Tree of Savior Forum

Thief/Assassin branch missing

Schaweasjdhr reiter should stay on Archer if they ever make a thief branch which would be great, also to have more dual dagger classes :stuck_out_tongue: and despite Rogue being a nice class, i still want something like the RO rogue/stalker

Because the game is not based on a class but classes which are making your role.

Or if you really wanna have a thief branch, fill all those circles :

Thief > ?/? > ?/? > ?/? > ?/? > ?/? > ?/? > ?/?/?

It’s way more confortable to put some of thief aspects in Swordman and Archer trees, because it’s already hard to fill those two physical based tree. We already have some classes which are either useless or really not inspired.


Thief is basically the worst job branch ever in a game.

First of all, thief is not a Class, but a title for someone who steals, so everyone can become a more or less successful thief.
To add to this problem, there are basically no Classes that fit into a thief branch, because every single Class I’ve seen in MMOs that are “advancements” of thief aren’t stealing anymore but just damagedealers that could’ve been in any other tree,too.

Then, to clarify things: Assassins were Clerics in real life. Both the Nizaris (i.e. the ones we know as “assassins”) and the Zealots(here especially the Sicarii) were clergymen that went out of their way to defend their beliefs and order by assassinating people.

It was several hundreds of years later that non-clerical killer-organizations became a thing, and even then, not one of these organizations ever managed to top the clerical assassins.

So,if we go by TOS-lore/theme and logic, most Classes that are usually outsourced to a seemingly useless Classtree(i.e. the Thief-tree) are better put into the trees where they rightfully belong, Assassins to the Cleric tree and Corsairs to the Swordsman tree (because many Corsairs were indeed knights of the British Crown, e.g. Sir Francis Drake, one of the most famous Corsairs ever).

Since Shinobi was also a Japanese swordsman, there’s no reason why to remove him from the Swordsman tree.


I had like 3 Rogues/Stalkers/ShadowChasers whenever I played RO, and I don’t see the need for a whole branch dedicated to a thievery theme at all.

I would probably sooner want any other idea for a 5th branch than thief, for several reasons.

  1. The theme is nowhere as archetypal as the broad concepts of brutes/warriors, wizards/magicians, clerics/healers, and well… archers. I feel like the most realistic (yet still unecessary) suggestion that would get anywhere close to what you want, is if the archer branch was changed to a broader more general theme of being agile crafty and sneaky, rather than literally “the bow class”. But still, you can ignore the name and look at archer branch as encompassing most of the aspects you’re looking for (and it does deviate from being simply a bow-user in many interesting ways, from taking swords, using pistols, muskets, cannons, using pets, falcons, poisons…)

  2. The game is already so deep into development, that most of the specific class-ideas one would think of as fitting for your suggested new class branch, already are represented among the 4 branches that lie at the games core. You got Shinobi for the ninja-enthusiasts, literally Rogue in the archer-tree, Corsair for a pirate-theme, Scout for hiding and camouflage, Wugushi for your venom-brewing assassination shenanigans… those are already probably more than the number of specific classes that anyone who has ever suggested a Thief-branch would come up with.

And you can look at this in a positive light. Due to your desired “thief”-theme not being restricted to one branch, the abilities and flavor you’re looking for can be used for more diverse ideas. So with the new Shadowmancer for example, you even have the sneaky aspect manifesting itself in the wizard branch!.. perhaps Zealot from the Cleric branch also has something that could make Clerics interesting to someone like you.

  1. The games broader story is about saviors. So one could argue that having a basic class revolve around basically being a coward would go against a core idea of the game. (do we even have any class so far that could be described as a profession with clearly and exclusively evil intentions? I’m not sure. Someone bring them up if there are any xD)

i dont think it would be easy to come up with 16 different classes for this 1 branch

Better make a Novice tree :

Novice > Novice > Novice > Novice > Novice > Novice > Novice > Super Novice > Super Novice


I purposely said thief/assassin, thief isn’t really the archetype maybe, but most games go with that anyway.

Outlaw, criminal, rogue, probably is a better way of calling it… this branch is meant more for characters who don’t follow the legal/official/public ways. I guess thief kinda makes sense as a starting class, as in not being trained in regular ways of fighting, stealing to survive, or assassinate for money.

With the outlaw/criminal or whatever you wanna call it - theme you can easily fit a number of classes, you can then evolve either as a dedicated assassin, being it a poison user or sneaky backstabber. Or thief, robber bandit…

Anyway, if you are picky about it, it’s not like ToS classes make that much sense, most of them have very little in common with their branch.

ToS Corsair uses swords, daggers, pistols, hooks, the Jolly Roger flag and also pillages items. Come on, it’s a Pirate.

A Shinobi is literally an assassin, that’s his job. They weren’t really meant as fighters. It hardly fits here.

P.S. Never said anywhere that they should add the branch now, or remove classes. If anything, it should have been from the start, or at least planned, but it doesn’t seem the case.

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we have own kind of outlaws,criminals and rouges in Halloween dungeon

Jokes aside,

Perhaps it was an intended design by IMC to stray away from the typical warrior,cleric,wizard, thief route and they figured out most of the thief concept/ideology can be funneled into archer/swordsman trees. It can be both a drawing and deterring factor to some potential players.

