Tree of Savior Forum

The Game's Future

I’m sure of 1 thing… if ToS won’t last in the future it’ll not be because of lag and it’ll not be because of bugs… it’ll be because of the trade restriction, team storage restriction, market restriction.

Lag and bugs can be solved… but if IMC don’t reconsider these things (a lot of the negative reviews on steam are about these) then they’ll just send players away from ToS and a game with no playerbase will die.

Don’t worry Musica there are thousands of others who also enjoy the game just like you ;D, lemme put it this way.

RO has a playerbase of around 3k players right now, and theyve been running for over a decade :slight_smile: Nothing to worry about, IMC want this game to succeed as much as you do, and in the longrun i don’t think you should worry too much, Ive seen games a 10th as popular that are still alive today :slight_smile:

Keep playing and enjoy it while its here! because for everyone of us here worrying, there are thousands more in the game having fun :3

IMC don’t need to improve at all! Because there are always loyal fans that won’t leave the game no matter what.

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Im sure i will play this game for looong times… But i yes, we should w8 some time for fixes like lags/spikes/bugs etc.
But it is best if IMC will take care about trade/auction system (especialy auction) and about monster respawn time - this is the 2 main problems for me right now :3

The game is dying in Korea already, it will probably survive a few months after the F2P launch.

Any possibility of a come back? I hope that even if it dies in Korea the popularity maintains…

In my opinion the game won’t die so soon. I am personally content with how the dev/publishers have managed the launch so far. Yes there were and are many problems still but you can see that they are actively working on them.

They have opened new servers and have tried to guide players from different regions to them(to make the transition easier after 1 month). They have accepted to change team names for free for those who need (even switch them between server so players don’t lose the manes they like).

They are working on helping ppl who opened founder’s packs and want them on diff servers etc.

Regarding the trading I agree that is a great turn off but i have hope since GM_Sebastian said they forwarded the msg to the department in charge of this.
You can check here: Thread

All in all as long as the devs/publishers listen to the community and are willing to make changes where necessary the game will be fine.

I still hope the game won’t die… but either to prevent this or to have it come back there’s some very simple steps that absolutly have to be made:

1- free 1:1 trade
2- free team storage
3- more dg runs
4- increase spawn rate of enemies

It’s not the game itself that sucks… as i already said bugs etc are to be expected and can be solved… the problems that are actually turning people away from the game are just stupid gameplay decisions from the dev team that noone but the IMC fanboys like.

Just to make an example… before the game released into his headstart we had, on steam, about 1200 reviews and about a 1000 were positives.

Now only some days after the headstart we’re close to 2000 and we have about 600-800 negative reviews and almost all of them are about trading, storage, etc etc…

So basically the game is getting close to having the exact same amount of bad reviews as good ones only because of these decisions by the dev team.

If this will keep up in a couplke of month the game will be rated as extremely poor by the steam community

I don’t know why, but even though this game has many issues, I really enjoy playing it. It has some weird charm that makes it fun.

And the most fun I had with it was that one time, when I found a really nice group of people for grinding. Resting at a bonfire and talking with each other after a while of mindless killing felt really good. It was something I haven’t encountered in mmo for a long time now. Sure, maybe I was just lucky, because I found friendly people, but I think that this part of game is the most important aspect of any mmo and sadly it’s getting rarer and rarer. Joining a group when nobody says a word and everyone is just minding their own business is not fun. And I think some changes can be made to motivate people to socialize.

  1. Trading system. I too believe that current limitations are hurting community. There is also fun in trading stuff directly between two players.
  2. Make zones where grouping with other people for a longer period of time would be essential. Current instances are done too quickly, you join a group, say hello and you make a quick run killing everything around. It is almost like playing solo with the exception of few other guys running around you. (I don’t know if higher level dungeons require more of teamwork between players, so take this point with reserve.)
  3. Someone has to do something about gold sellers. Their constant spamming makes in game chat completely useless, because anything of value written there is lost thanks to them.
  4. This point will be just speculation, but I’m afraid about price of Tokens. As far as I know, we are still unsure how much will TPs cost. But with current situation at the mmo market I don’t think they can charge almost 20 bucks a month for people to enjoy this game without limitations.
  5. And last but not least there are lag spikes and performance problems, but I believe this can be solved and should be solved before F2P comes.

I don’t think most of the problems this game have can’t be fixed. Most of the MMOs were very flawed games at launch, it’s just that people can choose from a large amount of different titles these days, so they don’t tend to overlook these faults as much as in the past.

I find the controller settings pretty good, better then the mouse ones atleast (cant set attack/move to mouse normally). Yeah you need to use mouse for selling and using npc windows, but thats not really an annoyance.

Just consider it a new control scheme: controller+mouse :stuck_out_tongue:

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“Actively working” is going to the weekend with broken dungeons? :joy:
IMC should stay here for 24/7 for a month after they game launched - that what most of the companies do.

your pretty dumb imo…

the game is only passing its 1st week by now. and humans can only work as much before u have to sleep…

they have been working around the clock i say atleast 18 hours a day the past 7 days…

the more u kids cry the longer the problem takes to fix… it isnt a world of magic and just slap your nearby friend and its fixed no.

it takes time to locate and recreate a Bug and a problem in order to fix it. however fixing things causes other problems

1st week of a game that was in development for 4-6 years. thing is the bugs and problems we have now are game killing.
you cant do dungeons, no dungeon loot and all.
no normal trade, nothing to do at end game .
monster spawning problem cant grind normally.

i dont think u know how long games can take. and beside the game was orginally not going to be ported to Us,Eu however they got permission by the Korean company which can take years to get and also it’s most likely a small team so yes that amount of time is normal.

bs dont do bs.
a game can take how long it need to take. just dont give a half finished game. they have lots of time really.
small team is not an acceptable excuse here as the problem is not low amount of content(we have lots of it). the problems is bugs that here from icbt2 days. lags.stupid decisions/limits.

People expecting the world in less than a week.

I will never not be amazed at that level of entitlement.

These problems don’t exist on two of the four servers.

Yes it NEEDS to be fixed however you are over blowing it.

ok so lets all move to this 2 servers this will fix it all.
but hey its pointlest talking to knight in big white armor

I’m glad you’re illiterate. You fit in-line with all the other spammers on this board.

eh yes a small team is a excuse u dumb idiot…

smaller team longer time needed to complete a project… or are u just that plain out stupid?.