Tree of Savior Forum

The more expensive female hairstyles is an UGLY look for the game

Oh and just to put icing on the cake.

The East (Asians) give ZERO…count that please…ZERO shits about any of this. Go ahead and try. They will put even sluttier flashier costumes just to spite you. Good luck on forcing equality on a culture that does not even care.

You based you entire argument on a completely subjective POV: the quality of the male options.

Where as mine is based on fact, the numbers are there for anyone to see. This has nothing to do with being PC. I’m the furthest from PC, but I can spot smelly ■■■■ when I see it, and differing prices for hairstyles based on gender is smelly as it comes.

You’d actually have a point if the hairstyles INDIVIDUALLY varied in price, showing that the price reflects the amount of work that went in to it. It’s not though, it’s a streamlined price across every style.

Next fail argument?


Yet you dismiss that you are trying to push political and social agendas in a video game that has no need of them and anyone can clearly say “yea there are far more females and yes, female hair has far more detail”.

I mean if a IMC staff member would be so kind to show us a list of what sales and what doesnt im sure it will show that people bought far more cosmetics for female avatars than males. Hence why it would be smart to make the stuff that sells more, cost more…which you can clearly see has far more work put into it.

I am a female, and I care more about cute monsters and decent casual experience than such unfortunate but totally avoidable price differences. Now, if the token prices were more expensive for girls…

If there’s any equality I am lacking, it’s that I want male hairstyles usable on female chars and vice versa. Costumes too, for all I care.

The hair designs are so lackluster though. 95% of female haircuts are long hair, with or without pigtails, with two bobcuts as variation. Meanwhile the guys have 99% short hairstyles, which all look very similar.

Tbh, I looked at the male premium hairstyles and decided I wouldn’t want to buy any of them. They’re just so boring. At least the female ones are cute. (I did in fact buy the mint-green premium bobcut. It’s very adorable, especially with black haircolor unlocked).

Sure, on the paper that price difference doesn’t look pretty, but you know what? Why bother. You can opt to not buy the hairstyles.

And if you argue about the price difference, where to stop? The panty shots? The gender-specific costume designs? (Tbh I dont care about brief panty shots, but I would still like to see more pants and coats for female chars and less dress-only.)

The game has bigger problems that drive players away than having to pay more for a cuter look.

Hell, the fact that ‘lesbian’ and ‘gay’ are filtered in the chat is a more serious issue than the price difference.


Its funny that guys are learning and getting mad over pink tax just when they are actually suffering from it themselves when creating a female character.
You care about it ingame. Do you care about it irl?

Not saying its a big deal though. Its great for them to win big bucks over the overpopulation of female chars, that in fact may be men.

And… My dear, dont talk about a term you dont know about. Thats not what sexism is about.

That last part is because it can be used as an insult. Even the word Class is censored…so you just get Cl.

Honestly I would just chalk it up to Korea not knowing American social politics and just going crazy with the censorship.

I was going to reply to you in the original thread, but here I go since this is gd and I can have more baby fights or something

All of you who think this have probably never drawn in your lives, or designed anything. Is there a bigger market for female fashion? Sure, that’s an argument, but stop with the argument that it takes more work and that the male stuff looks terrible. Just squint between two different gendered outfits, they all have a similar level of detail and love put into them.

I will bet that even maggi herself finds it much easier to design things for females, given her bias to drawing girls over guys. If anything, it is male designs that take more work, creativity, and inspiration. If you think that the designs are ugly, that is purely subjective. In my eyes, some of the male hairs and costumes have much higher artistic value than the female ones.

Like I said before, the only valid argument is that more female hairs are animated than male ones. Then in that case, why isn’t noble ponytail, a perfectly nice and animated long male hair the same price as the female hairs? ???

I don’t think that this is something sourced from direct sexism, it’s just a business practice that has unfortunate implications.