An empty branch also opens up possibilities for future expansion etc to fuel new content into the game.

This is a misconception. People always think that a shinobi = shadow assassin because of mangas and animes, but that wasn’t their only job. Shinobis were mercenaries, they spied, they sabotaged, they assassinated, etc… Shinobis weren’t mere assassins.
The way they worked and the weapons they used totally fit in the swordsman class, as they used mostly blades (katana, daggers, and such).

A corsair is a pirate. You don’t have to say “come on, it’s a pirate”, a corsair is a pirate anyway. And their place into the swordsman tree is justified.

I get what you mean, an “outlaw” tree, with all kinds of people who act based on their own interest rather than fighting for the good. But that’s irrelevant to TOS. The Monk Master is known to not be a “good” guy, the Pardoner Master only cares about profit/money, the Bokors are unholy as they resurrect corpses and fight with them, etc…
And I agree with the others: there aren’t enough classes to create an “outlaw” tree. You cannot create 20+ classes with one same theme “They do illegal things for their own selfish reasons”. Good luck finding 200 original/different skills based around classes with the same RP role.
You need to understand that the trees on TOS aren’t for a specific role (so like tank, holiness, elemental magic, sneaky/outlaw, etc.), but they just mix up all kinds of roles and classes, with a logic in terms of weapon usage and mythology/history.

Yeah I know ninjas are not only assassin, I simply wrote assassin which I think is enough to describe it, no misconception from me. And I hope people don’t base their knowledge on animes. However I still think it doesn’t fit in the tree due to his ways. Btw in anime they seem to be basically mages or superpowered beings mostly. (As everything in anime lol)

Read everything, thanks>

My point was that calling it corsair seems a bit of a workaround. Again, kinda fits, but would have way more sense in outlaw tree if there was one.

Maybe I should clarify that I studied history in school.

But you clearly didn’t study game design.


I think IMC simply doesn’t always like using the “most common” names, or they modify them slightly (kind of like how you have the “Sorcerer” class, which is pretty much a summoner).
Or it can also depend on the language. Maybe in English saying “Corsair” is weird because it’s more rarely used than “Pirate”, but for example in my mother tongue corsair is also a common way to call a pirate.
Not that it matters, calling them corsair or pirate is the same thing…

I don’t see why it would fit more into the outlaw tree than the swordsman tree though. They’re not mutually exclusive. They have a different purpose. An outlaw tree would be purely for “role playing sake”, while the swordsman tree (like Wizard, Archer, Cleric) is for the weapons/mythologies/history.
Although for TOS, I don’t think the swordsman tree should be named that. It feels more like a “mercenary” or “warrior” tree, or something in that vibe, really, since you can also use spears and lances quite early in game.

As for the “supernatural” shinobis in anime, actually, it started in Japan during the Edo period. I guess it’s because they were such mysterious persons, using mysterious/strange ways to do things, that people started thinking that they had all kinds of powers. And anime/manga follow this idea… I suppose because it’s more “exciting” than being simple mortals who use tricks ._.

No I didn’t, why you say that? …Did you? Then explain your view, I’m interested.

One day I was thinking what a thief tree would look like. I thought of something like that.

R1 - Thief 1
R2 - Thief 2, Dealer 1, Stalker 1
R3 - Thief 3, Dealer 2, Stalker 2, Nomade, Fighter
R4 - Assassin, Dealer 3, Stalker 3, Nomade 2, Fighter 2, Gangster, Ilusionist
R5 - Assassin 2, Nomade 3, Fighter 3, Gangster 2, Ilusionist 2, Trickster, Jocker
R6 - Assassin 3, Gangster 3, Ilusionist 3, Trickster 2, Jocker 2, Redeemed, Specialist
R7 - Trickster 3, Jocker 3, Redeemed 2, Specialist 2, Reaper, Psycho
R8 - Redeemed 3, Specialist 3, Reaper 2, Psycho 2, Wanderer, Maniac, Avenger
R9 - Reaper 3, Psycho 3, Wanderer 2, Maniac 2, Avenger 2

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But Plage Doctor were literrally wanderer doctors during a dark age and cleric tree is about healing.

In many stories Sorcerers are in fact magicians who makes contracts with elemental beings or demons in order to summon them (unlike Warlocks that uses the power of the demons instead that summon them).

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Heres your thief!
Change hunter if needed.

Has lots of evasion, CC, Single target damage, and other utility/survivability tools. Can even go just dagger if you wanted.

My work here is done :prince:

I’m talking about theme here. Most of the cleric tree doesn’t even heal anyway.

Cleric Tree always is about healing since you learn heal at rank 1 and is a core skill. Even so… almost the 50% of the tree got h/sp heal or hp/sp regen somehow.

Plage Doctor gameplay is about prevent the plague by incinerate the infected and fumigate the area…

That’s the thing: Sorcerers aren’t only summoners. Sorcerers is a general term, it isn’t strictly and only about summoning spirits, it’s just basically someone who practices magic in a more evil/dark way. For example, a sorcerer can practice necromancy (I think originally the word necromancy didn’t even exist actually, and that it was just called “sorcery”).