Tree of Savior Forum

The new meta (rumors)

That’s indeed true, most of the good cycle 2 have either a really good skill or really good attributes (eg Archer 2 for attributes and Sapper 2 for skills). Many classes that don’t receive good skills also do not get good attributes, or any attribute at all. :confused:

Not gonna bother rerolling my main, just going to keep being an altaholic and playing whatever I feel like at the time. (Although… That’s sort of like just rerolling constantly I gues…?)

Thauma C2 got Reversi. I dont think that sucks.

i said almost every class did u read it

I make your words my words.

well u need to stop thinking about things so calculationy

you knew you wanted to go druid 3 rank 8 before rank 8 was announced? how do you know you wont like taoist priest better? how do you know you wont hate druid c3? why not go taoist priest since it fits in with your build better? not everything goes the way you want it to

literally EVERY. SINGLE. CIRCLE. 2. CLASS. in this game sucks ass

Circle 2 Cleric says hi.

some classes have circle 3 disease

where their circle 2 is the best instead

cleric, sadhu, sorcerer

I think it was a simple misuse of the word literally. etirrn is still correct, most of the C2s aren’t good.

We are yet to discover a ton of hidden combos, but go on boys, follow the meta :smiley:

Seems like you don’t play swordy…

Hoplite C2 & Dragoon C2 said Hi.

i said almost every class did u read it

No you didn’t, you said

literally EVERY. SINGLE. CIRCLE. 2. CLASS. in this game sucks ass

Isn’t my avatar enough hint why I even considered to go Druid to begin with?

IT’s a freaking furry.

I play this game because of the fantasy portion of the content.

Summon build already suck.
Now even the transform dream build is going to suck.

Your enjoyability in this game post C6 is completely determined by

Not your taste.

Not your need.


You need to admit it. This game is stale as crap and this update direction isn’t any better. The c8 steroids are just supporting the whole “Yeah our game is a DPS race so it’s stale and screw the other classes that you enjoyed all along.”.

If I’m going to play a game that is 100% about the number I’m getting in the future, I might as well just play a game called “Life” and improve the number on my pay check.


‘‘If I’m going to play a game that is 100% about the number I’m getting in the future, I might as well just play a game called “Life” and improve the number on my pay check.’’

Why won’t you then?

dont play the meta you will have fun!


‘‘played a sapper 3 rogue 2’’ became useless for r8
’‘played a pelt 3 squire 3’’ became useless for r8

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My ToS average playtime already dropped by nearly 75% the moment I got to see Hauberk die.

I am already back to playing a game called life. Part of life is being salty at people around here that try too hard to justify a game for being a 4.5/10 at best.

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More and more players are doing just that.


And yet they are still posting here for some reason.

Agreed. I don’t find taking forever to kill something just because I’m not a meta build to be fun and I imagine many others are the same way

Why are you guys so obsessed with being META? I’ve never, ever played META and have very little issues playing the games I’ve played as they were meant to be played.

“But no one will invite me to ET or X event” You need friends, because believee it or not, there are many many more ways to complete things besides what the Shepard’s will have you believe.

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“b-but my rainbow wizard build is strong guys! don’t kick me from party please ;_;”

keep dreaming

the reason meta builds are popular is because they ARE STRONG…

no one will invite to ET party or future grind parties people (where monsters have tons of health) with silly herp derp builds

no one says that you can’t make your character like you want but then don’t be surprised that you deal 1/4 of what meta/cookie cuter builds can do… that’s the problem of ToS. you either make fun/“new” build but sooner or later become useless or follow meta/cookie cuter builds and actually be usefull… until devs release new rank and ■■■■■ up everyone