Tree of Savior Forum

The returning/new player event makes me not want to return

I don’t understand the constant issue people have with something they paid for such a long time ago.

You paid for early access and the bonuses/items that you got with it, as advertised.

They delivered exactly what was advertised, exactly what was paid for.

You buy a toaster, you get a toaster. You don’t then get freebies and bonuses from the toaster manufacturer because you bought their toaster a year ago. You got what you paid for at the time.


I don’t even get a returning player box since I logged in for a short while before the patch

That and start doing research for your class or simply ask what best class for xxx or what class for farming… This game is possible to even invest just $6 for TP (assuming SEA price), buy enchant scroll and sell it for silver (plus cutting price from 5 daily TP). Use the silver for small investments then farming for gaining 10x silvers you invested before…

The shape of the eye brows in your avatar makes me glad you are not returning.

the lesson here is don’t buy founder packs, ever?

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Thanks to none of you for any meaningful responses. Does this forum not have moderation? Toxic as ■■■■. If you have reasons you think I’m wrong that’s fine. But anyone who is like “shut up” or anything along those lines, why do you even bother? Don’t you have better things to do with your life?

Sorry I feel “entitled” to keep the things I spent money on rather than toss it away. Did any of you actually spend any money in this game I wonder?

yeah and I think that’s ALSO a problem. did you not see all the parts where I said EVERYONE should be getting proper rewards for making new characters?

those founders packs did NOT include early access cause that scheme was bullshit and they abandoned it and reworked them to the packs I linked.

my “level of entitlement” is that it’s inarguably better to make a new account right now, you get roughly 600$ worth of free items if you make all 4 characters to 100.

this makes me want to abandon my founders account.

this is a ■■■■ feeling having spent money on a game and having to just toss that away cause it’s better to start anew.

Never bad? Are you even aware that lots of thread were posted to address the terrible exp wall before? People even quit on KR because of grinding wall they experienced. Some people even do guides to miss lead the public and had them farm demon prison for days if not for weeks. Then again, you dont know these so you spout your ignorance again.

I mean that analogy doesn’t hold up cause there is no such thing as a free to play toaster. Free to play games live or die based on how much money people spend in the game. If I feel like my money is gonna be wasted “such a long time ago” (lol 1 year in an MMO isn’t a long time) then why would I EVER spend money on this game again? Again this is the reason MMOs exist in the first place. So you can have a persistent character and retain your stuff. Would you play a MMO like this if they deleted all your characters every year?

then go abandon your old account and make a new one, boom and done ez end of the drama

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Yes, I did spend some money here… not on founders pack, as I don’t play since the start… but more than the founders pack is worth… and I got what I bought… TP… that’s it… if the game closes tomorrow, my loss. When I bought the pack I KNEW that I was spending money on something that can close/change/be cheaper/get better/get worse at any moment. So what? Should I complain if suddenly TP got cheaper and I bought it one day before that? Nah, that’s how life works… you just move on… at least I do… :grin:

It’s like buying stocks, I guess… sometimes you lose, sometimes you win…

eh could be worse. a lot of people arent even eligible for the returning player event because they logged in ONCE to patch their game in preparation for the balance update after like 1-2 years. (like me)

Yeah I agree, the game could go away or stuff could get cheaper. That’s not what we’re talking about here. We’re talking about what I have being a HINDERANCE. idk I feel like that’s significantly different from the game shutting down.

I don’t know how many times I have to repeat this to people, but THAT SUCKS. It should not be the case. I’m not saying they need to personally compensate just me. I’m saying they should change the event to include EVERYONE. This is the part I think most people are missing from my post. I’m not here to get IMC to personally hand me ■■■■. I think everyone should be eligible. I think it’s kinda silly to give such a massive reward (potentially over 600$ worth of rewards) to new players and exclude, almost entirely, people who played before or were still playing.

It feels like being punished for having played the game or spent money on it.

Here’s your freebie. Stop whining already.

Then you miss the point that it is about getting players to play that need to catchup, who otherwise would not play if they were not given the opportunity to catchup with existing players.

It completely defeats the point to give it to existing players, and would not have the same effect on pulling in new players. The effect that grew the game over the last new player event, and continues to grow the game during this event. Give it to existing players and it ceases to be a catchup for new players.

Except not all the old players are ahead… case in point.

Also saying that existing players don’t pull in new players is a misconception. If your community doesn’t work hard to retain players there will be no one for new players to play with.

This is where a lot of games mess up with their free to play models. You don’t ever just pander to a single part of your audience. If you just pander to the “whale” player you disenfranchise free players, thereby losing population in your game and then the “whale” doesn’t want to spend money. But you also don’t to the reverse where you pander to free players making people who pay feel demoralized or punished in some way for having invested money into the game.

I dunno a lot of people seem to also think I’m crying over peanuts but look at the valuation of the event items. Nearly 600$, and my problem isn’t that other people are getting stuff free. It’s that they are getting this and I am not, and realistically my level 50 peltasta isnt “ahead” in any real sense. I can easily make a new account but it still feels shitty that throwing away my entire investment of time and money is incredibly more efficient.

Even if the things I would retain are worth less now than when I paid for them, throwing away my characters, name, account, having to deal with multiple steam accounts, and all the other various things feels like a punishment for having given this game money and time.

Again I am not posting here for you to all feel bad for me and console me. I am here to address IMC and point out, what I feel is, a severe misstep.

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I don’t think that’s anyone’s fault other than those players. The game has been out for over a year.

Nobody is pandering to whales. I’m incredibly confused as to why you’re bringing that up. It’s literally not a criticism 99% of the playerbase has.

If you bought a founders pack, had early access and over a year to play, and are still being disadvantaged by this event. I suppose that’s bad, for those players, but entirely not anyone else’s fault other than those players, who can’t have played the game for more than 50 hours in over a year.

Wow I really triggered you by calling you a shitposting idiot, huh? It’s funny how you respond by being a shitposting idiot. Intentionally misrepresenting what I said isn’t going to fool anyone but your own fragile and deluded ego.

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