Some time ago a furry hacker created a tool for infinite silver. Sold it for 500$ and some players bought. One of the buyers used it for trolling and bought everything on market. IMC shutted down the servers and tried to fix it. Actually, they did not fix it (like almost every bug). They made a script to instant ban who use the hack.
They did not rolled back the server when the hack was used, but why? Because they disabled rollbacks to prevent people from force a rollback to avoid enhancement fails (exploit that happened in the past to have high enhanced weapons with high potential) and because the hack was there since the rank 10 update. They couldn’t roll back all this time in any way.
They reopened the servers later, some people was banned, but some was not. Some of the buyers stored 2 billions in makers accounts that was never investigated and avoided the ban hammer. The final result was a minor portion banned and a lot of illegal silvers free.
Many players figured the situation and that the impact was imensurable. Then they quitted. Forever. TOS history is full of exploits and bugs. But this one is not repairable. An injection of billions of silvers is impossible to repair.
Don’t get excited with rebuild. Future exploits/hacks may happen and all the history repeat. Have in mind that if you still want to play, sometimes you’ll face some disappointments like this. IMC did not even processed the hacker for his damage to the game. Something that is impossible to imagine a reason to do not do this.