Tree of Savior Forum

The new meta (rumors)

What? There is a rank reset???:astonished:?and only one? I only need one to be a meta lancerā€¦:hugs::laughing:

I had the same opinion too, to have all movesā€™ damage balanced to based off percentage values instead of fixed damage, but months back someone in forums told me off saying I donā€™t know what Iā€™m talking about. Oh well.

Yeah I frequent forums more now too, but I still play XD


I have the same idea too, a very long quest chain that will take hours/days to complete but gives a full reset and requiring the player to re-level back the job experience instead. It kind of spawn a huge debate back then. And yeah like what @nuclearmissile said, a full reset rather than a one rank will be better.

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A full reset will make keeping attribute levels a complicated thing, and also leveling back to the previous level harder, probably ā€œany circle of this classā€, for example, you can either change a class that you have one circle on (such as peltasta on 2nd circle only) or 3 circles of a single class (such as changing cataphract 3 into hoplite 2+dopel).

I was also thinking about ā€œreset one circle or more, the experience required to catch up will increase depending on how many circles you decide to resetā€.

But anyway, suggestions are open to other suggestions to make them better, you canā€™t just refuse it because you donā€™t like how it was initially presented instead of trying to make it better, unless you donā€™t want the feature as whole of course.

Compared to a full reset, a single circle reset is going to be harder. We have exceptions like Chaplain and the pre-requisite priest c3s. Re-leveling can be boosted via status that come with the full reset, like increased 2000% job experience until the level prior to reset.

Here is my post, too long and lazy to post. Moreover is it is a bit out of the main topic here which is more on meta classes.

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my shinobi will be forever rank 7 and will only be usable for material farmingā€¦ nothing more :expressionless:

Well, I donā€™t feel the strength and determination to level a new char, having spent like 95% of my 1200 hrs play time on my main. Itā€™s usually how I play games, and itā€™s usually why I quit games tbh :frowning:

My Sw2-Hop2-Cor3 will have to go Dragoon1 and try to survive in a new, cruel world of rank 8.

Instead of asking for rank reset, we could also ask for a double exp month to prep all of us for Rank 8. Reroll hardcore players can still make it to 280 while the casual players can level up for rank 8. New content will provide new op gears so all current gears are gonna be replaced anyway.


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No to class resets. This is not a game for casuals like candy crush. TBH its easier to reach cap level in this game compared to other mmos(2-3 weeks from 1-280).

Reset is a no no. When you reach max level trust me there is nothing to do rather than saalus or just pure 130 dungeon running or afk or tbl.

People are just lazy tbh.


ppl think in different way. When they play 3 new char+. They will think why I have to do this thing again and againā€¦ and why I need to re-roll everytime when IMC re-balance and destroy some build/skills.

I donā€™t have any experience about Re-roll yet. But I understand why ppl call this game tree of re-roll.

unlike other game when they re-balance all you need just re-stats, re-skills.
This game re-skills donā€™t help anything. Re-stats not sell in game yet.


if you have no life and donā€™t have any rare achievements/untradable items on character you want to trash over/didnā€™t spend a peny on that character

forcing people to reroll/trash their characters every new rank comes or IMC give huge buff/chances to ā€œXā€ class (example Shinobi and it clones using skills from other classes that usually no one picks or Guardian nerf for DPS characters) is super terrible designā€¦


They should use shinobi quest for class reset potion

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SR has always been the best archer AoE especially for ET with melstis.

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what is the build for the Fencer damage dealers then? i was levelling oneā€¦

donā€™t give them stupid ideasā€¦

Iā€™m ok with 1 per year/1 per half year quest that require to farm lots of mats for class reset/character reset scroll but not something as retarded as that yellow flower >.>

enable PvP on map with yellow flower, make it required for class reset item and watch how people kill each other so no one will steal it from them =>
pure nightmare and trollmove

Judging by how this game continues to bleed players faster than the typical MMO does, Iā€™m pretty sure more and more people ARE realizing this masochistic game doesnā€™t feature a class reset of any kind and are leaving the game because of it. Thatā€™s part of the problem.


A double-exp month wonā€™t save people from the tedium of picking 10 flowers for NPCs (nor will it be enough to make skipping such tedium optional, I think)

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The lack of resets (or the tedium of rererolling a new character because most of the levelling involves stupid crap like picking flowers for NPCs. These two factors amplify each other) is one reason why many are quitting.

The fact that there is nothing at max level to do rather than Saalus or just pure 130 dungeon running or afk or tbl is another reason why many are quitting.

This game needs some serious work.


IMO, Questing is only part of the leveling journey which makes up roughly 20% of my exp. 75% of exp still comes from grinding.

It has nothing to do with being lazy. Itā€™s about this game being a long boring hallway.

I usually enjoy leveling new chars a lot in MMOs ā€¦ so much actually that I often ā€œrerollā€ a new char even in games where I could easily change the build of my old char on the fly. For me itā€™s the linear design of ToS that killed the fun of trying new builds after a while.

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