Tree of Savior Forum

The more expensive female hairstyles is an UGLY look for the game

They do,though.Go to a salon catered to men versus one catered for women and the minimum price will literally be different.Heck,even ones that are marketed as more co-ed [Hair Cuttery,for example] do the same thing.Past a wash/shampoo,women get charged more for a variety of reasons.Some I have experienced personally are: Long hair,thick hair,blow dry [some men don’t get charged for that,how is that fair?],product put in hair,difference in price for a trim [with dry hair!] based on gender.

The cheapest I can get is $30-35 at Walmart,and that’s probably not going to be the best.Guys though? Supercuts will give you a decent result at $10 last I checked.

The other points I agree with you on,though.

I mean look at Tera… 90% of what they release is directed towards female characters, even new classes. New Reaper class? Elin (female) only. New OP Brawler class? Human female only. New Ninja class? Also Elin (female) only. Check the new stuff they add on the shop and it has to do with altering the dimensions of your chars chest and butt sizes x).

It’s all about money I guess. Knowing full well that sex sells and female characters seem to be overalll more popular, most of these mmo’s will cater to whoever decides to play said female character. Or in Tera’s case, force people to play female classes and hope they’re willing to play dress up via their wallets (which most are).

I’m just referring to average prices. I do know that asking for extreme things usually costs more for women, to this I won’t argue. If I went into a salon asking for the same thing, I would get the same price (my hair used to be 3 feet long, which I grew out to donate to Locks of Love). It’s the length that does it, and what you ask them to do, that determines the price.

I did say that Barber Shops (catered to men) tend to be cheaper, but it’s because they don’t exactly have the training to do higher-end things. I doubt they could even layer hair. :stuck_out_tongue:

But yeah, $10 is pretty much standard for anything as long as it’s shoulder-length or less, or otherwise any length as long as they don’t have to use scissors. If you expect something fancy, you need to be prepared to pay for it, especially if you’re going to a Barber Shop, because they tend to play guesswork with scissors (as said, they just aren’t trained for it most of the time). $20-35 is standard for women at salons/stylists, but it’s usually standard for a scissor cut even in a Barber Shop if your hair is longer than shoulder length (this is due to labor, cleaning, and skill regardless of customer gender). I just moved here two months ago, but locally, the most recent hair cut I had (longer than shoulder-length) cost me $10, but to be fair, the guy works alone, in a small town, and determines his own prices. It’s $15 for a standard scissor cut from him, and he’ll charge more if it’s long enough to do so.

I usually go to a Barber Shop, not because they cater to men, but because it’s where my grandmother took me. Her hair was down to her knees (she was 5’3, so that’s saying something). She’s also why I grew my hair out for 5 years to donate, because she died of cancer… It was a strain emotionally to go to a different one recently after going to the same one for nearly 10 years (mostly out of preserving her memory, in a way). Otherwise, yeah, I’d go to a salon. The atmosphere in a Barber Shop is nice, but I’ve only met two Barber Shop barbers that would ask how my day was, or what I did that day, and it would actually sound genuine (like they actually cared)… Something that feels more genuine in Salons, regardless of the gender of the person cutting your hair. It’s kinda… Boring when they don’t wanna talk, or make it sound like they feel forced to do so, ya know?

Anyway, it’s not a sexist thing in that case. Trust me, I’d be flying off the rails if it was (I’m an egalitarian). It’s literally due to skill of the person cutting your hair, and what you ask them to do. Typically a barber will still charge you less than a stylist, but a stylist is specialized, as well. Also, Salons around here are $15 usually, regardless of gender, although they do discount for children most of the time. Barber Shops don’t. Barber Shops charge you $10 as long as they get to use clippers, while salons charge $15 even if they do. This is again mostly because of their training that was required, what you ask them to do, the length of your hair, et cetera…

Because the guys playing this game have no need for hairstyles. I’d rather have body styles.

