Tree of Savior Forum

The new meta (rumors)

imc needs to let you reet your last (2) ranks whenever a new rank is added, what if featherfoot 3 is new meta but u went enchanter? it takes litterally MONTHS for an average player to get to rank 8.

I dunno about you, but most games I’ve played have profession jobs completely seperate from combat classes.

i.e: you are a warrior and you can also choose between a blacksmith, various crafters and gathering jobs.

Like BnS. You can choose two gathering professions, two crafting professions, and still be a Force Master. Or you can not choose any profession jobs at all.


ewwwwwww, lol i hate that. the game always has this equipment/item that is SUPER expenisve and its pretty much required to have to progress. so you feel forced to get a proffesion to craft it. (looking at you BnS)


Aside from the fact that BnS has a completely different weapon/armor system. The profession system is pretty nice where it’s essentially just a side job.

Heck i can even look at elsword and their profession system. It’s helpful but completely unneeded for normal gameplay

this thing will always be stuck in my head for the worst reasons

omfg, delete that ■■■■, stop haunting me.

Well then just enjoy your enchanter c2 instead, find players who need an enchanter c2 in their party and find ways and means to utilize your build?

It just feels like “hey I see a doctor earning more than me, can I request a life reset potion so I can be a doctor instead of an engineer. It will literally take years for me to study and get back the same amount of experience as a doctor”.


That Item can make gold for me a lot. lol

Real life would be a LOT better if people could reset their mistakes once hindsight kicked in. Sadly, unlike a videogame, such a thing is physically impossible.

It’s wholly possible in a videogame though. It’s just that ToS’s developers won’t (or, IIRC judging from that Q&A, CAN’T, which goes to show their ability and competence) do it.

Well, meta does not mean DPS. I mean, what I try to say before is how the class directions so far so that re-roll or class reset request is out in the future. Because the class directions are wrong, people simply asked class reset to avoid wasting time again…

Let’s talk Cleric for now. Who builds Pardoner C3? Sadhu C3? They got left behind since other classes in same rank totally outclass them. They don’t need to get better DPS and such, but their roles adjusted to be equal with Plague Doctor with different type of support/utility… Kabbalist goes in right way despite we want more expectations or still lame (at least good choice when your early class are all DPS like Krivis - Monk)




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Playing fun class that you’ll like is only futureproff in every mmo anyway. META will always change so to be top dog you need to live ‘‘reroll’’.

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@rveins it’s just ToS isn’t the type of game that you would like it seems. Try another i think.

Saying ToS isn’t the game for someone so they should just leave is starting to become a thinly veiled excuse for the increasing likelihood that ToS just has horrible design. I find it very unlikely that IMC or any non-Indy company would purposefully design a game to only be the right game for what is more and more clearly an insanely puny playerbase. At this point calling it “niche” would be giving its size too much credit

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that and support/utility class cause power creep is real.

cause she’s a he.


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