Tree of Savior Forum

The reason why game is broken after Lvl 75

This is it. This is the reason why most of the friends I invited to the game quit after lvl 75. What the hell is up with this progression?!

500, 2600, 84000, 22000 and everything was absolutely fine, but then 24000 comes, and all I can ask is WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS?! This is not my first char, but I didn’t notice this until now. I have one lvl 100+ but seriously, if what you want is to keep “only the players who really want to stick to the game” then i’m sorry, but I won’t be here when this game launches. It’s ridiculous how the game progresses up until certain point then it just stops. If you want us to grind, give us more monsters with more EXP and more channels for christ sake. How are we supposed to refeer players to the game if all you want is people who are willing to stay 18h/day playing this just to keep up with the pace and have a taste of higher ranks? Seriously, do NOT launch this the way it is. We want a hard game, yes, but we don’t want it to die 2 weeks after it launches because 80% of the players can’t keep up with the pace that it requires.

Also, you want people to grind, but there’s exp penalty if we don’t do it EXACTLY the way you want us to?! The hell is up with that?! How are archers supposed to grind in maps where mage mobs completely annihilate us with those heat-seeking fireballs? Not every class can grind up the same way, but you expect everyone succeds in the same tasks even though they have different pros and cons. Balance the game better, seriously. I know this test is only for server-stressing porpuses but if you’re planning to launch it with exp even lower than it is, you better do something about this progression.


did you bother to take a look at the difference of exp from card 5 to card 6 lol. or what about 6-7, or 7-8

Why are you using lvl 5 cards at level 75? You should only be using level 5 cards after you bust through the 85 wall. People who do this are missing areas or not grinding anywhere which is a huge mistake.

Yes there is an exp penalty if you do it wrong. Also there is no confirmation about the release rates of the game.

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What pace that it requires.
In all likelihood there is going to be significant gold inflation which will let players power up significantly via attributes.
Stressing about levels is kinda eh as there is already a pattern.
Equpment tiers are
1-15, (15 levels) 15-40 (25 levels), 40-75 (35 levels), 75 -120 (45 levels) 120-175 (55 levels). Which means 175-240 (65 levels) then 240-315 (75 levels) and 315-390 (85 levels).

The gap between level tiers increases, the primary means of gaining power as a result is through your attributes as level gaps become more and more pronounced.
No point in stressing about levels because you should be stressing about money (which will cause you to gain levels anyways).

If someone quits over the level 4 to level 5 card that’s their prerogative, the exp isn’t a big deal in the grand scope.


Because that’s what the game gives me at lvl 76. This is how it’s been since lvl 1 and this is the main reason casual players quit right when they hit this spot. Game doesn’t say “Go grind” or “this quest is too low for your lvl”. Casual people get the impression they left something behind and after intensive searching, they give up. Didn’t you find it weird that the lag simply ceased after 1-2 weeks of game? Everyone quit because they didn’t bother investing so much time and effort for a game that they don’t even know about, and this is exactly what will happen if they don’t fix this gap in both information and quests. Hardcore players won’t be enough to pay off for this game, if they expect everyone acts like them, they will fail.


When you look at a map and the recommend level says ‘86’ or ‘85’ while you are 76, bells and whistles should be going off in your head that perhaps you are in the wrong place and need to backtrack.

It is right there in big letters whenever you hit ‘M’, I am not sure how more clear they could make it. No level 76 zone gives level 5 cards.

Must be a coincidence that quests unlock for people 9 levels under the map’s recommended then.


Yeah, you should have to be the recommend level to get quests at all. IMC is being nice.

Oh man… ppl wants video games MMORPG, easy as hell.

i dont struggle at all around this card use…
with all quest done and dungeon run…all the card from lv1 to 5 works fine and its enough to get me to lv 90 n readyfor lv6 card…and still works till lv160

Sure! IMC is being nice! You get into a map with recommended lvl 83 at lvl 74 where 10 quests unlock at 74, 5 quests unlock at 75 and 6 quests unlock at 76, but you don’t know that so you just do the 74 ones and head to the next map. Quite nice, indeed.


Don’t mind me, this does not concern me. What concerns me is that 9 out of the 10 friends I invited to the game all quit because they didn’t like the progression. When I asked them what level did they stop, they all said “around 70”.

Don’t get me wrong, all of my guild is still playing and 160+. My real concern is that IMC screws up so bad that 1 week after launch, there won’t be anyone else playing it and they will have to shut down the servers due to lack of income.


What’s the point to be able to do a quest 10 above your level it if you can beat only monsters 5 lvl higher?

I am reminded of a song by The Beatles.


I can easilly beat monsters 10 lvls higher. But put a mage in front of me 10 lvls under mine and I’ll still take 160-240 damage each time they see me. Tell me to grind in a map full of these suckers and I’ll run out of iCoins in no time.

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Not funny.

I still listened all the way through because of reasons.

Still not funny.

Level 70-86 isn’t as bad as you’re making it out to be.

Come on guys lets face it…you dont want the game to be easy ok…but most of the players are casual…so if you want the game to be a sucess they will need to make grinding more rewarding…because quest hunting isnt the only way to play an MMO and after 75 the game becomes slow as a snail…Im lvl 130 and im relly concerned about the game…because not everyone has time to grind 6h day do get one lvl and we are on a beta with 200 limit and the game is suposedto be 400+ on launch,the game gives you almost limitless build possiblitys but you cant try all you want if it takes literally one year to Max level your char…
IMC is tring to make a profitable game and it wont be so if most of the players just quit because of the giant time you take to get any reward for your afforts or the lack of freedom to levelup/explore the game…


I want to address a few things here that might calm the OP down.

  1. The Lv. 5 EXP Card might actually be an error on their part.
    (They could bump is from 22k EXP to 36k EXP when the game releases.)

  2. This is only iCBT2, There will most likely be a lot more side quest’s
    during the release of the game, and possibly some Dailies that will help.

  3. Instance Dungeons

What class did you make? Did you try out archer yet? If not, I suggest you do.

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