Tree of Savior Forum

Make ToS Great, add Thief class Branch! Dual Wielding classes <<<

Hey IMC, since you are holding information of rank 9 classes.
Why dont you create a whole new Class Tree? The Thief tree.
Bring a dual sword / dagger wielder to the game.
New content, new mechanics!
Assassin, Bard, Magic breaker, Shadow dancer, Reaper, Sinner, In-fighter, Berserk, Ark blade, Illusionist, Dream eater, Soul bender, Blade master,
You know, just tossing ideas. (ah, do a battle mage hidden)

• What you think? :´D


-fixed. Corsair

Seriously, they should just let Swordsman dual wield swords. I don’t get it why they won’t.

It would be a bad idea to add another branch when IMC cannot balance the existing 4. IMC is also shiet when it comes to melee branches. Class diversity would just be hampered by weapon restrictions again.


Basically, you want every unoriginal, over-used dual wielder you find in all anime-like RPGs but in ToS, where all the classes are “real” and more or less existed?

There is already the corsair which is the supposed class oriented on dual wielding and the hakkapalle using swords on second hand.
Maybe one day the corsair will do the same.

The classes are already unbalanced with what we have, let’s talk about it when we can play whatever we want without needing it to be a meta build to work efficiently.


Exactly this, in ToS …most class are based on what already exists in our history (beside mages of course) …and in your “idea list”…only assassin & Bard exists, most probably won’t work.
Mah …I think that the “non-existant” pied-piper already work like bard anyway …no need to add more of the same stuff

If it’s functional, why not?

Btw, I’m tossing classes ideas.
My main concern is with Thief branch it self.

Yes Yes. Please add the ability to dual wield shields too, I would totally drop all my other classes just to play that.

(P.S Been asking for a dual wielding shield class since Crusader is released in D3 last time but got ignored T_T)

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Make me wonder how dual shield work in real life …
double bash?

Maybe can wield them like a pair of gauntlets. The bottom part of the shield can have spikes for pierce attacks too and also to bunker down by planting the spikes to the ground on both hands.


Murmillo C2? = =+

murmillo is a gladiator
…I wont see any gladiator with 2 shield anywhere
that’s just plain weird lol (since they based on real stuff anyway)

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sounds like some magic jobs mixed in there, awesomeness.

might a well give warrior this

Been dual wielding shields since 2011 now we dual weild great shields and of course if its coming for tos might as well make it under the cleric tree.

Dual wielding shields? What kind of bird is this?

Well, we are never gonna play as Viking.
No axes.

Why not an archer that dual wields and shoot swords?

Such original idea, never seen before

I’m expecting hakkapelle to turn into that. I’d really like a bard support though.