It has come to my knowledge that there has been a very serious exploit being abused of ever since the game launch on March 29th. I’m strongly against this and every other kind of game exploits and unfortunatly the damage this one can do might be WAY worse than all the gold sellers you’ve been fighting against.
I’m here to request IMMEDIATELY attention from a GM to mitigate the damage that has already been done, thus preventing an even worse havoc on the game’s economy. The exploit can gives infinite money to any player through the market, therefore I still have hopes that you could track and punish the people who are abusing it.
To make it clearer, imagine a thousand of players abusing this exploit and making HUGE amounts of money, getting all skills to max level and upgrading all their equipments to +10 on early levels. It believe it would unbalance the game’s mechanisms all together.
Alot of other people came to known about this exploit this week so the situation will probably worsen during the next few days since it’ll definetly be shared through all the social networks around.
Honestly, I’m sending a PM to every known GM on the forums explaining exactly how the exploit works along with all the info I can give about it and in case I get no answer and no action is taken against it in the next days, I will publish everything in this same thread here. That way everyone can abuse it to their heart’s content and get even with the all the players who have been using it ever since day one.
I am sorry and quite upset about all this but if no action is taken I see no reason to punish gold sellers and spammers either since the game’s economy will be totally ruined anyways.
Please, do give it some of your time and attention. Fix this ASAP and punish the exploiters properly. Let’s keep this game fair.
@STAFF_Ines @STAFF_J @STAFF_Ethan @Staff_Julie @STAFF_John @STAFF_Shawn