Tree of Savior Forum

The Game's Future

The lag and bugs will be dealt with, it just takes time. Keep calm and keep playing until it happens.

The only reason why anyone should be worried about the future of ToS is the various restrictions that were placed on the game.

The fact that they are not focusing on various cosmetics as their primary source of income through ToS, but rather just trying to restrict as many basic features as they can, to FORCE people to pay to really enjoy the game, rather than giving them many cosmetic choices and make them WANT to spend money on the game of their own free will.

I want to buy an eye glowing effect from black rock shooter

I want a badass wanderer-style outfit that Ichigo had

That’s what I want to pay for, I don’t want to pay for 1:1 trading, God damn it, that ■■■■ should be free.

(ughm, not literally asking for copy/paste things from various anime, just showing some things that I would be willing to pay for, if there was anything similar, I mean)

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ToS have brought back the nostalgia of the old days in MMO’s I’ve searched for years to feel that way again <3 haha. ToS has a hardcore fanbase thats for sure, and the game is doing well in korea, its still in the top 40, and that means a lot :smiley:

well… they did a lot of beta tests prior the launch, but choose to change a lot of the tested content for non tested content(aka trade restrictions, dungeon restrictions, party restrictions, p2w abuse). And even ignoring completely the betas(this early access is an “open beta”, i know), we had the forum full of discussions about how stupid this moves were before the game even launch and they still stick to it ignoring everyone, so all i can think is that they know their game is not good enough and are just milking all they can from the hype…
Sorry but that’s the truth i believe

ehm beta means subject to change… aka they are allowed to refine it entierly and this dungeon restrictions, party stuff might not even be here. its here to test how people react. and also there isnt any p2w yet. not major once.

its not what i say at all.
i say this game have lots of content.
and 3 big ass game killing problems.
if they dont fix this 3 problems then the game can fail fast, all the hard work for nothing. i dont want this,
we did see so far that if the poeple make the problems big imc start doing somthing.
so if your game is 100% bug and problems free why dont you just play and leave this.

english first please.

2nd eh what 3 problems? this is still sort of a open premium beta…

the game launches end of april

If you can’t understand what he’s saying, perhaps you should review your own comprehension of English. What he said was perfectly readable and his points were properly expressed.

no need lol. i got top grade in english multiple times, however i am not really good at spelling or gramma.

no its no a beta any more its the early access the then its launches.

the problems are:
1.dungeons don’t work, its here from icb2 and bow its much worse.
2.all of the trading in this game.
3.bugs. skills bugs, character ,teleport , class advancement and may be more i dont know all of them.

they fix it good, they don’t and they game will fail.

The biggest problem right now from my pov is the constant freezing of the game.

The game was launched in korea, this is a copy & Paste of the released game with highlander nerfs thrown on top, a translation patch, and 2 less dungeon runs because they hate you.
The quests aren’t bugged for example they’re lagging. When the servers are stable they all function.

its one of then new problems.

not all of them,…

Sorry to break it down to you dude, but it’s a beta. It’ll launch and will then be an open beta. What you paid for was an early access to the open beta, which is free. You merely paid to play for one month before everyone else, in the open beta.

I agree with your points though. The game is still far from finished, but they still have time. I’ve played the 2 previous iCBTs and I can say I’ve notice certain improvements, but there’s still a long way to go.

Wow one of the few truths in forum.

God dam it people tovread what it say on steam befor you say this nonsense. Its was supposed to be open beta but then imc changed it. So now there is no beta its the early access the then its launche.
Thevgame need more betas lots more but sadly imc will not make betas any more.

As for improvement i dont see it. All the big problems from icb2 are here as well.
Now for time they dont have it any more. Now they making bad impression on the paying players. How much you think they will lose, half more or less?

I fear for this game’s future to be grim. It’s not about the bugs but rather how they are gonna be doing with the cash shop content and how re-playable the game would be after the EA and Beta.

Is it too late for them to turn it around, however? I enjoy reading the mixed opinions here, I just want to see the game improve.

As of Right now the cash is quite “empty” to me as it doesn’t have much in store for me to buy anything besides necessities like the token. If they however somehow thought of something that wouldn’t hurt the game (Cosmetics are always a good touch in cash shops…) as how tokens are restricting the trade to non-token players as of right now then maybe it would shed some light.

While as the re-playability many MMO’s do suffer from this but ToS just doesn’t offer much for end game besides leveling your class to the utmost level it can reach.

The game’s idea is there but it’s just really lacking… and unpolished.

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They will have to do more than remove the lag from the game though. I refuse to play a game that is infested with gold sellers, bots (or afk leveling), or worse p2w!

But things may change for the better come April 28th… fingers crossed!