I want my Barbarian (though I don’t really have one :stuck_out_tongue:) to be all beefed up and taller than the average player base…I’d like the same for them clerics aiming to be the manliest full support healers this side of town will ever know.

Hair? I’d roll as a bald man if I could

I agree with you completely. I think Tree of Savior is one of the few games to actually have the nerve to price female hair styles higher than males. It’s not like that in any other MMO I’ve played.

It’s obviously done because there are more females in game, with that logic, why stop at hair? How come costumes aren’t more expensive for female characters too? In fact, why are hairstyles gender locked at all? My trap boys…

But if you want to use the stupid argument that it is because female hair is longer in Tree in Savior (not always the case) and it takes more time to make, then why isn’t the price more varied? Why not make longer hair styles more expensive and short hair styles less expensive? They won’t, because that would make sense. They are literally just charging more because there is more people who will buy it. It’s pretty scummy and greedy.

EDIT: Also I find it quite funny and sad that a lot of you people will rag on Zipzo for posting their beliefs and trying to defend them. That makes their opinion less valid? There is a lot to complain about when it comes to this game and the fact that you chastise them for doing so is sickening. Yes, let’s make their opinion less valid because they have spoken up in the past. No one sees a problem with this? Quit being so toxic, you’re all embarrassing yourselves. Beyond your circle jerk, your hate boners look incredibly childish.


@Zipzo What will we complain about NEXT?

I got a whole bag for this game bruh, I’m just getting started.


Make male character can cross dress, problem solved. Wait…no? :open_mouth:

I’m a lady myself and honestly,

I don’t find the increased prices on female hairstyles sexist in any way (towards females anyway)

It’s simply because a lot of people without female parts seem to have an odd urge urge to create those characters and deck them out in the most adorable (or sexy) costumes that they can find.

Yeah, I have to pay more because I play my own gender (I don’t find any fascination in playing males) but it’s not like the prices were set in place BECAUSE of me or against me.

Plus, I make more money than a lot of males that I know so it’s not like paying an extra $2-5 will have my wallet coughing up dust.

Prices, come at me.

No! Zipzo knows whats best for you. You should be outraged.


Anyways on this topic. I have no say. It’s kinda wierd, but IDK these cash shops and their “microtransactions” are all messed up in this entire genre.

This is still here?

Complacency is part of the problem. Just because you are able to buy something doesn’t mean it is right to. I imagine if they priced female costume higher you’d also be okay with it.

I do think it’s rather stupid that the female hairs are marked way higher than the males. All reasons aside, they just know that most peeps will role female characters for whatever reason and marked it up because people will still buy it regardless. Hopefully with enough complaining they’ll turn it down…

give beard accessory

I’ll take 15!

There is no problem. It’s super simple basic level beginner economics. People with female characters are willing to pay more, so they charge that amount. People with male characters aren’t, so they charge less so that people will buy them. Supply and demand, knowing your target audience, etc. These are all basic concepts of running a functional business.

If you hate the prices so much, convince all people with female characters to stop buying them, then they’ll see a lack of sales and lower the price. But good luck convincing all the people with female characters to do that, because as I already said most are perfectly happy to pay those prices, which is why they cost those prices.

That’s simply milking your audience. You have two demographics, but you overcharge one because they are the majority. Supply and demand isn’t even a valid argument, since the hair style is made once, so there is an infinite supply.

I don’t fully understand the complacency. I guess people like spending more money for the same things.


Exactly. There IS an infinite supply. But for SOME reason people with female characters are still willing to buy it even if it’s expensive. They would be the STUPIDEST business on the planet to lower the price of an item that people are happy and fully willing to buy at the current price. Lowering the price only makes sense when people aren’t buying the item.

15 hairs?

Of course! Totally worth it!

I think they should make the hair styles equal in price, even if that means raising the price of male hair. It comes off as scummy and greedy to overcharge one group of players because they are the majority. You are buying the same thing.