Tree of Savior Forum

The Pro's and Con's of a circle reset


See I really like the idea of “locking” a class.

That’s a very good suggestion actually maybe have things like templar be locked? I don’t know any other classes that exist right now that would fit for this but templar is screaming to be locked on a reset.

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nahh just saying according to my 6th sense _(:3

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You have to look at the good of the game though. You can’t be everywhere at once.

A lot of the arguments I see tend to boil down to wanting players to earn their class. This is fundamentally the wrong way to look at it though. The whole point of this game, and most games in general, to to entertain and provide enjoyment. Denying circle resets lessens the joy a player could be having if they find a build doesn’t mesh with their play style. Worst of all you don’t even get any benefit from doing so.

If you’d like a more tangible argument for though, I can provide one. Denying circle resets denies revenue to IMC. Something like this wouldn’t be free, or even cheap. Without easy sources of revenue, the devs will eventually resort to less favorable means to get paid. Would you rather see things with no lasting in game effect such as circle and stat/skill reset, or p2w and lockbox type items? FTP games aren’t cheap. Personally I’d go for as much non-intrusive methods as possible.


That’s not an actual pro of Resets.

No such thing.

Which could be done easier by making a suggestion that Journal, Premium Content and Silver were made Teambound instead of Characterbound. Which I would personally actually support.
Perhaps you should make a thread about this instead?

No, you are just furthering your own opinion on the subject instead of posting in an already existing thread…

I really see little difference between this thread and the other threads asking for a circle reset. Both your Pros and Cons are highly subjective, and just your personal take on things.

Both my pro’s and con’s were taken from other peoples posts in the 5 other threads including the first thread on this subject that I was very active in.

As far as saying something isn’t an actual pro of resets that’s your opinion and that’s why this thread needs to exist because everyones opinion is welcome every duplicate thread since the original one has been people gathering up on ONE opinion so it looks better for that side since everyone from that side will congregate and gang up on people with opposing opinions.

I’ve been using web forums for 10+ years i’m fairly experienced when it comes to how these kinds of things play out and how communities react. This thread is the healthiest solution outside of a staff member deleting all the threads.

“OOoooo Look at me, I had to work like a fucktard to get my class and now you want to take an easier way to get the same class I did? HERESY NO ONE IS SUPPOSED TO HAVE FUN WHEN LEVELING A HARD CLASSSSSSSSS”

Bullshit. I’m completely in favor of circle reset in any shape and size.

PS: I’m a full support priest and I’m totally OK with other people becoming full support after leveling via DPS because I’m not an egoistic retard who thinks if I suffered, everyone should. :grin:


Considering I’ve played games that offer no stat/skill changes before, I can honestly say something like that does NOT affect the amount of entertainment I get out of the game. And several other people feel the same way.

Why should someone be able to change HOW they play the game based on mood/what’s OP? I know people like this and I’ve played with people like this. A lot of the arguments here seem to come from people like this.

Yes, it may cut into profits for IMC. But why would they want to drastically change the game from what it is now to everyone changes their rank 6/7 once a week depending on what kind of dungeon/PvP they do?

You talk about enjoyment of a game. Guess what? People who play games like kMMOs enjoy thinking things out BEFORE they start. That’s how the old EQ was and how the old RO were. Planning a character out with outside resources and spreadsheets is what some people enjoy. Going level by level and stat by stat to come up with what you feel is the best build for your own personal play style.

RO1 was out for YEARS before something even CLOSE to a skill/stat reset was implemented. (If I remember correctly, I think it was about 3 years and a few months) And even now, what your asking for isn’t just that. It’s changing from Priest, back to Acolyte and then to Monk.

And this thread is the same as 100 other ones we have on the same topic.

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My only argument is the lack of build commitment. You would see the same cookie cutter builds and that kinda kills the diversity. Also, those who really, really, really want to be a crafting/templar would have to commit and work for it. If I have to join a guild I want the leader to be commited to its role.

I do not know about future classes but I am already “future proofing” my build. I’ll take druid2, then druid3 and that’ll put me on rank 8, then I’ll get cleric3 and finally get the rank 10 and see what’s there.

