Tree of Savior Forum

The Pro's and Con's of a circle reset

Why are you even responding to marcello’s posts to begin with. Even if he had arguments, they are kind of lost behind his constant flaming.
It’s better to just ignore him.

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You can’t compare them in the first place because they are entirely different ■■■■■■■ games.

Different specs most certainly can often utilize different weapons, different stats, and play styles. This just shows you’re ignorant to WoW.

A stat reset potion (idk if that exist already, i think it already is out there) would be good.

However an circle reset option, in a korean game with a leveling system based in a specific class path. idk men. i would like it, but it would ruin economy (even more) since there is a few classes who are focus in that goal.

I mean you could reach a class to lvl 280 as dps, switch to support to access the dungeons and recipes and then switch to economy class to earn money and then switch to dps/pvp build and then switch again to dps to farm, and again switch to support because you need a card fast then switch to dps because your friends need you in arena.

That is gold, pure gold for any company, however that would truly kill the game in terms of is just another wow clone but with the proffesions and classes at same time, the whole system need to change to do that.

If that potions RESET your level to 1 set your stats to your primary class default while keep the money, quest bonus stats and achievements and gives you a exp bonus buff, then why not? i meant is just to evade that caos and you can reach fast max level this way than making a new character.

The game who people want is called FFXIV where you cant make a mistake because you are everything you need to be in one character, because the thing with this game is that, make a mistake, learn and re-roll or make a new character based in your current needs.

Damm look that wall of text.

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And yet EQ is still going strong, is it not?

It offers something this game will have as well. Replayability. Stability.

And guess what? There are just as many, if not MORE, people who are on these forums arguing AGAINST being able to change circles.

And you’re talking about DDO like it was the first MMO to offer something like a rebirth. When in fact, RO1 already HAD that system in game by the time DDO was released. EQ may have I well, I didn’t play it long. RO1 took a lot more time and planning than this game by a long shot. It’s stats were drastically different and offered much more finite control over what you wanted to do with your character.

Just because “everyone else is doing it” doesn’t mean its a good idea or the right thing to do.

Please remove this from the pros immediately, as it does the EXACT opposite. People will just swap to whatever the newest broken classes, making cookie cutter builds EXTREMELY popular.

Since they’re going to be selling more lodges and character expansions, it could also lose them money on that. Overall, I’d say it balances out to an even no loss and no gain.

Again, it does quite the opposite.

Exactly this. It will kill build diversity, not promote it.

I’m obviously very against it.

Classes that are designed to make leveling easier but aren’t as good late-game will be gone. People will just use them and then reset out of it. Certain classes will literally be nonexistent at cap.

No, I’m really not. Hunters use bows/guns regardless of spec. Warriors use 2Handed weapons (sans Prot. Titan’s Grip is/was far too powerful to ignore) regardless of spec. Rogues use 1 handed weapons that vary on spec. Healers use maces pretty much exclusively (although druids/shaman can use fist weapons and priests/paladins can use swords). Mages/locks use staves or 1 hand and offhand, regardless of spec.

Archers in this game have 3 choices as well, but different specs REQUIRE different weapons. Not “oh yea, you can use this one if you want.” So again, going from a mid to close range character to someone who suddenly stands way the hell away from everything is literally going from rogue to hunter.

FYI, I played WoW for 8 years. And I played RO1 for 4 1/2 years. ToR for about 2 years and a few other random MMOs for a few months. I have experience in a lot of them.

Not having to talk to every npc again after reaching rank 5 onwards and finding out first hand “this class is not for me”. Researching builds ahead of time can only get you so much information. There are things that you need to experience to find out if it really works for you.

Less bitching from “well researched players” on shout about how there’s nobody to party with at levels 200+. This is a con for me, because it gives me something to laugh about in game.

Let’s sum up the ToS class system real quick. Hey try our new game, we have a bajillion class combinations that you can choose from. But wait, you can only play one combination out of a thousand because your choices are permanent. 200 hours in and you found out your chosen class is buggy? Start over and talk to every npc, re-explore all maps, all that good stuff. We have our elite circle of players standing by at max level to give you advice anytime. They only have one advice though, reroll!

On a serious note, the game’s biggest selling point is probably the near unlimited class combinations. Yet the only solution to mistakes made during mid to late game is reroll? If you can’t see how broken that is, then there’s no helping you.


I would hardly call it strong, life support are the words I would use.

RO still had rather simple character planning compared to DDO, but hey if they had rebirth as well that why don’t we do that? They even have a mechanic in place we can use, extra team xp based on your character level. Wipe your character to level 1, reset all quests, and put your gear in a withdraw only storage. Works for me.

