Tree of Savior Forum

This event is by far one of the best

I haven’t found the safe spot yet, but I do notice the bosses spawns at the same place and moves around the same path everytime. Walk around and stay undetected. :slight_smile:

There is no safe spot lol.
How people are taking this cheap bait?

Don’t expect a good event with the stupid mind who brought this event. Damn the one who made this idea is really lack of brain cells.

In order to make our saviors enjoy Survival Event, we are truly considering that “the easy mode” might be applied for our saviors


Demn Max, so having 1hp(un-noted) was intended?

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It was intended thou : D

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Thanks @STAFF_Max for helping us out. Really love the hard mode you all set for the event, but sadly not everyone of us likes that kind of difficulty.

A suggestion for future events which are similar in nature. Will it be better if the players can trigger the event to start via some ingame ‘npc’ after they load instead of being countdown triggered? This will help out those of us who have long loading times due to network/system limitations.


How bout making it so players have 3hp while the bosses deal only 1damage.

Much reasonable, while still holding a certain difficulty.


I like face tanking monsters though…

Yeah, it sucks when the bosses are already aggro’d before you load in and you die instantly. They could just have a dialog box where everyone in the party has to click ready.

As for the event itself, they should give unlimited entries but only award prizes for the first two times you clear each stage. A lot of the frustration comes from the fact that you lose your chance at prizes for the whole day because of lag, or graphical errors, or loading in late. Also, remove all death penalties since your equipment isn’t supposed to count.


HMM!!! :sleepy:

I will cross my hands for now…

will I survive the loading on “the baby mode” ?_?

confirmed imc is fcking with us. So funny and I commend it. You bring huehuehue to the next level.

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Tell your boss we are sick and tired of this unreasonable events…

#funny how irony bites back at you, amiryt op?

Nope this event bad, because:

  • In autosearch que work level range, why?! if after entering all characters have 1 hp and cant use anything? I dont waste my time for que on half-dead servers… I have enough waiting que time on basic dungeons…
  • Event to hard. 2 Shadowgaller at 1 level to strong and green wave is butthurt with server latency. On first level will be enough one Shadowgaller, or change they on other bosses.
  • Dungeon level design is suck, you always will balk on the invisible barriers
  • Why my equip broken after die on this event? Necessary remove all equip from characters, before enter…
  • Why my HP loose after im go out… In normal dungeons HP and SP back to normal afer run.
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What an ironic statement…

this survival event

the hueHuehue approve of it

coz literally it test the game ability to survive at all~

we player dont gain or lose if tos is dead

but imc be in deep debt yo~


imc is the partner in crime with the hues~


The real survival instinct event is the ToS Steam Charts, they have been kiting with 1 hp player population for 7 months now.

Found idToS video and it’s actually a lot easier lol… Pretty much the video can clear stage 2 if Shadowgaler does not use AoE (really this AoE is also my reasons my character died, I agree that it should be nerfed) Not sure why IMC develop easier mode in there since they don’t got Miko yet but they definitely not testing the event on iToS that get first hand event lmao (idToS is wednesday maintenance, kToS on thursday/friday)

iToS get 2 Shadowgalers so that we are really on nightmare mode that higher chance to cast green circle AoE…


T est
O ut
S hi*

We are the test server, nothing new. It will also never change b/c the sheep continue to literally throw money at IMC, half of them dont even get the TP they buy and they still try to buy more.