Regarding the “P2W” I completly agree with it. People get their class nerfed or a bug can’t be abused anymore? Welp, give IMC $10 once something else is discovered and GG, resume your abuse.

Another “P2W” point: The shinobi quest is tedious for what I’ve seen in reddit/forums. Why not advance to swordman 2, kill some orcas, then reroll into shinobi? Basically you have cheesed a really hard class advancement.

Some people can’t spend money on the game. Those people can’t “future proof” their builds with a reset!

Some builds depend on a stat, like a DEX fencer, a full CON tank, INT clerics… If you level in one specific build you would want to get a certain stat build. Let’s say you want to play a monk, you roll a krivis leveling build and once you reach monk you reset yourself. Congrats, now you are an INT monk because there isn’t stat resets.

I know I don’t have all the valid points but I believe that class reset will make the game easier and people would commit less to it.

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That’s not my opinion. Someone quite vocal about resets (@lans1234567890) argued that 90% of players will play the top builds regardless.

And if that’s the case regardless of the existence of Resets or not, then it cant be considered a Pro of resets.

That’s interesting, because I recall you saying everyone in favor of resets was being very nice and had good arguments.
How can that be, when they were the ones to make those threads?
Ganging up on people doesnt sound nice to me.

Not unless you rework your OP so its actually somewhat objective, instead of screaming ‘‘Reset please’’, which is what it is currently doing.

Your Con sounds like a downplay on anyone that disagrees, calling them ‘‘hardcore players’’ that would get upset.

Your Pro makes it sound like having a Reset available would be the Savior of ToS.

How is that at all objective?

You know…its not hardcore players that keep games alive, because hardcore players jump from game to game month to month, casuals keep games alive because they play for years and years on the same game…

This doesn’t really work because the casuals in this argument are the ones that want to pay imc for circle resets

giving them money to keep the game alive for years and years…

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That is speculation and nothing else, class resets could be used for gvg and pve advantages by the hardcore because they always want to be optimized.

How is wanting a paid service for people to pay for speculation?

People would literally pay for it lmao it’s not even close to speculation… paying for things in the cash shop supports IMC that can’t even be argued it’s a fact

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You said the casuals would be paying for the resets which is nothing but speculation because hard cores would use it as well arguably more.


okay i’m saying there are people that are calling pro-circle reset players casuals because they don’t want to reroll

This person is implying that the pro-circle reset players are casuals and that casuals do not stay around in the game.

I’ve seen you in the other threads I know you’re well aware of marcello’s posts and you are well aware of what I mean by what i’m saying man work with me here a little bit

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What? That analogy is terrible in wow terms.

This is more akin to switching specs, you don’t pick 7 classes in WoW, just one.

Circles simply refine your chosen method of play, it’s way more analogous to talent specs. Nobody is suggesting we get to change from a swordsman to an archer, for example, which is more comparable to what you’ve said.

How successful do you think wow would be without talent respecs?

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It’s fine if you’re indifferent to the idea, but clearly there are many who want something like this, particularly with how ubiquitous it is in modern mmos.

There are plenty of games where you can have both respecs and calculated builds. I played DDO for quite a few years, and any class planning you think you’re doing here pales in comparison. I like that play style far more then you realize. That game had class respecs as well, and even had a feature that made you stronger by reseting your character to level 1.

The fact is, by saying no to respecs and pointing out games like EQ as why, you’re living almost 2 decades in the past. Games have changed since then.

No, it’s fairly accurate.

Switching Class, Switching Weapons AND switching Stats is equivalent to being an entirely new class.

WoW has “the holy trinity” which is healer, DPS and tank. Each class has 3 choices. Some classes are given 3 choices of 1 path (aka rogue, hunter, mage, warlock) while other are given 2 and sometimes 3 paths to choose from.

This game has a very, very loose style of play. There is only 1 starting class that can heal and only 1 starting class that can tank. Support classes are numerous, but only 1 can truly be called a “healer” and a “tank.”

Switching from an Archer C2 -> QS C2 -> Scout -> Rogue C2 to something along the lines of Archer into Ranger into Fletcher is quite literally going from Rogue to Hunter in WoW.