Tree of Savior Forum

The new meta (rumors)

Because the game is actually balanced around the meta.

If the average DPS is now 100k thanks to all the steroid and the plan to have enemies dying in minimal 5 seconds by these DPS people, it means the new average hp of the monster will have to be bumped to 500k. Now you get to alt-tab WHILE FIGHTING because these monsters now eat multiple combos to kill because you’re not part of the meta. Hoorah.

Even playing with friends, no one enjoy being the dead weight of the team.

Now when C8 rolls in, if a char has plan to use some of those tasty 100% damage steroid, that char is part of the meta now even if it has 4 other circles being picked randomly.


Point me to the rule that says they aren’t allowed to.

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well the new monsters have 300k hp

my rogue sapper will take freakin forever to solo because i want it to be r3s3

(because i like traps more than the r8 skills)

and not a rank 8 class

(and get ksed in between by a meta party)

and my tank cant solo, still hits the bare minimum for damage
thats what i get for making a utility support pure tank meatshield
2 skill mcgee

i can just imagine my tank trying to fight 300k hp mobs

everythings a boss now!!


This can have double sense :^)…


well saying rogue sapper should heavily imply one type over the other

while saying male bunny suit wizard will heavily imply the other


Actually metas are there because they’re strong with “low skill requirement”. (e.g. frost cloud)

There are non meta builds that can perform similarly or more but just takes more effort and the players have to know how to play their classes. (e.g. current swordsman?)

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It never made me want to quit, it just pissed me off that my current favorite class got dumpstered. Like I said, I’ll just leave my Corsair at R7 and hopefully we’ll get news of some new hidden Swordsman class it can advance to. Surely there are a few Corsair3s in KR who can point out how ■■■■■■ they are to the devs.

TBH the whole Corsair thing has just made me really weary about going Hakkapalle which is the other class I’m really into the idea of (just the whole hybrid ranged/melee thing Corsair and Hakka share is appealing), because it could very likely end up being Hakka’s sword gimmick turns out just as useless and limiting as Corsair3’s pistol gimmick.

I already predicted R8 would have classes that made my Pyrokinochrono and Pelt/Rode OP, so I’ll just enjoy Sage and Murmillo for now. Kids think you need R8 skills to do top damage, please - psychic pressure blowing up 16 fireballs and 100k+ damage umbo blows are all you really need.

This, so much this. People are lazy and don’t like to work to achieve anything. I’m not saying all builds are viable, because obviously that’s not true in a game where you have so many combinations of builds, but at the end of the day; if you’re not enjoying casting Frost Cloud, Frost Cloud, Frost Cloud, Frost Cloud over and over ad nauseam then why do it?

META is for Shepards who love herding Sheep. It can be done many other ways, but who wants to push 3 buttons when you can push one.

My point is; Fun. I understand if you’re a min/maxer but in most communities thats the 1%.


monk circle 2 hoplite circle 2, cleric2, corsair2, swordie2

Now see, I totally want to be a Shepard too!

Hackapell e Mergen vs Musketeer C2

P.s: Game still doesn’t need a circle reset, people are reaching job 13 on lvl 30X for effs sake

But Ausrine is completely fine with a 20 second immunity to all damage, makes sense

Did I say there was a rule preventing them?

Generally, if you are done with a game you are done. Too many doomsayers on these forums.

…er, huh? Is the 2nd half of this quoted part contradicting the first half or am I misreading something here?

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Ausrine can be broken and doesn’t have 100% uptime. Missile Hall is still really damn strong, has way over 100% uptime (16 hits for a duration that goes over 100+ seconds with a cooldown of 30~ seconds). If there’s two Sages on a team, you can bet they’ll most likely alternate buffs.


In any case, our meta revolves around AOE damage, which Elememes still have in spades. Just SR3 now gets the holy Retreat Shot 10 as well as Assault Fire meaning their AOE will be massive.

Also, undenounced to most, Krivis3 is going to be an absolute power player in terms of supporting things perhaps more than ever.

Given that they are clearly not done since they are still here, you seem to be mistaken.

Just because a person stopped playing a game clearly doesn’t mean they stopped caring about it, otherwise they would not be here. I haven’t played Final Fantasy 6, Super Mario 3, or Sonic the Hedgehog in decades but I still talk about them from time to time.

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exactly, i have the fear of going inqusuisitor as r8 just to have PD c3 be new meta

This paralyzing fear can really hurt the fun factor of the game a bit for some people. Especially now that people have had the reality of it happening once already with R8 obliterating a lot of the current meta, to the point where even builds that people thought were future-proof ended up not being so.

But hey, IMC doesn’t want to (or can’t) implement circle resets so whatever, I guess. More people quitting and less potential money (from circle reset purchases) for IMC, then.