Tree of Savior Forum

The more expensive female hairstyles is an UGLY look for the game

And if they raise the male hair prices, which already barely get any sales, then NO ONE will buy them and they will lose even MORE money which would, again, make them a VERY stupid company.

Did op figure that female players also play male characters or should we tell him?

Barely get any sales? You’re making up statistics, please stop. You have absolutely no data supporting the fact that male characters are less likely to spend TP on hair.

If you had actual numbers, I might be able to properly reply to what you said, but simply claiming this because… reasons… is not good enough for me.

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Do you know who DOES have those statistics? IMC.
Do you know how much sense it would make to have lower male hair prices if they sold as well as female hair? ■■■■■■■ none at all.

Common sense should tell you that male hair doesn’t sell as well, because if it DID it wouldn’t be cheaper. Because if male hair sold as well as female hair that would mean they made it cheaper for no reason and are willingly throwing away money. And do you know what that would make them? That’s right. That would make them stupid.

If they don’t sell as well, it’s because there are less male characters, however, that is not to say that the average male character uses the TP shop less for cosmetics. There is no information supporting that. That is simply your unfounded speculation.

This entire thing sets a very bad precedence in the cash shop. If IMC is willing to overcharge a specific character gender with hair and it is as profitable as you’re boasting, why stop at hair? Is it fair to expect more gender exclusive items and different prices? We’ve already proven, apparently, that female characters spend more in the TP shop than male characters and based on this thread, the vast majority of female characters are complacent drones who have no problem spending 30% more for their cosmetics than the other gender.

So is it a smart decision to continue to overcharge female characters? Because you might call this a slippery slope and try and rationalize a strawman out of this, but this sets a precedence that yes, IMC can in fact charge more for female exclusive items and yes players will suck it up because they are complacent.


Exactly, there is no reason to. It’s really simple. If people are willing to pay more, then they are not going to stop charging that amount because a tiny minority complains about it. If you want it to change, you’ll have to convince everyone to stop buying them. Then IMC will see the loss in income and lower the prices.

I made the same exact point on the supply and demand part, but eh… They’re greedy. There’s no excuse for it other than that.

Although of course it does make sense from a business standpoint I don’t like it.

If male hair costs less, the profit margin is then likely less which might lead to male versions being an afterthought.

Now I prefer to actually deck out my male characters, but over the years this have come to a halt simply because there are never enough options for males that look cool.

I see these cosmetics as genderless things. Player A should pay the same for cosmetics as Player B regardless of ingame character being A or B. They want to draw more money out of those customizing a female character? That is fine, then release more variety for them, but not different pricepoints.

This difference made me not purchase the female hair version for my chars and that says a lot, because I regularly spend 100€-200€ to customize my characters to my liking.

I am only one sole customer, but people you need to stop accepting this kind of bullshit. Nothing good can come out of supporting this kind of sales.


Did ya ever consider the fact that they are buying it at that price because they have no other option than to NOT buy it? These prices were set from the get-go. They weren’t adjusted based on audience; they were already in place on an assumed audience.

It’s not done in other games, and those games that base the prices on hair length and effort put in seem to do JUST FINE. They literally have no excuse but milking it because it’s assumed to be the popular gender played. But then, why not milk the males for the same price, too, considering they’d make more money that way? “Basic economics,” my ass. The economy of this game may be dictated by the players, but it’s ruined because this company doesn’t know anything about economics, other than how to raise dollar signs and put things behind paywalls.

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The reason male hair doesn’t sell well is because it ain’t fking male hair. It is female hair called male.

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You claim to know how economics work. Maybe you live in a different country than me, but here in the US, prices tend to go down whenever there is a spike in sales, so they will sell MORE. They don’t go up just to make money, because that would do the opposite. Yeah, they drop the prices of things to sell more if they’re desperate, but this early in the game… That isn’t likely. It’s not like they’re trying to sell Xbox Ones.

