Tree of Savior Forum

The grinding is REAL! Please do something

Were you complaining about grind? What about now? I don’t even know how to call this.

I don’t think Leveling up is the goal in this game. And I wish it won’t be. I actually wish they add more features for entertainment. Like stuff your char does while sitting, more interaction with pets or more mini games like those card battle thingy

I never had a problem with leveling cuz the bosses are easy. I defeated a lvl 77 when i was lvl 67 and I was doing solo. You don’t need to be the same lvl to fight them cuz 1 lvl = 1 stat point. This game does not force you to level up to finish quest. It forces you to use mechanics, think of your skills, have a plan and be creative. If it’s too hard then ask people to help you… or if you like solo like me, look for exp spots.

I actually faced a wall when I was lvl 65 or something cuz a quest won’t allow me to continue till I’m lvl 68. So I started grinding. After a few min my RO days are telling me… “you are leveling up wrong”. So I checked my map and I can’t believe I missed a lvl 69 map right above Klaipeda. So I didn’t grind. I looked for quests.

Also, pls note that the NPC won’t be added on your map if you haven’t talk to them. So you might go to a map and think “I finished all quests here cuz I’ve talked to this guy in the map” There are probably someone or something you missed and it wasn’t placed in your map.

The thing that bothers me actually is that there are some requirement before you can do the quest. eh… but that’s ok. Atleast it made me stop going to the main quest and start exploring

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yeah the purple gear does feel unrewarding… it should be earned while doing something other than the main quest. I earned a purple in a side quest and I think that’s the item I remember the most. and the rest of my items are like “wait… how did I get this item again?”

Purple gears should be…
Instance Dungeon, Overworld Bosses, Treasure box.

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There is one thing that i noticed.

In RO (The old hardcore RO) the game holds your hand and tells you how the game works through the tutorial area ,that you can skip btw. Then after that, when you get teleported outside no one tells you who to talk to or what to do. So you know what kind of game you are playing early on. You get to learn to ask people “how to do this”, “where do i get this”, “can you help me with this?”, “where to lvl up”. You also learn to do things yourself and learn things from ‘experience’. You don’t rely on the game to help you with your problems. You solve your own or you ask for help.

In ToS the game holds your hand till your level 70. After that… you didn’t even realize the game left you and said “Hey! This is the part where I leave you! You need to explore! There’s a lot of hidden quests and other leveling spots that are not tied up to the main quest that you have been mindlessly doing since lvl 1”.

So I think i kinda get why people are shocked by the sudden wall on lvl 70-80.
“It’s like people going to a swimming pool of 2ft then slowly getting deeper. After 4ft it suddenly jumped to 8ft. Some will will complain and some will ask for help cuz they are drowning… while others already know how to swim are enjoying the deep waters.” And i’m one of those people who likes deep waters.


I actually went off track of main story plot around early 60’s when i found out the materials and recipes of some blue gears are not on main story route. Really wished they would just remove the equipment requirement level.

p.s Just need a Recipe for a Trinity sword. All materials gathered.

At low level…me too…
But i don’t really mind to grind…let say…around 70% of designed level.
It was supposed to be grindy at high level, in any game when you reached a certain level. Just not 20% or lower of designed level.

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Or, you know… they just haven’t finished making contents past 70…?

I don’t know if any mmo would reach as much of a following as RO being labelled as a “grind game”. Back when RO came out, there weren’t that many MMOs to begin with, and other MMOs had a huge grind as well. If I’m wrong and the devs are intending to make a grind game past lvl 70, I’d like to hear a quote or something in that regards. I think they fully intend to keep making additional contents so that players can continue to progress with interesting stories, unique bosses, and dungeons.

yeah it could be that. I actually like the sudden halt in lvl 70 cuz I started exploring as I said in my seperate comment. But I think it is because I already know how to ‘swim’ (do things on my own)
I also stated on my seperate comment that I actually want more content than the exp change so we can do more things in the middle of leveling and questing

I know there will be additional content and i am patiently waiting for it. I just wanna point out why some people are finding it easy and others don’t

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Honestly i would like the CBT to be easier to level up than it is…To test some classes,check out the dungeons/missions and stuff like that…But i would love a much lower exp rate for the official release,For testing purposes i think that the CBT exp rates are a little low,but to really play the game i think that the exp is a little high…

i do not believe people who level to 100 and have not grind yet
grind starts at level 30, where tenet is 10 levels over you no matter how many quests you finish

oh maybe you missed something. bad thing is… if you missed something and go back to the previous quests the exp reward won’t be as good as it should if you didn’t do it with the level it was intended. So the game kinda does not reward you for doing it late. it kinda punishes you actually if you do it really late

I know cuz there is a quest that is bugged and when I came back 15 levels later the exp cards gave so little. (good thing it was just 1 quest that’s more than 10 levels back)

So a great exp planning from quests would be to ‘get every side quest done before doing the main quest’. Kinda limits the players of what to do and what not to do at some point if you think about it. But they will probably add more quests/content in the future.
Maybe they should give exp rewards based on the current level of the player?

When iRO launched their classic server, people where hitting early 90’s within a week. the only REAL grind in RO pre-80 was going job 50 as a first class, outside that it was all knowing where to go and having good enough equipment. The way the EXP curves in pre-renewal, 50% of your total exp to max drops you at level 91, so yes. The grind doesn’t really start till past 80.
Post-renewal you can hit rebirth then hit 3rd and hit probably around 110+ within a week if you know what your doing and grind enough. So yeah.

I’ll echo this, there is so much stuff even at low levels you can miss easily if you don’t pay attention, I didn’t even notice guards grave area existed until yesterday and it’s a level 50 area. People getting lost or stuck grinding let their hand be held too tight and got lost when the hand they was holding disappeared.

The questions wasn’t how much of a grind it was if it was a grind. And RO was a grind xp quests were a newer addition it was go sit on X map till lvl X then move to map Y. So i am right RO was a grind.

I have played RO since its janky ass beta.

did you saw this:

bosses to strong???
you mean too easy, rigth?
in fact soloing bosses are really easy, i hope tey get a little bit harder in the future.

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Classic IRO was set with no EXP quests, old EXP charts and pre-amatsu spawn patterns. It was made to mirror 2004~RO and didn’t even have a rebirth system when it launched, the only single difference was the cash shop which has the same rental items and 1.5x exp for half hour purchasable in it. It’s changed now but if people could get to 90+ in a week in those conditions it goes to show how endgame focus RO really was.

RO’s grind was for items more than exp for the most part anyway. I’m just glad this game is more along than RO’s beta was with no skills.


Not actually, it depends if you don’t have someone to help you. If there’s none, then you might not get LVL 16 in 2 days.

I have the impression that even lvl 70 is too much! The game should “hold your hand” until maximum lvl 10. Otherwise this will be just like a copy of this WoW ultra fail brainless quest system (get x of that, kill x of that), as if players were actually robots, with no interesting history at all. That was the best in RO, the freedom and the valour given to the few, but often attractive quests in the game.