Tree of Savior Forum

Any plans to stop bots at all?

There’s not even an option to report a player for botting. Stuff like this can make or break a game. I know you have a lot on your plates atm - but botters are part of the gold spam problem that is plaguing our servers and causing lag.


Sadly, I don’t think there is a plan at all.
I can say this mostly because of this official message (I made a thread about it)

Really discouraging :pensive:

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That’s a shame. I for one won’t stick around if there is a massive bot problem. Wasted too much time on games like that in the past. I’m staying until F2P and if there hasnt been any movement to suppress botting i’m out.

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Maybe they want bots. Because bots buys Tokens for trade. I don’t know, I don’t want to think bad about IMC, but nothing can surprise me nowadays.

this is obviously crazy… but MAYBE if they tell everyone what the plan IS… the botters will just move to get around that before it’s even ready, and the plan becomes worthless.

not sitting you down to hold your hand and tell you that everything will be fine, dear, isn’t the same thing as doing nothing. having someone dedicated to posting about everything the developer is planning for the game is mostly reserved for big american companies that like to brag and drive the hype-train at full throttle.

While i don’t mind bots in general that much there is a big problem in TOS:

  1. The bots are killstealing relentlessly
  2. Because mobs take quite a long time to respawn it’s often nearly impossible to complete quests because of certain spots being overcrowded with bots who instantly kill everything that spawns. Changing channels doesn’t help since all channels are populated with bots.

In addition to that:
My god, that goldseller-spamming in chat almost made me quit the game 5 seconds after starting my first char, in no other game have i ever watched so many goldseller spams in the first few moments after starting a new gmae… chat is full of goldspammer messages and megaphone chat aswell, it’s terrible! Seeing that the megaphone chat at the top of the screen is 99.9% only goldseller-spam is really sad, the publisher should be ashamed of himself that they let this goldseller-spam happen.


Yes, but for the moment we can say, they don’t care.

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Player named Yasuragi botting at Delmore Outskirts, afk spamming auto attack

edit: is there a giant bot naming thread anywhere btw? sorry for replying here :frowning:

That is not a bot. And it isn’t against the ToS for ToS. Placing an object on your auto attack button is not the same as using a 3rd party program. These “bots” are a non issue. The thing that needs to be dealt with is the gold spammers. And they would be so incredibly incredibly easy to deal with. Literally the only thing they have to do is have ONE ACTIVE GM.

I know some game companies such as Gazillion where their dev team actually sit and play their game. Guess what? They run a free to play game with no gold spam in its global chats. If IMC wants to combat bots and spammers they don’t need all these stupid trade restrictions and other bullshit. They just need a single active GM on the server who can police chat.

You can’t be serious… or have you not played any other popular mmo? Gold sellers are a thing and they are NOT going anywhere. Some kind of measures can be taken, but they won’t go away. EVER. And it’s our fault (the player’s).

Yes, it sucks. But you need to accept this problem as it is and stop blaming developers (whichever developer) for “letting this happen”.

There is but 1 way to improve this gold seller / bots problem, but is a long-term solution. DO NOT buy silver from gold sellers. Every time you do, you support them for creating more accounts, setting up more bots and spamming more than their competition.
If they find no business here, they will spend their resources on others games instead. Gold sellers business work thanks to the people that buy from them. If players keep feeding them, they are not going to go away.

Devs can fight them with banns, tokens and such. This is an endless fight and it’s too soon to see any improvement against a business that is so much richer than our developer. And if we, the community, don’t do our part the problem is never going to improve.

How do you think those gold spammers make all that silver they are planning to sell with those ad spams? Yes, with simple bots that keep attacking easy to kill mobs. And if you claim that the most simple ones are “just harmless Z-bots” and there’s no need to ban them, what type of bot do you think the gold spammers start using then?

There’s no point trying to make distinction and justifying this particular way of botting and there’s no reason to allow some players exploit the system this way either. It does nothing good for the whole gaming community and there are many negative effects it will cause.

After spreading and becoming sligthly more common, there would be hyper inflation, difficulties on leveling on early levels because there might be no mobs left on certain areas, lack of interaction and communication with other players when everyone around you are just bots and there would be no way to distinct if someone was goldfarming for those gold selling companies or just exploiting the game system for his personal gains.

