Tree of Savior Forum

The iToS Weekly Round-up Thread



Actually the joint pelnaty bug was reported from the first day it appear, and it took that long for IMC to fix the thing. Unlike your acuse, we have proof as reply ticket from GM when it was reported.

and how cute of you to say you start in 2020, because the one who started it all since the beginning was not YN nor GS at all. It is just a result of old time grude and newer people (yes, just like you) keep following that grude without knowing why.

none of us know 100% what is in your “higher standing people” mind, so better go ask them, because in our pov you have known nothing

have a nice day :haha:

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shut up you sore loser!


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bro ~ why avoiding my reply man.
20 char.

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come on ~ you going to ignore me ?

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Wow the way you guys makes meme so fast, sadly your gearing is not as fast. :poop:. Come show me true name. Then i know who am i talking to. :rofl:

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Imagine bragging about gearing up and winning while being fed gear by a guy that rmts and bots and there’s no @STAFF_Bob nor the angry mob that malded about cm scrolls :joy:

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that all u cry about? y u cant afford item? pea brain

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I don’t even play the game smooth brained monkey, but if you have to wait for a guy to rmt and pay for your gear, the only poor here is you :joy:

Oh, and imagine paying to win in a game with <100 CCU per server :nerd_face: :joy:

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Only jealousy people who don’t know the inside will speak like this? U don’t even know what happening. Empty vessels speaks the loudest! Hahaha

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Explain me how I can be jealous of a differently-smart person that buys silver and bots to gear up his guild in a dead game :nerd_face:

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The autism must be strong in you if you think that ridiculing you is crying, keep going mr. “I’m rich with someone else’s wallet” :upside_down_face:


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hello there :satisfaction:

why so many new account. thought this game is dead


This thread so active, the game is alive :satisfaction:


Let’s respect @4lkruzeth work and moves to an assertive environment folks!
Go post your memes and accusation here :smiley:


I’d say we better take our toxic war elsewhere. We can do trash talking war but may be somewhere else.
Let round-up be round-up for those who care.
I have something in mind too, but since I respect Creator I’ll pass that.


It’s weird how these things only lasted like 5-10 minutes after GTW before. I guess it’s pent-up frustration that got it this far.

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