Tree of Savior Forum

Sexist TP Costs?

They should just balance the prices. Like one is 119 the other 179? make it all 119 or 179 or something like 150

I don’t really like the differentiation in prices either. Males being 119 and females 178, that’s a pretty big cost gap. Business or not, making someone pay 50% more for essentially the same thing is pretty rude.
I wouldn’t mind as much if the price gap was alot smaller, but in the end its still unfair treatment…

Coupled with the fact that you cant team storage cash shop fashion items, you lose even more TP for having to reroll for your own various reasons, just because you play a female character.

That diference in price also made me think alot about it, in the end i got to this conclusion:

Not only for tos but mosty of other mmo, the numer of female characters is higher than males, and in a try to balance these number IMC tough of the simple solution: Price for male cosmetic cost less, so this incentive ppl to make male characters.

Fact is: Female acessories and design always are more “cool” or “cute” than males in mosty games, and because of it more and more ppl play with female characters. Lowering prices of males cometic may really result in a more balanced male/female numer in the game.

Now to people trying to put this into something like “Sexist” or “They want to get more money” is kinda stupid…

@edit Lower it price because nobody buy it don’t really work in a game…

First we are talking about data, imc won’t lose a “product” if it don’t sell simple because this product actually don’t existe…

And if that “discount” was to ppl using male character buy more, it would be best to just release more styles… ppl who don’t buy a cosmetic don’t buy it because it’s ugly or because he don’t care for cosmetic to begin with… it’s not really the price… after all the females ones ell just fine right? (by the logic).

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The male hair styles are likely cheaper because no one is buying them, and it’s an incentive to buy them. Helps that they look like ■■■■ and the female ones look nicer in general. I’d rather pay more for a hairstyle that doesn’t look like ■■■■.

You want to know what’s really unfair? The female archer cosmetic outfits look like ■■■■.

Why does everything have to be about sexism? If you don’t like the price, don’t buy it. What do you think is more effective, whining on the forum or refusing to pay for something because you don’t like the price? Surprise, the latter is just as ineffective because tons of players are paying the extra for the nicer female hairstyles and you’re the only one who finds this to be a grave injustice.


Couldn’t agree more with archer costumes, and of course, with the fact people who play male characters don’t care much about their look. Fun thing, because OP probably think the male costumes are the original price, and if IMC was going to balance them, female costumes wouldn’t have any price change.

Ok let me just set you straight and on your way.

The majority of people that will be playing this game will roll female characters. Male characters being played by males do not accessorize their character’s hair feature not nearly enough to even warrant them putting the hair at a high price. Female characters will have their hair and other things changed a lot more and people will spend the money to put on nice hair and clothes for their female character. This is not because of “Sexism” but beacuse of supply and demand.

If you knew a single ounce of economics you would of saw this but instead you want to scream “Everything and everyone should be equal”. Nothing is equal, nothing is the same, everything is different. There are no perfect circles and no across the board equality. The best possible thing that you can give is an equal opportunity. But nope you dont and wont see it that way because you just have to scream about how everything is sexist and be a feminazi. You arent giving advice, you are throwing in feminist garbage. “TOS HATES FEMALE PLAYERS” even though that they have a good amount of women on staff and NOT TO MENTION that the female clothing and hair get FAR more attention to it than the males. If anything its the males who are underrepresented. So why the ■■■■ not charge extra for the stuff that OBVIOUSLY has more work in it? Why wouldnt you want to charge a decent price for decent work?

Because if its not equal, its sexist. Even though it clearly isnt equal on the flip side. What about the male characters? Why not say “why arent you giving males more quality options of hair?”

Well I could go into an in depth post about how society has females value hair more than males which created billion dollar industries such as hair care products and accessories, magazines, salons ect ect ect but im sure this is enough.

TLDR; Female stuff has far more work put into it than the males, so they charge more for it. Its simplistic economics. It pisses me off when people use the word “sexist” in the most incorrect and ignorant ways possible.

My advice…know what you are talking about before using it.


You can always play a male char, you ever seen Log Horizon =D

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imc isnt the only company that does that.
it’s not a sexist thing
it is a demand and cost thingy.
if u wanna save tp,
go play a male char.
that is also a way of trying to make ppl consider their choices
beauty over cost.
sadly to say this but…deal with it.

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Bullsht… you obviously havent played SecondLife.

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You forgot a fact, men spend more on their stupid game than women.
And this is hairstyle in a game.
I love short male hairstyle, it’s super cute btw. Glad they set that price.

really tho…

Are these people not aware of how big of an issue gender equality is in the US right now? Buzzfeed bout to get they stank on.


shut up u dam feminists

lol the pony tail would really look nice for a female though
my wiz is kinda using the short cut firm.
it looks really good on female too
especially when u use the ears and flower accessories on it.

i wonder if anyone know that ,prem hairs are able to change colours too instead of their default colours.

Did you just compare child labor / attacking competitors to the decision to make a popular pixel art cost more than a less sold pixel art?.. Seek professional help.

Show me any MMO shop anywhere, ever, in history, of all time, that prices the exact same item between male and female character versions higher for the female versions.

There’s a good reason why I emphasized that it was nowhere near similar in scale or severity, because I knew one of your types would come along and say something similar. I’m not comparing child labor to mmo pricing. I never said once that they were similar. I’m trying to make a point that just because something is a business practice doesn’t mean it’s entirely acceptable. If you’re convinced I’m comparing something, I’m comparing lines of reasoning.

If you disagree that the pricing is not acceptable, then just disagree. If you just want me to be a bad person because I disagree with you, then sure, whatever floats your boat.

Well, TOS Base is sexist too and no one is complaining.
the bomb has been planted, retreat!

Yeah… the whole gender should be treated equal discussion. I’m really emberrased for the girl who started this topic. What the f*** it’s a game, so you choose what kind of character u are going to play, equal rights mean, that everyone has to pay the same without different prices for players with different gender. So that means, having different prices for stuff in a cashshop is so not discriminating. I mean, I have to pay around 80euros when I’m going to my hairstylist. My boyfriend has to pay like 20 euros, so what. I got long hair and he just needs a cut and go. Same goes for me at the TP shop.
There are no nice male hairstyles and most of the people play female chars anyway, so it’s legitimate to demand more money for the female ones.

And by the way, starting a topic with pointing out that you are a women, is kind of the same sh** u are accusing IMC of. Just because you are a women does not make the topic more true or not, it’s just a attention grabbing opener using your gender as an argument.


I’ve never read so much bullshit. You know, this is a game, it doesn’t need to be like in real life and thus carry on with the inequality. And what the hell with the “most people play female characters so it’s normal that the price is higher” ? If you really are a woman, then maybe you should reconsider you way of thinking, I’m not even a woman and I find the fact that the prices have such difference depending on gender is discriminating.

I llove How People truly believe in the bullshit they write, IMC White knights r Amazing. Its not legitimate the difference in Price and why they should try to control the gender demography of the game? Its not Like they need more Child, so whats the Point of having more males? I really dont understand if some are trolls or they truly believe the bullshit they say