating a very long report list by players.
  • some may require a small bot-check, if they have time for this and not only go for the obvious ones
  • people don’t work 24/7 (also they work from a different time zone than where you live, probably)
  • GMs also have to take care of other players issues as well.

Oh look it’s another of those morons, for fk sake… it’s plainly obvious those are bots. Unless you are that ignorant recently there are tons of bots with names that are not gibberish. I’ve seen blood1 on tenet B1 and blood6 on the 2nd floor.
Why would you want to censor the name off when it’s purely evidence. Or do you prefer a video format, thanks to IMC we can easily press F12 to capture it.

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because you dont have the previlege to do so, is it that hard to understand?

You don’t speak of privelege when these are bots we are talking about, they are not players, these are programmes. You might as well ask IMC to remove the report bot button since, we have no privelege to judge as you said.
Stop saying crap trying to make yourself sound cool, we got to do what we have to do. And pushing IMC to deal with the bots when we can’t take it anymore is that thing.

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all you have to do is press the report button ingame

nothing else

what you do is self justice combined with naming and shaming… its not allowed

I also saw a bot couple mimic each other’s erratic movement, it was surreal.

Except he’s right…YOU don’t have access to the DB to be able to tell if these have been online for 50 hours straight or just 2 hours, of if they sell every item the pick up and have completed no quests.

Let IMC do what they been doing for the past week.

Remember that the next time you call the police, whom you call to make a final judgment on what you thought was a crime but weren’t sure about, or where utterly sure but knew it would be out of your power to pursue punishment doled out by yourself…

Dude, you seriously going with that? Maybe we should really just cut the hassle and take video footage if you morons actually need it to tell those are bots.

Hey guys dont fight with each other. You just need some anvil to prove bot, so bring it along

Mhm. I was being serious though. No offense taken. We’re on the same page here.

I do this. It’s very fun. Also make sure to bring some random worthless low lv equip along so the anvil fee isn’t that high.

They should introduce an anvil whose sole purpose is to check bots.

It would be fun if we can kill anyone who hit our anvil LOL that would be a fun chaos

Bot checker anvil. Stick it in the line of bots where there’s no mobs so noone else accidentally hits it. Summons the almighty capcha/minigame/whatever bot detection thing there is. Great plan. And if they use blessing before they hit it, even more evidence :smiley:

I stop playing because of bots, so 1 less legit player out there. I’ll play again when I see they are doing something serious about this. It’s all fine to manually ban bots from reports. But that’s a minimum band-aid. You ban 1, and 10 more appears.

I knew they didn’t have an idea how to deal with bots when I saw this message (I made a post about it): This message from IMC worries me
I was right to worry.