Tree of Savior Forum

The new meta (rumors)

its funny how many are so obsessed with the pve ‘meta’ in the game, and cry about so and so ‘top’ build is ruined when it decreases in standing by 5%.

like the only thing pve meta can drive for is earth tower and that’s something 1% of the player population actually ever attempt seriously. Yet you have all these wizele running around where all they do is grind almeth or maven and that’s their plateau. And the top earthtower teams here don’t even use an wizele lol

Like even the top ones on itos that reach 20 on earthtower did it because its something they wanted to thrive for, and admitted they’re not gonna grind it out for the earthtower gear because it just costs too much time and silver.
If even these people willing to put the time to reach there says its not worth it to grind ET gear, then why should the rest of the 99%.

Cause if you take away earthtower, all you have is grind groups and solo leveling, in which case, just about any class combination is viable because its low hanging fruit in terms of requirements to progress.

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I think the difference is a lot more than 5%, although it’s going to take a little more data to confirm, I imagine.

At any rate, people live with the dream that Earth Tower is actually worth doing (or repeating), which, as shown by the ET group that doesn’t even want to bother trying for a lolopanther weapon, is not the case. However, they don’t realize that and honestly ignorance is bliss in this case. Those that realize how horrificly lame ET is end up quitting too.

So either you can’t do ET because you don’t fit into the meta so you quit because “all you have is grind groups and solo levelling”, or you do ET but don’t want to keep doing it because it too becomes boring as hell after the first time (“Boring as hell after the first time” describes a lot of things with ToS).

Yet more problems with the game, really.

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The problem of ET isn’t boring as hell, the problem is spending so much time, effort and coordination to get to 10f and above and still have RNG dictate your material rolls. It is so gloriously stupid of the game to even do that, not like ET is so easy to conquer like the normal DGs.

ET10f+ = Spending 1hr+ at the mercy of a RNG of 33% of getting One out of Fourty materials needed for equipment? No thank you.

Sorry, when I said “Boring as hell”, I meant “relative to the hundreds of hours you need to put in to get a lolopanther weapon even if you’re lucky with the material drops”. I don’t recall the exact calculated numbers but it was enough that I think most people would decide they’d die of old age before they completed the weapon even if they were capable of getting the mats for it.

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ah yes… red panda style.

400 days for red panda. event happened? 382 days till red panda. Is the game even be alive when i get my red panda?

At least red panda don’t get obsolete.

its fine, once you get it, they release red panda EX which is the same thing, only 25% better and 50% more pts

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Nothing is meta/futureproof.
At rank 9 or 10, they can make anything obsolete, like MORE CRAFTING OF ALL CLASS SKILLS!

Tree of Scrolls…

And the panda companion, it’s just a gimmicky lure to keep the player base for another year of BS.

The only meta I know of is IMC consistent record of delivering more TP costumes.

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nope this is not the game that gives you all the features(class reset) which is good. It separates casuals and the actual players. No time to reroll? This game is not for you

once you become bored you become lazy tldr

i have a sw3- p - c2- sh - yes im ■■■■■■ but still not enough to make me consider reset

then this game is not for them

agree the bug users need to be banned, this game needs the fukcing optmization (its been months for god’s sake)


Watch IMC release a Re:birth system(quest) after rank10 that resets a capped character straight back to base level1 rank1 that has bonuses depending on class/circle(1/2/3) it had taken as an answer to all those reset cries.

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Zweig, I’m pretty sure this game not being for what’s clearly the vast majority of the population (given that most of them are quitting, just like you want them to) is not a good thing for IMC, even though you yourself might like it. Not that I’d expect you to care though, I suppose.

I suppose there isn’t much reason to. I’d hope you or anyone wouldn’t lose much sleep over a little game dying anyways. Sucks for IMC, though.

As an aside, I don’t recall IMC themselves ever declaring who this game was meant to be for. I’m pretty sure those are your own assumptions based on your own biased viewpoint of the world.


Players quit for a variety of reasons, I don’t think the inability to reset constitutes a vast majority of those who quit. Personally I think the reason the population is dwindling has to do with:

  • Latency and ping issues
  • Inability to do dungeons/missions due to instance exceed
  • Linear quests making players bored of rolling a new character
  • Weird team storage restrictions making transfers between characters hard
  • Bad region timings for TBL/GVG
  • Bad customer support from IMC
  • Lack of communication in game and in forums

All these contribute more to the frustration to players rather than meta builds. There are many many other players who quit pre-200, where the game is pretty balanced and every class is able to solo. What makes them quit? Meta and inability to reset doesn’t play a role here for these players, it is more of the inability to do a dungeon run when you have only 1 hour of play time due to dungeon exceed limit that kills this game. To add further talt to the wound, the customer service is made up of templated replies that make little to no sense.


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People here are just biased imo. They justify their laziness too much. It just feels like they have never played other mmos and they have just played mobile games. They have obviously never played a game that needs 12 days with pilot just to level up and spend thousands of dollars for gear (im talking to you cabal)

Everything here is spoonfeed. Its easy to cap your characters and their reasoning is that why would you dedicate your time in this game?

Too much facepalm mate. Lmao.


Are you trying to brag about spending thousands of dollars on a game to get gears? Bragging about all the time and effort you spend on playing this game?

Players aren’t lazy, but if their efforts are hardly rewarded to motivate them to keep up the grind, it becomes harder to keep logging in for some talt. I have friends who work hard in the limited time they have to log in and rotate the leveling on their alts.

You are biased in thinking you’re a better player than the rest of us casuals. None of us are spoonfed, we just want to eat something better than mushy oatmeal IMC offers.


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