Tree of Savior Forum

The reason for TOS population drop

Some time ago a furry hacker created a tool for infinite silver. Sold it for 500$ and some players bought. One of the buyers used it for trolling and bought everything on market. IMC shutted down the servers and tried to fix it. Actually, they did not fix it (like almost every bug). They made a script to instant ban who use the hack.

They did not rolled back the server when the hack was used, but why? Because they disabled rollbacks to prevent people from force a rollback to avoid enhancement fails (exploit that happened in the past to have high enhanced weapons with high potential) and because the hack was there since the rank 10 update. They couldn’t roll back all this time in any way.

They reopened the servers later, some people was banned, but some was not. Some of the buyers stored 2 billions in makers accounts that was never investigated and avoided the ban hammer. The final result was a minor portion banned and a lot of illegal silvers free.

Many players figured the situation and that the impact was imensurable. Then they quitted. Forever. TOS history is full of exploits and bugs. But this one is not repairable. An injection of billions of silvers is impossible to repair.

Don’t get excited with rebuild. Future exploits/hacks may happen and all the history repeat. Have in mind that if you still want to play, sometimes you’ll face some disappointments like this. IMC did not even processed the hacker for his damage to the game. Something that is impossible to imagine a reason to do not do this.

if you dont get excited with rebuild then why are you still here? go play other game and never come back to this forum, unless you cant move on from tos


clearly he’s just here to make a mess

oh well, not the first one, won’t be the last one either


Ok now give us the solution , becouse we already know the problem.

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Where is your evidence… show some proof please :tired:

there is your proof,this isn’t a story that people pull out of their asses,sadly.

Simply drop some link of other forum and shove it to others and say this is evidence

hmm… this is not a proof or are u do not know how to produce an evidence?

Have u ever heard that hearsay cannot be consider as an evidence

if this not enough proof for you then you can not be helped
but its okay,people are acting like whiteknights since the launch of the game and you see at what current state of the game we are :wink:

i am not shilling IMC … just based on facts…

Have u read the forum? nothing in it can be considered as an evidence … and let say u can give an evidence showing this certain player get a ways from the exploitation from there we can start to discuss about the harm of the exploitation in game. However to discuss something that is not considered as facts is not relevant and waste of time.

And i may agree to the bug in the game exploited by player and it should be IMC handle the matter. But what can IMC do without any concrete evidence. You cannot just simply ban player without any valid reason.

what state are u referring to?

“You cannot just simply ban player without any valid reason.”
But this is what imc did,they banned peoples that selling their items on the market and got bought by the “hacker”.
The also banned and unbanned(some of them) peoples that didnt had to do something with this hack at all.

“what state are u referring to?”
im referring to the state of the game,we already have an low player count and with ■■■■ ups like these above we will lose even more

Who is this people?

TOS server suck and no one want to play in a lagging game… there is no optimization ever done by IMC and they just keep making new bug and don’t have enough time to fix. Just look at PVP state :sweat: … and still want to implement GvG :tired:

PvP and GvG is one of the End Game content for MMORPG and IMC failed in it

if you would just take 5 minutes and read the thread i posted you would know.
And i dont talk about the lagging game,or the bad optimization,its the problem that we have such huge “hack/exploit” ■■■■ ups every month.
And the silver exploit just left a ■■■■■■■ huge hole in the game.

can u point it for me which post in that forum that saying silver exploit still exist ? if it still exist we can submit ticket to IMC to handle it.

How come bad game performance does not affect players count the title stated reason TOS population down and in my opinion bad server is one of them.

So what is the reason… all i know IMC has taken measure on that matter… what more u want apart from the measure taken ?

There’s no evidence about it, only common sense I would say. Rich people rule on economy, unless exploiters left the game just one minute after the hack. But it’s clearly not the only reason why the population dropped, this conclusion is possible with common sense too.

IMC created a script to instant ban who uses the hack. It exist and works, but you’re banned. Monsters drops silver based on their level. The hack is used in Siauliai Mercenary mission to edit monsters level to something really big that when you kill everything you’ll end with 1 billion in the bag (maximum silver allowed). Hook64 allows you to instant kill monsters, so a high leveled monster isn’t a problem. I have to add that lifetime hook64 users have access to a command to instant level up you to max level.

No evidence is necessary. Search on this forum and you’ll see a history of exploits/hacks. If that’s not enought to make you believe bugs/hacks will happen in the future too and destroy the economy it’s up to you. I’m warning you some people have 20 billions+ silver. They’ll just hold it until they can spend it without paying IMC attention.

Do you remember the payment bug? Some people got a lot of tokens for free. Some of them still have tokens.

Halloween event that rewarded solmiki weapon had some players using Cheat Engine to get advantage. They fixed the Cheat Engine use just some time ago. The same for the hack allowing players to equip weapons in every slot. This hack were there for more than a year without fix. People was soloing Velcoffer easily with this hack. The silver hack isn’t fixed yet. They just made a script to instant ban. If the hacker discover how it works, he can fix his hack and make it work again. We have a bomb that will explode anytime.

this is from pcgamer reveiw

_And then a crippling bout of latency grips the servers and the next fifteen minutes are spent wrestling with an unresponsive interface and delayed combat animations. That spell Tree of Savior cast over me is gone and I’m back to wondering whether all these hours are even worth it. While the free-to-play launch is certainly pushing the servers to their limits, many of these problems existed in the quieter early access period too. There’s the option to switch “channels” within a map to find one less crowded and more stable, but it feels like a poorly designed and anti-social solution. _

### Technical troubles

T_r_ee of Savior’s hand-painted aesthetic is absolutely stunning, but it’s far from being the kind of technical marvel that could ever justify the constant frame dips and unstable server connection I’ve experienced. While I can grit my teeth through dips in framerate, server lag is a far more lethal enemy. Slow connections can make classes dependant on quick reactions unviable—as if I needed even more reasons to be terrified of committing to one type of character. Coupled with the fact that some classes aren’t suited to using certain control schemes (in-game messages warn me that using a mouse to control my hoplite isn’t recommended) and suddenly 80 classes feels like only a few actual

this is hacking problem … well good luck to them … players themselves ruined the game … no game will stay alive if it easy to be hacked …

the issue still persist and people left the game because of it and that is fact

i myself experience it while doing guild raid with only 10 people … the game is lagging during boss fight

The real issue is that Hook64 is still capable of “hacking” the client. Hook64 itself has never been addressed by IMC ever. Only the exploits they create with Hook64.