Going by the same logic of everyone here, say, about child labor. It’s way bigger in scale and much more severe, but the way people justified it is the exact same way you guys are justifying this. Why did people use children for labor? Not because they hated kids and wanted to see them suffer, surprise. It’s because kids were cheap labor. Then why was it regulated and banned? think about it real hard for a second.

I don’t think the hair price difference even comes close in severity, but it’s the same idea. And yes, it does matter because it concerns money.


Except this isn’t the East Asian version. It’s a version catered to a different culture. Games make changes depending on the regions they’re publishing to.

Second of all, I live in an Asian country, probably the one most removed from western society, and you have no ■■■■■■■ clue what you’re talking about.

It’s not pushing for a social agenda you twit, it’s pointing out a glaring shade on their business model that paints them like all they care about is the cash. Obviously that’s the case, at least do a good job of hiding it. People don’t like greedy practices in environments where it isn’t needed.

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zipzo u only care because you’re a female girl that want to make a male character with hairstyles and costumes.
guess what, you’re the exception cuz most people are guys that want to make their female character pretty. and guess which group pays more?

hm? argue about this again when male hairstyles and costumes pay more than females.

Class is censored because it has ass in it, and the filter isn’t an intelligent one.

Gay and lesbian are very neutral words that people use to describe themselves. Unlike (partially reclaimed) slurs like fgt.

You can also use monkey to insult a person (and it is used for that by bigots). So should we ban that too?

Also, I’m pretty sure it wasn’t the koreans that filled in the words for the English filter.

Another Zipzo thread

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I never meant to imply the developers are directly and purposefully being sexist, I meant to imply that they seem to be unaware that the message sent is, at least accidentally, sexist.

What region is international in again?

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Now that’s just rude. Don’t just judge people based on their gender.

So bitching about sexist things that arent sexist but a business practice isnt pushing PC.

I could say im living on mars but i cant prove it, neither can you prove the asian part so that part is dismissed.

Games that make changes (aka regional censorship) due to where they go to are garbage when it comes to changing things to facilitate terrible pc practices that are more based around cultural marxism.

You could be complaining about anything and everything else. Like perhaps panty shots from some of the costums but yet the PRICE is the most sexist thing to make a thread about. Its not greedy at all.

Greedy would be that you have to buy all hair except for the one starting hair.

Also this…THIS is the thing that showed that “they just care about the cash” Not the whole RLM trading fiasco that is still going on, which infringes on our abilities to use the markets like any other game or hell even trade with people correctly? No, this is the defining part that shows how bad they care about money. This thing right here.

Edit: This thread is going nowhere and there will be no conclusion in sight nor will there be anything solved from continuing this thread. All I and others will be doing is just bumping this up to the top for more shitflinging.

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I ■■■■■■■ know it…a zipzo post, always crying.

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Oh yeah, I understand what you were trying to say. People just get hilariously set off by the word “sexism” like it killed their dog and shat in their cereal. The only reason why people are so angrily defending the price difference is because they really sensitive about and hate the word, and hate everything that comes with it for whatever personal reasons. Yo, I get it. Your life is being ruined by political correctness. But the price difference is odd from a consumer standpoint and easily fixable.

I see no reason otherwise as to why people cant just say “oh yeah, it’s pretty weird, just raise the male hair prices, more money for IMC and less complaints from the community”. you change a single value, it isn’t much work. like is there some serious harm in doing that that I am not seeing properly

Also, at that person above this post saying something something about pink tax, yeah, I agree that it’s not a 100% valid thing in mmorpgs because you can just pick your gender. Males playing females will have to pay the same price, it ain’t sexist at the core. It’s just strange and unfortunately based on a gender difference, no matter how arbitrary.


If you weren’t illiterate you might be able to see that I addressed that in the very next sentence.

Are you insinuating ITOS is open to every region?

Dunno about you but on my Japanese steam account, ITOS ain’t there.

I would say being illiterate is different from being uninterested.