Tree of Savior Forum

The new meta (rumors)

No, because the R8 isn’t doing the damage, it’s providing the utility. As opposed to going Wiz3 for Quick Cast just to boost later rank damage.

Here we are debating while we havent experienced the rank 8 classes ourselves, while we havent discovered the hidden synergies, while the korean rank 8 release is not yet in 1 week.

Cool stories bronies. :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

@nuclearmissile look at them m8. :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:


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comparing MMOs to single player games that can be beaten in a day

OK buddy.

Ah, I assume you’re just going off on some kind of tangent then. After all, the point of the post you were replying to is that builds need to synergize with R8 to be competitive, not whether or not it’s the R8 skill doing the actual damage.

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Builds need synergy to be competitive in general. But yes, building something blindly in the hopes that the next rank won’t completely screw you is pretty retarded. That’s on IMC for not considering every build option when they design new classes. Like, there was no reason to release Lancer - they JUST released a spear class at R7. Lancer could’ve been R9 or, better yet, a 1-rank hidden class since I don’t see why anyone but a Cata would want that class. Actually Murmillo could be a 1-rank hidden class too, since I don’t see why anyone but a Pelt/Rode would want that class. R8 Swordsman new classes are major disappointments in that regard, anyone that built something nonstandard got ■■■■■■.

this is 20 characters

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I just see a lot of fletchers And elememes crying now… after seasons of glory

idk, can’t elememes use frost cloud + sage skills to do more dmg with it?
i cant understand how elememe is suddenly weak

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No they are still doing damage and are still efficient in doing it, just that they are no longer the most efficient class as of now as other classes have become more efficient.

Empires rise and fall. There is no such thing as a forever number 1 tier. Metas will definitely change every now and then to inject a new breath of life to the game as long as it continually receives updates. This is the same for every single game that gets updates every now and then, from D3 to fighting games etc. Once people start to realise this then they will be more accepting to the notion that their build is no longer FOTM.

To those who keep crying that their meta builds are no longer meta:

If you want to be the top contender, then start getting yourself updated to the meta, even if you have to reroll or such. This is how the top dogs do it and I deeply respect them for it.

If you cannot follow the meta due to some reasons or such, I humbly suggest to stop having the idea of wanting to be a top contender. You just don’t have the aptitude for it and would really fair better and less frustrated being a normal player who enjoys playing his class due to the class being fun to play.


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What!??. Reason we go pelt3 squire 3 is solely for the passive silver making machine. Being r8 murmillo is just a bonus. Lol…

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We also have a problem of players clearly knowing that this masochistic game doesn’t feature a class reset of any kind yet still make a conscious decision to play this game out of their own free will.


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IMC did even worse than gear treadmill.

Instead of constantly updating your character with gears you have to constantly reroll, basically losing hours of progress on a now to be useless character, now featuring trans system that will lock some gear you could have reused on your newborn alt at one point so that you need to grind it again for several month/years.

r6+ damage output needs to be rebalanced alongside mob hp. It just kills the game in term of enjoyment.


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Also players who prefer quiting or rerolling than having a system that allows that, they rather have a cash shop reset only it seems (thing that IMC is clearly against).

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■■■■ the meta, I live for the wackiest builds I can think of. even if they are dog tier.


I never asked for a 7days quest to reroll one class, the difficulty can be adjusted accordingly.

Just not something that people can clear in 30seconds like the current job advancement quests.