Tree of Savior Forum

The new meta (rumors)

Yep I do understand that meta doesn’t mean DPS. I’ve been in so many games where the meta keep switching and switching. Try MTG where they ban some stuff every other year that cause the modern format to keep switching metas and tier decks. (RIP eggs, pod T_T)

Back to topic. I agree that for lots of classes, the direction and implementation aren’t up to what IMC planned, or rather envisioned them out to be. Likewise for most of the pro-reset players, I too have a number of characters which kind of got ‘nerf’ as patches roll. RIP my linker1>thau1>chrono3 AA wiz… my toy hammer… :sob:. Hunter c3 is another disappointment, so many buggy skills, lack of pet AI. Level 17 rush dog deal lesser damage than my cafri-sacrament auto. Don’t get me started on swordsmen, it is so clunky that I made a thread on it asking for awareness and buffs.

The recent gameplay videos of kToS R8 got me worried too, not about the classes but the power creep in which IMC puts in the game past 280. It just seems like pure support classes like FS clerics, FS wizards will have a really hard time just traversing through the content. 300k hp normal mob? That’s the hp of ET monsters and how many builds can actually do that?

This make me realise that the current iteration of the game has come to a point where both directions, ToS with reset or ToS without reset, is just going to be bad for the players.

Balancing is shiat now, and it is even worse in R8 patch.

Sure adding a reset is going to make traversing the new content easier and more bearable, where the most efficient meta classes can do the content while other non-meta, ‘gimmicky’ builds will take the back seat in the lodge. Full support builds can get parties to finish up quests, but will suffer greatly when they are farming materials in 300+ maps just to get their level 320/330? gear.

If the content can only be played by meta builds, who is going to respec to a non-meta to try?

This is a qn I would really want IMC to answer for R8 and beyond. If a reset does happen and everyone has to go meta just to complete it, no one will want to go non-meta anymore. This defeats the fundamental nature of the game, which is to diversify the classes and make every class viable.

Sad to say this is also what I forsee will happen when there is a reset. It is a bandaid which just delays the inevitable. On the contrary, having no reset in this unbalanced game makes it more and more unbearable, as players who aren’t in the ‘correct’ build can’t proceed even in the normal quest maps.

In the current iteration of iToS, support builds such as linkerchronos, are still able to solo some of the content, like gathering materials to make their grynas gear. The monsters are of 10-20k, although it takes some effort to kill it is still doable. Past 240 it becomes near impossible to solo quest or farm materials. It is considered as end game now, but when R8 hits the goal post will shift to 330.

IMC ought to sort this shiat out and balance the game. It will solve most of the problems that the players are facing if their builds are viable to do most of the content. Sure high end game content will need specific builds to do but all the classes should at least be able to navigate through 85% of the content with little to some effort. Once the classes are balanced, then players will be happy with their class choices and not think that they “waste their time” levelling some sort of lodge bench warmer.

This is solving the problem at the root, class resets is just relieving the symptoms for the time being only.

As for kabbalist C2, yeah it is kind of a disappointment. Oh well…

@jchang10931 Yeah it is possible to implement resets in the virtual game world. For ToS it is more a design choice to leave the reset out rather than the ability and competence of the developers. The Q&A reply is just a nice, roundabout way to say that.


Ehh. That was easy to make. Since i had a group lol.

Lol, I even not asking for class reset and my class builds are not meta. At least not in public eyes, when people think 200k damage with 60s cool down is better than same damage in 30s by chain combo and not pressing one button… My issue is re-roll that I’ll try to note below…

By meaning of wasting time, you play the game when nothing to achieve. I even said re-roll won’t be bad thing, if it’s rewarding for all characters I made. Team level somehow does not a “good reward”… People still making alts/re-roll for RO because new stuff you can try/get profit, even when you build wrong characters they won’t end in character select screen and done. ToS direction is close to that, but what’s your reward so far? Only Talt from rush boss?

That’s what I mean about skill balancing, to add roles to current useless builds. Priest’s Blessing is crap at first and the new calculation made its value better while it’s not direct buff to DPS skills… I didn’t pick Priest in my first Cleric and I’ll be happy to pick one for a new character while my old character still useful with different style… What I asked is similar balancing like that…

lesson learned: improve word choices next time :wink:

nah wasnt disappointed in kabbalist 2 (its a support NOT A DPS DUHHHH)

still waiting for kabbalist 3 for 100% uptime of en sif and around 200% more hp though.


The disappointment isn’t for the DPS aspect, I don’t take Kabbalist for the DPS in the first place. The disappointment is on the support side, I don’t expect Kabbalist to get any damage skill at all in C2. Merkabah was our damage skill and it is converted to a support skill in C2.

We have to invest many skill points in gematria/notarikon + double chance just to get a “variable” multi-hit skill which is on a 42 seconds cooldown. The skill has no overheat and with the heal tile area of the gematria/notarikon, it makes the skill really lackluster.

A skill with a cooldown like this would have been balanced if it functions on its own. But no, it needs another prerequisite calculation skill in order to work. So, kabbalist with this trait of having to use 2 skill points just to get 1 effect, by right the effect should be considerably stronger than other classes who spend 1 skill point for 1 effect. But it is not the case here, the skill has a variable factor and has a high cooldown with no overheats.

And so yeah, I’m kind of disappointed with kab2’s implementation. The double chance effect could have been slightly changed to make the entire class really worthwhile as a support.

So far the only good skills are still C1 skills with added C2 attributes and levels. If one goes Kab2 it is for those levels and attributes. The C2 skills themselves need more tweaks to be good to use in support, namely the following:

  • Increase in aoe radius of Gematria and Notarikon
  • Decrease in cooldown for Double Chance
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c3 kabbalist hopefully gets a golem

It’s actually 300k elite mob, not normal mob. No kill count available. Not required for any quest. Just there for parties and well built soloers to gain xp.

Think about the sheep in alemeth. Great party xp 210-230. Not required for any quest. The normal mobs needed for quest and kill count actually have very reasonable hp.

Nice, that is great to hear.

Doesn’t matter if you have 100% uptime on ein sof, you’ll still have to heal back your health to full after recasting it.

Good thing heal tiles scale with your max hp then!