Also, saying “since everyone else is doing it I’ll do something different” is equally bad.

But they AREN’T doing something different. This is the developer who worked on RO1. This is the SAME THING that occurred in RO1.

It isn’t different. It’s a set precedence. And it is something ALMOST ALL Korean MMOs follow through with this. It’s basically a part of their identity. If you came into this game knowing is was a Korean MMO, you’d KNOW not to expect the ability to class change/circle reroll or anything similar.

I wouldn’t care as much about class reset if those stat/skill pot & premium item r account bound and transferable… hell it an issue when u picked the wrong class but your most important item is on there… which give u one reason to not delete that char, but not play it since it mess up.

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It promotes diversity because it allows experimentation easier

It’s not rocket science as to why this is a pro

The way the current system is people are going to be to afraid to try new things so they do tons of research before hand providing a stale metagame that doesn’t evolve because everyone is going off of what kToS does


It’s not rocket science that someone who isnt going to experiment in the current situation, most likely wouldnt do so either when resets are readily available.

The same people that play these cookie cutter builds now would do so after.

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Game is new too more bugs/disbalances no one know how changes clases tomorrow. Dont give a chance to rebuild circles (in main spec) in a bugged and disbalanced game it a great mistake.

Sorry but the analogy doesn’t work. Pick something else from your repetoire of MMO experience.

With that much experience I’d have hoped you’d be able to draw better comparisons.

They are 2 entirely different class system with completely different progression fundamentals. As we say, apples and oranges.

If people wanted RO they’d be playing RO. This game is too fundamentally different for the same system to work well. There are too many ways to make a character unviable early on, and TOS doesn’t have the luxury of being near maintenance mode with most of the updates already behind it.

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So is a ranger and a quarrel shooter. The only thing they have in common is an archer. Different playstyle, potentially different stat distribution and completely different weapons.

So, no, it isn’t “apples and oranges.” It’s more coming down to Granny Smith vs Washington.

They may be completely different systems, but what you people as asking for is quite literally changing the entirety of a characters makeup (ie playstyle, weapons, stats) into something new.

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So you’re saying that, yes, you did ignore/not pay attention to the fact that a KOREAN DEVELOPER was working on this game? Got it.

And to be honest, rerolling really isn’t that hard in this game. You have hundreds of posts in the class forums with small guides/how tos/what to avoids/etc. With such an insane class structure, if you go into it either unprepared, unaware or without the knowledge of what each style can offer, you deserve to either reroll or stick through it to make it work.

And I’m saying it’s not hard to reroll from personal experience. I made a second cleric to test something and I have yet to touch a single stat point and I’m already through Crystal Mines on Kle side in about 20 minutes. Don’t just throw away EXP Cards whenever you want, save them for later levels. The problem that most people seem to have is that they burn EXP Cards and then complain when they hit that wall of exp at 45/85/122.

And how does someone doing this to fix what they see as a mistake affect you? The alternative is they quit because their only other option is to reroll.

You’re touting this as some kind of disadvantage, but WoW gives you ONE class, tha you pick right off the bat, that you can level a little a bit from the beginning and tell yourself if you like it or not. If not, then ditch the character.

TOS asks you to make EXTREME path choices AFTER MANY HOURS OF ALREADY LEVELING YOUR CHARACTER with absolutely no way to take back that choice.

If you can’t see the glaring and obvious difference in these two approaches that makes a circle reset of any kind necessary, there’s no helping you.

And here it comes out finally, feigning to have an actual reasonable argument (it wasn’t reasonable anyway), you are actually just another “reroll scrub”-tard.

Congratulations and welcome to the list full of people who can’t seem to get it through their thick skull why rerolling is not an option. HINT : you can’t transfer anything even TP items that cost you IRL money.

It’s not a proud thing to be on this list.

My idea of locking the class upon the next advancement (or finishing rank 7) is already great for experimentation and doesn’t require a punishment at all.

It would help alleviating many issues mid-term.

The way I see it reaching max rank in this game pretty much stops your progression. Itemization isn’t that great. There are no sets that make skills behave fundamentally different or anything so after that we can still discuss how to implement partial resets.

The lack of documentation is primarily in the later circles and combinations not in the early ones.

Additionally this change would allow for some classes to take away the pain while leveling by picking a dps class and locking a support class - this isn’t something bad it is good. Why encase people in pain while leveling.

The question about attributes can be solved easily. Just implement unlearning attributes in the first place and being reimbursed.

There is no argument that will hold against this so IMC implement my idea fast and save a couple of casuals. After that we can check if more is needed by hearing what casuals have to say.