Tree of Savior Forum

The more expensive female hairstyles is an UGLY look for the game

Taking a break from the ad nauseam stupid anti-circle reset arguments to address this other ridiculous bit that creates such an ugly look for the game.

The female hairstyles being more expensive is downright sexist, and paints a picture of green on IMC that is impossible to object.

I already know all the [ridiculous] arguments:

“Female haircuts cost more in real life!”

This is by far the most egregious of the arguments used, beaten swiftly by the simple observation that…this isn’t ■■■■■■■ real life. This is in no way a proper justification for an item of the exact same type for opposite gender characters to vary. MMOs do not and have never made some kind of tax distinction between male and female characters.

I mean ■■■■, while we’re at it, why don’t we relegate female characters to not being able to pick combat classes, sure some females can be warriors but a strong majority of them tend not to be! So we might as well design the game as such! Let’s remove all the monsters in the game that don’t exist in real life too, it’s too unrealistic!

Not. This argument is absolutely boneheaded and if you’ve ever used it I recommend you do something painful to yourself.

“Males tend to play female characters, so they are just tailoring their business strategy to the large majority of players”

This is still stupid because it’s completely ignoring that you catch every single female playing the game in the cross-fire.

If I were a female, I would be pretty apprehensive to bother playing this game because the message they send with the price difference is so glaringly discriminatory and oblivious to how ugly it looks.

Equalize the prices, IMC. Just because something is a good “business decisions” doesn’t make it a good business decision. It’s bad publicity. Which creates a negative outlook on the game, and drives players away, creating less business. Think further ahead than the tip of your noses.


I suspect in the future, they will focus on releasing female exclusive cosmetics and forgetting about males completely.

male hairstyle should look gorgeous like female.
give beard accessory
give lolipop
give bread in mouth
give fish in mouth
give cat tail
give wings
give skateboard / tatapi / rocket shoes~
gender equality




are u saying every market thats has men and women’s goods, (but if there are more women goods in total), is sexist?

u dont understand human psychology. or business.
also a more expensive item can be more appreciated in-game by others and u.
isnt that what u want anyway?

Really dank bruh, but not very original and not even relevant. Like you were holding it in the chamber waiting to use it, it’s rather pathetic.

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muh sexism

A very large amount of male players play female characters in games like these

There’s your answer


Another ‘I don’t like this’ topic…

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that second one is why they are doing this, think about tera, and thie female specicfic classes

I addressed this exact ■■■■■■■ stupid answer in the OP.

Let’s utilize those skills you learned in elementary school, shall we? The reading thing.

then just raise the prices of male hairstyles as well. ez fix, no weird gap, etc.

Noto thisu shitto agen. Looks like I’m in tumblr.

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Heres the thing about KR Games.

Female > Male

i mean just look at the costumes from the games that originated from there. (dragon nest, black desert, etc)

and they all have one thing in common crappy male costumes


This makes 100% perfect business sense and has nothing to do with sexism and everything to do with marketing and sales. What you and others seem to be missing is that it’s not that female hairstyles cost more, it’s that male hairstyles cost less. Which may sound like the same thing, but in business it’s COMPLETELY different.

As I’ve already explained in another thread about this, men and women have different preferences, generally speaking they like different things and are willing to pay different amounts for those things. Businesses study these differences and create their products to make the most amount of money possible based on those differences. This is the same brand of shampoo will charge more for the ‘women’s’ version even though it is basically identical.

I am selling two products. Product A and Product B, Product A is aimed at women, Product B is aimed at men. I am selling both products for $10. After a month I look at my sales figures - Product A has sold 500 units, but Product B has only sold 100 units! So what do I, as a business seeking to make money, do about it? I lower the price of Product B so that more men will be willing to buy it. The next month Product A sells 500 units and Product B sells 400 units, a major increase! All thanks to the lower price! By lowering the price I have almost tripled my profit from Product B! Why would I NOT do that?

It has absolutely nothing to do with sex and everything to do with “who is willing to spend more money on fancy hair?”


I did, until i saw the word sexist.

That alone makes your entire argument not worth mine, or anyone else’s, time.

It’s also the correct answer.


so it’s just a pink tax. shrugs. It’s not unreasonable to want that as a consumer to be avoided on mmos, or in any industry really.

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and i think they’re testing prices just for hairstyle for international customers.
the result is all that matters, and you’re just one part of the data.
it’s not even F2P yet and you’re posting about tp shop stuff lol.

basically they will adjust based on the incomes they get. they’re not stupid u know.

take my advice, keep your tp until f2p like what im doing and wait until things balance out. the more u wait the more fairer the prices should get based on the demand.

Going to copy this over from another thread about this same damn thing.

Ok let me just set you straight and on your way.

The majority of people that will be playing this game will roll female characters. Male characters being played by males do not accessorize their character’s hair feature not nearly enough to even warrant them putting the hair at a high price. Female characters will have their hair and other things changed a lot more and people will spend the money to put on nice hair and clothes for their female character. This is not because of “Sexism” but beacuse of supply and demand.

If you knew a single ounce of economics you would of saw this but instead you want to scream “Everything and everyone should be equal”. Nothing is equal, nothing is the same, everything is different. There are no perfect circles and no across the board equality. The best possible thing that you can give is an equal opportunity. But nope you dont and wont see it that way because you just have to scream about how everything is sexist and be a feminazi. You arent giving advice, you are throwing in feminist garbage. “TOS HATES FEMALE PLAYERS” even though that they have a good amount of women on staff and NOT TO MENTION that the female clothing and hair get FAR more attention to it than the males. If anything its the males who are underrepresented. So why the ■■■■ not charge extra for the stuff that OBVIOUSLY has more work in it? Why wouldnt you want to charge a decent price for decent work?

Because if its not equal, its sexist. Even though it clearly isnt equal on the flip side. What about the male characters? Why not say “why arent you giving males more quality options of hair?”

Well I could go into an in depth post about how society has females value hair more than males which created billion dollar industries such as hair care products and accessories, magazines, salons ect ect ect but im sure this is enough.

TLDR; Female stuff has far more work put into it than the males, so they charge more for it. Its simplistic economics. It pisses me off when people use the word “sexist” in the most incorrect and ignorant ways possible.

My advice…know what you are talking about before using it.

-End copy past

So instead of being a liberal white knight concerned about the plight of females you should actually look at the economics. But again you are more about pushing liberal agendas like equalization of everything where it doesnt need to be. Its not bad publicity. Honestly its people like you and others who make people not want to play or do anything because EVERYTHING has to be PC. Everything has to be up to feminist liberal code or else you are a literal bigot racist that has no idea what they are talking about and should hurt/kill themselves just like you suggested. You are agreeable on some topics but this I can not side with you. I am tired of people pushing this gender bullshit.

No one is equal. Genders arent equal. Get over it. Im not saying treat one gender like ■■■■ but honestly you aren wanting a company to charge the exact same amount of money for different qualities of work. Some items have a lot more time and effort put into it and yet since it happens to be on a female, if they charge more its sexist.

Get over yourself. Stop turning video games into some narrative to fight the oppressive patriarchy. Either grind your mob or go away. I for one have zero tolerance for people who preach about things they dont understand anything about and spew forth their liberal media agenda that they heard near the feminist cult punch bowl.


If you weren’t delusional you might be able to see that these two things are synonymous, there’s no distinction to be made.

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