Tree of Savior Forum

The worst event so far ( boruta)

how can they have engineers who studied a programming career for years to create such an unbalanced event?

1- have an unbalanced pvp which only allows certain classes to play
2- the monopoly of the guild makes it impossible for the rest to play the event
3- that it is fun to go to a map lageado in which only 100 people can enter as as 90 are of a single guild

I just say IMc please check the ■■■■ events you do before you apply them.

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Tbh people could make another 20 threads about how fkng stupid Boruta is and it still wouldnt even come close to describing the situation.

The only thing I can honestly think at this point is the GMs were tired of people (the TBL whales) asking for open world pvp so they decided to release the most lopsided, broken, spawn camping gank fest in mmorpg history so that no-one will EVER ask for open world pvp again.

Its the same trick we used as teenagers to get out of doing the dishes, you just purposely washed them so half as* that your parents would get mad and tell you to jus get out and they would finish.

On the NA server tonight nobody even bothered going b/c it was just 1 guild with a massive zerg camping it again, there is literally no point showing up now unless you have atleast 40 people on demand.

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If the threads per second speed is fast enough to kill their forum sever it might make IMC think about the Boruta content. Just saying.
Pitchforks and Witch Hunting works if you do it right.

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Yeah it’s pure trash. Other players chase you down the map for no reason and they are clearly using addons to know exactly where you are. How is that fair? Weren’t there a terms of service that prevents the use of addons that give such advantages?

PvP there sucks. There is just no balance whatsoever. And contribution, you contribute by doing damage? So the healers get no rewards at all? Yeah that’s nice.

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What are you talking about?

If only it was an event.
Boruto is the real ToS killer.

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