Tree of Savior Forum

The new meta (rumors)

hoplite corsair is even easier since they can just grab shinobi/corsair3 whichever they don’t have

New Meta? No just new mainstream. And who cares the mainstream?


We already see people saying “Wiat for R9 and it might save your build”. But as shown by R8, more existing builds get destroyed than saved on average by a new rank

There’s also that the game might not survive (or THE PLAYER’s motivation might not survive) until then, and even if it does, its many months away

R8, instead of fixing the game’s inherent flaws, looks like it will only magnify them


Lots of people care about the mainstream if posts on this forum are anything to go by. Arguably one could say that the constant bleeding of players is caused at least in part by people caring about the mainstream to the point where the lack of circle resets and tedium of relevelling a new char caused them to quit because staying with the mainstream required one of those things, although admittingly at this point there are a bajillion things causing people to quit.

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Game has minimal content.

The only thing you can do in this game is “Beat the crap out of the enemies”

And they balance enemies around taking inflated damage meta build.

Game is so enjoyable on the first run from 1 - 150. Almost anything can be played in the field and there’s a decent amonut of enemies.

Then it kicks into inflated number zone and you’re just afking every time you kill something so your entire skill combo comes off cool down.

This game is like trying to bake a pizza using cookie dough. It looks fun and awesome at first since the color and everything looks normal and the topping looks nice. C7 comes, you bake it and it looks like ■■■■. C8 comes, you eat it and it gives you diarrhea. Also it tastes like ■■■■.


Game is becoming like another Granado Espada, where the high to end game content starts balancing itself on inflated attack and defense rating requirements to progress…

At least GE has minimal grind so the game can be played even if the meta shifted as long as you have the gears already prepared. (And the $$ to get that new Lyndon box char if it’s OP enough like Cutie Claire release)

If I know the cookie pizza is going to taste like ■■■■, don’t force me to bake another one.

for a sec I just wanted to say: “just like D3”

but at least in Diablo 3 all characters are viable + grinding new gear for new build every season isn’t such suffering and pain like rerolling new character in Tree of Savior because on new classes/new ranks runing all current meta builds and screwing non meta builds even more OR falling into the newb trap of “useless shitty builds that will stop working as you reach lv 180+ and you are forced to start again and again and again and again… and shitty builds on tosbase or outdated guides on forums don’t help at all”

I feel this is only an issue for “meta” followers. For the rest who create their own builds or just go with what they like, they can still pick an R8 that synergizes the best with their current build or just the R8 they like for other reasons.

In terms of elememe warlock, it’s not like they don’t do damage anymore. They still do a lot of damage it’s just that they may not be top damage anymore (it depends actually). But the fact that they can just cast frost cloud and walk away technically do nothing more is still very advantageous during any fight.


I can’t say I’m happy for those who followed current meta builds just to get screwed later, but I’m glad my “build for fun” actually can result in something OP, but you can expect people to start bandwagoning which won’t make me special anymore yay…

Gotta love meta players.


They arent forced to do anything like delete their characters. What happens when rank 9 comes and none of the rank 8 classes synergize, but the rank 6 and 7 do? You guys overreact too much. The W3>Ele3 sucks now people say? no their builds havent changed at all… There just may be something better now.

Noones builds are changed, but there are just different options now.


I don’t get why people blindly follow meta when the game doesn’t support it.

Meta in any game can change due to balance changes, and often it does. This game doesn’t support meta since there’s no easy way to just switch to a meta build and thats a good thing.
Not being top damage doesn’t equal with bad, not being top damage doesn’t equal with being unviable.

I honestly don’t mind if lots of meta players will quit, people crying over not being meta anymore is not a sight I will miss.
Just because some class is a bit stronger than your class with your class still being strong shouldn’t matter if you enjoy playing the class you chose.

Also rank 8 is not tested enough to say what is meta yet as the thread is only rumors at this point, which means theres no point to cry about it yet even. On a second note, they haven’t even started balancing rank 8 which is why it’s even more ridiculous to cry about it yet since the balance can still shift and meta could end up being different.

Meta players will never be happy with the balance of the game since meta is ever changing. Class reset would not fix this unless they were unlimited, which would hurt the game more. So most likely this game will never completely support meta.
Meta players have 3 simple options:

  1. Giving up meta and enjoying the game
  2. Not giving up, suffering everytime meta changes due to having to reroll etc.
  3. Leaving the game

Lots of players choose classes they like and enjoy the game, it’s not that difficult. Sure you should think about your build at least a little so it’s not completely terrible but any class is playable even without being the top tier.



there is a nerf/rebalance later on and meta player starts screaming again because their newly created char just doesn’t work anymore.

I actually don’t mind if people like that gets pissed of the game and quit.

But we all know there will be someone who will keep remaking chars every time…

All I really care about is having a “future-proof” build, something that won’t become entirely useless on the next ranks, meta or not I could care less about that.

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for fun builds you create yourself are stronger than meta builds. you only have problems with the game if you follow a meta build. if you create your own build, you will definitely have more fun (as long as it is logical)


When will people try to understand that it is just a game. Do not force yourself to get the 110% best build. Just try to make the best out of your build!

Where is the fun when you force yourself into something you do not like because of the playstyle for example?

I am not saying everything can work well. But as some already said, no one knows what the future brings and maybe rerollling now just to get that 20 % more damage will result later in something “hell, why did I do that, know my old build would have been better!” (after some balancing / fixes / patches / etc.)

But if you have fun in always rerolling, then go ahead~


btw everyone do not be discouraged by circle 2 classes


“circle 2 disease”

literally EVERY. SINGLE. CIRCLE. 2. CLASS. in this game sucks ass

there is LITERALLY no good circle 2 class. (almost) every class gets amazinggggggg at circle 3. examples are fencer, elementalist, wizard, quarrel shooter, alchemist, schwarzer reiter, fletcher, scout, necromancer, dievdirbys, druid, cryomancer, chronomancer, priest, paladin, ranger, etc

most of these classes had TERRIBLE circle 2s, but then got 10000% better at circle 3

do not be discouraged because your class is in a bad spot at circle 2, they will (usually) get better at circle 3


This is making me afraid of what demonic ■■■■ musketeer can pull with C3 =.=

C2 is scary enough and u r telling me C3 is gonna be more of that? gg

Can you say that about Sadhu? Krivis? pardoner?

My for-fun build is to create an offense-type Krivis-Druid and C8 is already punishing me for not planning to go Taoist because D3 was the goal I wanted all along.

I don’t even follow the meta and now, I’m about to be punished by the new changes by only dealing 35-40% of the intended “average inflated DPS” decided by IMC and their poor balance-and-direction team.

You guys are so optimistic. The meta exists because ToS has a poor foundation that makes the game unenjoyable and stale after C6.

*When the only thing you game has is “Whack and hit the monster in different locations” and nearly 90% of the DPS-related builds can’t do that properly because they’re not stacking steroid, the game fails horribly because there is no longer variety in classes.

Want a fullproof never fail meta build that will survive even C42? 100% utility dieve priest.
You have to play a buffing slave bitch (oh wow, they don’t censor this?) if you never wants to fall off.

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