None of you defending these “just harmless Z-bots” haven’t been able to give good enough reasons why it would be justifiable and I haven’t yet received even an attempt of lists of cons to make up all the negative effects.

On another topic the only excuse for Z-bots was that it’s IMC’s fault for designing the attacking system the way it is and ToS doesn’t explicitly forbid it, even though many parts can be interpreted in way that forbids it and allows IMC to give bans whenever they deem it’s big enough of a problem.

Yes, i’m serious.
And yes, we can blame the publisher/developer for it because there is no anti-goldspammer function in the game. Quite the contrary : The game makes it even easier for goldsellers, thanks to the newsticker-like megaphone chat at the top of the screen.

Just “accepting the problem and stop blaming the people who’s job it is to fix this mess” is a bad solution.
Sure, you’re right, players are partly to blame for buying ingame money for real cash, but the main problem is that the game allows this illegal goldstelling/goldspamming in the first place, that’s why we have every right to blame the publisher/developer: They give cashsellers the tools to spam ingame.
If there were no tools/possibilities for goldspamming then we’d have way less goldspammers (or none at all).
Since it’s their job to fix this to give us a better gaming experience but they don’t fix it we have every right to complain, because they’re not doing their jobs properly.

They don’t like people complaining about goldspammers? Then they should’ve spent a tiny bit of time and money to implemented an effective anti-goldspammer system.

Hey, if they paid me for it, i’d program an anti-goldspammer feature for them into their game. Programming-wise i’d know at least three very effective solutions for this problem that wouldn’t be hard to implement and which would pretty much stop all goldspam-bots.

The bot issue is a thing that goes FAR beyond ‘‘The dev team doesn’t care’’ (which they do I guess I should add).

Also, in the game you can choose to inhabilitate the global chat.

If they wouldn’t they would also not be giving it to the players. I’m completely against the Token system, trade restrictions and such. I do agree with you about the megaphones. IMO those shouldn’t be able to be bought with the free TP.
Like I agreed too, devs can do some things. But that won’t make the gold sellers go away.

On a different matter, the use of bots is indeed a problem, but that is not something only gold sellers do. Users too. And an “anti-hack” of sorts should be put in place, totally!

But I was arguing about gold sellers, not bot use. Thought they are related topics, they are not the same.

The majority of the bots and botting companies are located in China and South Korea.

Here is a solution:

IMC should create their own version of botwatch created by Jagex that Runescape uses. It will monitor your account profile, log all your history and detect any 3rd party clients, scripts or macros used.

Basically, it will ban anybody that is clicking, attacking or moving on a specific x,y,z location to the pixel, making this almost impossible for normal players to get banned because humans cannot be that fast, precise or efficient.

Runescape uses it and it has banned millions of bots effectively on the spot. Runescape is known to be bot heaven as well.

Even if innocent players do somehow get mistakenly banned, compensate them exp scrolls, items, etc or whatever for the ban and resolve it in under 24 hours.

Also a few other suggestions:

  • Disable Megaphone shout OR remove 1 TP megaphone. Megaphones should only be bought in bulks to prevent bots from purchasing them for free 1 at a time.

  • Remove 4 TP Soul Crystal and 2 TP Warp Scroll. This makes it a bit harder for bots to TP from anywhere on the map for free and also resurrect on spot when they die.

  • Remove the shout box. It’s pointless and is always just flooded with bot shouts anyway.

Just play with them , its funny.

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Name one game that is F2P or B2P that has no bots or gold sellers.

Even WoW has these as does FF14.

They will ALWAYS exist and ALWAYS find a way because people actually pay them for their “services”

People act like nothing is being done when I very much so doubt that to be the case. The “solution” is to put even more restrictions which affect the real playerbase.

I for one wouldn’t mind not being able to shout till level 100 or whatever but then they spam towns and if they get banned they just use a new stolen key or bought key and do it again.

Yeah we need deterrents or an auto spam block/ban feature but its only going to be a deterrent similar to the current level 40 lock out for megaphone.