Tree of Savior Forum

The Grand Modifier Thread | Skill damage boosts and 'additional attack' sources explained

Update :

Doppel3 tiem @ExionKruez

  • Doppelsoeldner
  • Zwerchhau
  • Punish : Earthquake (As well as Synchro Thrusting : Pierce and relocated Frenzied Slash)
  • Zornhau : Deep Cut (Fake multihit)
  • Zucken : Multicut (Partial fake)
  • Redel : Multicut (Partial fake)
  • Sturtzhau (Partial fake)
  • General
  • Added section covering “fake multihits” under skill %.

Okay so Sturtzhau is what happens when IMC wants to have every skill mechanic out there fit into a single skill:

  • It has an innate 150% damage bonus.
  • It’s only 2 hits, not 6.
  • Those two hits are a fake multihit of 3 “hits” each.
  • It ignores part of an enemy’s defense.

And then the c3 attributes for Redel and Zucken make them partial fake multihits like Sturtzhau : Redel becomes 5 hits with each hit split into 2 for “10 hits”, and zucken becomes 4 hits with each hit split into 2 for “8 hits”. The simply gain the listed bonus per hit.

So yea. They had fun making Doppel 3 I think…

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Now that the reset event is pretty much over and the forum won’t be as filled with build a vs build b threads;

To do list

  • Wizard

  • Remaining :

  • Soon :
    Wizard C1
    Cryo C1, 2

  • Archer

  • Remaining :

  • Soon :
    Archer C1
    Ranger C1, 2

  • Cleric

  • Remaining:

  • Soon :

  • Swordsman

  • Remaining:
    Fencer3 + Lunge
    Templar’s Mortal Slash

  • Soon :

Feel free to chime in and help out; especially dragoon2 is super easy; take everything off, hit a monster with Z, equip spear, Serpentine with Attribute, take spear off, hit monster again with Z. I’ve heard various numbers ranging from 30% to 70% floating around.


  • Added “Additional Damage” section

  • Everyone

  • Add. [Element] Property Damage

  • Swordsman

  • Concentrate

  • Wizard :

  • Energy Bolt

  • Energy Bolt : Additional Sleep Damage

  • Earthquake

  • Cryomancer

  • Ice Bolt

  • Ice Wall

Wondering if you are interested in you are interested in some formulas for elementalist and warlock I tried finding. I was the only person testing it so it is still best if you double check.

Sure thing, just post em here and I’ll take a look. If you have all the relevant data (attack/magic amp/mob/other damage related stats like element damage) I should be able to figure it out.

All calculations are tested with 0mamp and 0 elemental attack. Also, if what you wanted was the actual damage on enemies, tell me again and I will prepare an excel sheet, since my records are a little messy.


Freezing sphere uses 2 fake multihit, with the sum of 2 hits matching description

electrocute damage:
let n is the nth enemy hit(1 for 1st enemy hit)
m = int(matk/2*0.8^(n-1))
electrocute dmg = 5*spell%*m*log10((m/(mdef+1))^0.9+1)
max number of enemies hit (level 1 to 15): 3,4,5,5,5,6,7,7,7,8,9,9,9,10,11

Missing prominence dot calculation


Mastema dot dmg
take m=int(matk/2)
dot dmg = spell dmgmlog10((m/(mdef+1))^0.9+1)

last 30s base on level 8
high spirit no difference in: dmg, duration, log down, no. of hits
3 lines per orb
level 1 = 550%
level 2 = 580%
level 3 = 610%
level 4 = 640%
level 5 = 670%
level 6 = 701%
level 7 = 731%
level 8 = 761%
level 9 = 791%
level 10 = 821%

Ghastly trail
matk modifier +400+100*level

Evil sacrifice
Damage uses source damage(invocation or dark theurge)

auto attack increases 5% per level

Can’t exactly work out pole of agony’s dot, but I suspect it adds in mamp and also scales linearly with matk over time. I have 6 samples done on rhodedoe if you are interested.

Same as before then, adding.

I assume it’s a true multihit, hitting 5 times for roughly the same damage on each enemy? So first enemy takes 5 hits where m uses n = 1, second enemy takes 5 hits where m uses n = 2 and so on?

This one would definitely need some ingame mob damage values to know for sure. It all looks pretty good so far.

Didn’t even know Prominence had a DoT. Thought it just hit enemies once every time it appeared.

This is for the Phantom Pain attribute right? Like with elec it looks good but values on mobs are nice to double check, especially on various different mobs just in case the math only checks out for the one mob you did it on :wink:

So then what to high level spirits even do? LOL
Values look fine, you took the “Deliver” attribute into account right? If that even does anything if you have 0 dark attack

This looks accurate given the value itself is on the tooltip, was just a matter of where it was added.


So damage doesn’t change based on the amount of souls you absorb? Nor depending on high level spirit or not?

Everything tested during daily rank reset event, so there is a likelihood of stealth patch.

If I remember correctly, prominence applies a burning effect on mobs, but I totally forgot until now

For invocation, I did not take the deliver attribute. I have no idea at all what high spirits do. Forgot to mention they also do not kill spawn more spirits either.