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I think they suck it up because they’re not given another option. The “if they didn’t like it, they wouldn’t buy it,” argument people keep making isn’t really an argument, considering they’re not given another option other than to not buy it… Which, a group not buying it won’t do much if a still-sizeable group is buying things. You’d have to convince everyone to not buy, which isn’t gonna happen. Masamune is right on the part that they’re rather impossible to convince as long as they’re making even a little bit of money off of it, because people are still going to buy other things in the meantime. They most likely make their biggest gains off of charging $20 for a month of Token use, considering how they pretty much make it forced (choosing otherwise is just a terrible option when it comes to Market use and trades), as well as considering their slim pickings of costume and hair options, and the fact that hairs are gender-locked, and most costumes are class-locked.

That said, I’m a male who plays a male character, who bought a premium body costume and a premium hairstyle… There was only one I liked, though. :sweat_smile:

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This is getting off-topic and I only mentioned it as an anectode in my original post but I can’t just leave it at that.

■■■ =/= gay. ■■■ is an actual slur that was and is used to hurt gay people.

And yes, a straight person may get (unnecessarily as it’s nothing bad) offended if you imply they’re gay. Same as if you call a guy ‘lady’. That doesn’t make the word itself bad or filter-worthy.

Gay is not a bad word. It’s a neutral word used by gay people to describe themselves.

By filtering terms like ‘gay’ and ‘lesbian’ you’re only othering your lgtb customers and perpetuate the idea that being gay is a bad thing. It’s not bad, and it’s not a threat or insult to you.

“That’s gay” or “You’re gay” are ■■■■■■■ weak insults and hurt gay people more than the straight person that’s been ‘insulted’

Also, are you using lesbian to insult people too?
Why isn’t ‘straight’ filtered? It’s the same kinda word.

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Strongly agree. Also, I am a bit uncomfortable with “over revealing” female costumes. It makes some people, including myself, wonder why they do it. I mean, panties? Really? Is it really necessary? There are many ways to make the character cute/cool without revealing unnecessary parts. It’s very unpleasant to see my Necro flashed her panty when jumping.


well dunno the thing is to equalize prices they could:

  • make male hair more expensive - and it wouldn’t be worth the price, hell male hair looks almost the same anyway don’t see much reason to buy one
  • make female hair less expensive - I don’t think IMC wants this and I can’t blame then
    If you get over the whole sexism then yeah pretty much uneven prices is the way to go because for a female hairstyle you get more for your money. (at least more hair :slight_smile: most of the time)
    This really doesn’t have to be a female-male thing, for example in hair saloons they have different prices based on the length of your hair as well. (and yet no one calls that discriminatory)
    So it’s more about value for money. At least that’s how I see it.

Lol I really love those topics… srsly why is everybody complaining about it? Most of the time you have to pay more for a black car than for a red car… why is that? Yes because more people buy black cars…

So what ever it’s economy, look at the auction house, what items are high priced? Yes those which have a huge demand and those which are rare.

And by the way… while high priced female hairstyles are not sexism in my book… males playing a female character and then complaining about sexism because it’s more expensive to dress them up… yeah kind of not in the same pc realm as I’m living in…

Not touching this with a 1000000ft pole, made me internally rage momentarily though 10/10 OP

The minute you said supply and demand you lost all credibility and I stopped reading that wall of text

Supply and demand only exists if something is physical and has a supply the hair is digital and infinite there is no supply and demand just admit you’re sexist and move on.

As a female player. I think OP has a point. While other female players said their disagreement, it’s really just their personal preference.

“As long as I can look cute, doesn’t matter what price” " There are other more important issues" etc.

Those are just their own opinion but it doesn’t change the fact that there’s no equality being served here.

I honestly don’t despise guys playing female characters but if that causes female cosmetics to be pricier then there’s clearly a problem there.

The decision to have female cosmetics to be more expensive came from IMC so back to OP. He does have a point.