Drain damage not dependent on amount of souls absorbed. Unable to absorb high spirits. High spirits also does not affect buff duration and dark theurge CD, so I guess it totally ignores them?

electrocute hits 4 times on the last enemy (lowest dmg), 5 on 2nd last, 6 on 3rd last and so on. Since I tested with no mamp, all those lines on the same mob has the exact same number
electrocute will really need testing since what I claim goes against both the tooltip and what most people think.

Edited for further clarification

I have bit problem of understanding the elemental damage in the formula, so I would be thankfull for small explanation.
The best if you could answer my example if you can.

Lets say I have:
100 physical damage
100 dmg from concentrate
100 dmg from elements
200% dmg skill with 4 hits where two of them are fake hits

If i understand it well i will do:
800 physical damage, 200 concentrate and 200 elemental damage (is that right?)

From what I see in game, the fake multihits all show concentrate damage, but it doesnt apply in reality does it?

That is correct.

So let’s say the tooltip says 200% x 4, but it’s really 2 hits with each hit split into 2, then in reality it’s 400% x 2

From there you just consider it like any other skill;
(100 Attack x 400%) + 100 Conc + 100 Elem = 600 Damage per hit, 1200 total.

Some of the values I managed to recover

Your sheet is private atm. Do you want to set it so I can view or just accept my request to have access to it?

- Either all “hits” are critical, or none are -Archer
Archer Twin arrows 1 hit (display 2-hit visual).
Ranger spiral arrow 1 hit (display 6-hit visual).
Hunter Rush Dog 1 Hit (display 5-hit visual).
Fletcher barbed arrow 1 hit (display more hits based on enemy armour type).
Rogue backstab 1 hit (display 2 hit visual).
Falconer sonic strike 1 hit (display 6-hit visual).
Musketeer Buttstroke 1 hit (display 2-hit visual).
Musketeer Volleyfire 1 hit (display 4-hit visual).
Musketeer birdfall vs flying 1 hit (display 2-hit visual).
Hackapel Skarphuggning 2 hits (display 2x2 hit visual, and 2x3 hit visual vs stormbolt-debuffed targets).
Hackapel Stormbolt 1 hit (display 3 hit visual, and 5 hit visual vs stormbolt-debuffed targets).

Wizard fake magicbolts
Wizard energy bolt 1 hit (display 2 fake hit visual).
Cryomancer ice bolt 1 hit (display 2 fake hit visual).
Elementalist freezing sphere 1 hit (display 2 fake hit visual).
Alchemist Alchemist Missile 1 hit (display 2 fake hit visual).

Great thread as always! Can’t wait for you to test Shrink Size Specialty attribute (Thauma) out since I can’t seem to figure out what’s going on with it. On most of my skills it seem to multiply my damage by 2.2x as expected but on others it varies greatly, up to 10x damage when I tested with my friend’s Conviction (from 2x5k to 2x50k).

Additional Damage
Damage added at the end of everything, affected by nothing else.

Blessing = 55 + (([Skill Level] - 1) × 25) + (([Skill Level] / 5) × ([Character SPR] ^ 0.9)) × (1 + [Blessing: Enhance Level] × 0.01)

If the enemy was stunned, Conviction gets (a currently unknown amount of) bonus damage from that.

I’d love to test many classes but I don’t have as much free time as I used to; chances of me making my own thauma are slim right now unless another reset event comes along in the future. My only mage for the time being will be cryo3ele3. At least I can verify electrocute up in some earlier posts (and all the frozen/electric attributes).

There was no stun at all. Swell Left without Shrink Body = 5k hits. Swell Left with Shrink Body = 50k hits. The combo also boosts my dagger offhand auto-atk damage by around 5x. I’ll test it further and give you some actual numbers when I get around to it, but last time I tried I couldn’t really find an explanation.

Started reading the post but the formulas are all outdated. Are we getting an update here? :slight_smile:

The formulas used in this thread are up to date tho. I havent included the base formula (the one with log and stuff) since you could find it in other threads and this technically isn’t supposed to be a pure damage calculation thread. I can add it if you want; it’s not that neccessary for the thread.

Ok. I did some more testing and finally figured out what’s going on with Swell Left + Shrink Body. The damage bonus is based on my MATK, regardless of who is dealing the damage. After doing some math the formula looks something like this.

X = (Attacker's PATK or MATK + Thaum's MATK * 1.2)

Damage = X * logformula(X) * % Mods

So if for example we have a thaum with 2k matk, an attacker with 3k patk, using lv5 Bash (200%) vs a target with 500 def, it’ll look something like this:

(3000+2000*1.2) * log10(((3000+2000*1.2)/(500+1))^0.9+1) * 2 = 10558 damage

EDIT: To put it into your categorization, it would go under “Attack Modifier”. Something like this:

Attack Modifier


  • Swell Left Arm “Shrink Size Specialty” Attribute:
    +30% [* Attribute Level] of the Thaumaturge’s MATK