Tree of Savior Forum

The Game's Future

I seriously want to believe that this game will last. I am enjoying it quite thoroughly, especially when I play with my friends, even through the lagfest and bugs.

But eventually, the lag and bugs will grind on on our enjoyment, and we would get ticked off. Is IMC listening? I want to believe they are, but so many games have crashed and burnt because the creators/publishers/developers/whoever may be calling the shots has left the game to its fate.

How long can Tree of Savior last? I hope it would be for a long time at least. Is IMC going to take steps, or did we just get suckered out of money again?


At the rate this is going we aren’t going to make it to F2P.


It’s still the first week after opening, IMC got their hands full with a lot of problems. You can’t expect everything to get magically fixed within a day. The game is still in beta stage. If you can’t enjoy the game while it’s unfinished then wait until it gets a full release.

And, by the way, a huge part of the lag issues was fixed with yesterdays maintenance. Including a couple of bug fixes. Just give it some time.


People seem to forget that this is a beta. They magically believe that by paying IMC money, the game is somehow in release (which is IMC’s fault to be honest, especially after they deleted he announcement even talking about the beta).

Not many people know this game is in beta and it’s IMC’s fault really.


And before ppl come and say that we paid for this, don’t forget the probably $100~ of itens that come with the $50 pack

Thanks for the somewhat positive replies guys. Just feeling rather pessimistic about the whole thing. I am a huge fan of MMOs, but tree of savior is the first in a while that I truly enjoyed.

I’d say for a beta the game isn’t bad.

Nowadays many titles use the word “Beta” as an excuse to not really launch their finished game so that if any issue surfaces, they can say it’s still only a beta. This isn’t a bad strategy, but has made some players think that games in that stage of development shouldn’t have apparent bugs / balance issues / stability problems. That’s not the case, a beta isn’t a ready-to-launch game and should be treated as such.

People haven’t “bought the game”. The game is free. People spent their money to support the company that has been making ToS, in hopes that it helps them see how much their game is worth and supports them trough the process of getting the game ready for launch.

The true issue here, from what I can see, is that people think they have purchased early access for a finished game, or, even worse, that they bought Tree of Savior. The game isn’t being sold. Once again, it’s a free game. The packs are to be seen as a donation, and nothing more than that (even though it’s a donation that gives you benefits).

So yeah, in short, people need to calm down. Sorry if I ended up venting here, but I’ve been seeing so many complaints it bothers me. It’s as if people don’t know where they are putting their money on! The fact that many don’t even know this is a beta bothers me greatly. While IMC could have made it clearer, it’s still weird to me that most people don’t even read about the product they are purchasing.


if your playing in the less crowded servers its pretty awesome lol.

no lag, enough mobs for everyone and less spammers, but the bugs are still there, they arent as bad though since they are the only things you have to deal with.

I know the feeling. It’s frustrating but we have to be patient. There are issues we all want resolved and we want better communication but we must remember that IMC is a small company and that this is a beta. Bugs will always be there. It’s important to let IMC know what’s up and making threads and showing concern does help. I have a lot of hope for this game and I am sure it will be great. I’m happy to invest my time. And if IMC continues to roll out fixes and listens to user feedback, I may invest more money too.

  1. Fix the lag/“Stutters”

  2. Make Megaphones only usable after lvl 100. Make these Gold sellers work to lvl up to use a Megaphone and SPAM the whole world left and right. That way everytime you Ban a gold seller they have to lvl up a lot again. Just a thought cause the world chat is driving me bat Shiz crazy

  3. Decide on a controller scheme. All the control options feel clunky, when I want to fight i have to use Controller, but try talking/selling things using it and it’s horrible so I have to use my mouse.

Anyways. Those are my 3 biggest complaints.

Thank You!

I would not expect too much. It will be around for a while, but probably not for too long. The thing is that the problems peope adress are around for a while and they seem to have a hard time to fix it…so I guess things like the stutter and poor perfomance are deep-coded stuff. Also the grind and inaccessibility of important things like the market without buying TP will scare a lot of people off again.

I am still playing though, because I adore the art style and loved RO so much. But that’s pretty much what will be the core player base soon. I really hope they can figure this out, but well, my past with Nexus alone makes me very sceptical about the future of this game…

if you are enjoying tos, and you think it has the potential to be all you believe it can be… plz listen to what im going to say.

  1. modify or come to an understanding that the game will NEVER be what you think it could/would be… this isnt blizzard or riot… they dont have 100’s of millions of dollars behind it.

  2. keep playing… you will enjoy this game 6 months from now EXACTLY as much as are you are now at the VERY least… and understand this… as the MONTHS go by, compounding updates happen… it will get better over time, on a gradient scale right? THATS EVERY SINGLE GAME… they always do… be it little progress of huge jumps… the more time that goes by the more things change.

3… no 3… i said everything i needed to in 2 points… you know just as much as i know, that games progress eventually… if you cant muster the desire to stay, then C’est la vie. Noone will miss you here anyways right? the lasting impact you have on this game will only be granted by you lasting.


Played maple, that has changed a huge amount. I don’t ditch games because they change though. Was just looking for reassurance that this game isn’t going to die after exiting the gate like Evolve did.

Wow nice! I was about to say the same thing…

Thanks for giving the game grace after all. Let’s not predict the future in a negative manner yet, instead, let’s drive it to its success! (for us not for the management)

But you, expressing out you exhaustion to their issue is not bad. Just don’t give up yet!
The management needs to hear how bad their game is currently doing.

Keep it up bro!


If they were still in beta then they should not ask for money. Once you asked for it then we assumed it is ready to go.

It’s a beta. They did try to hide that fact, however.

hide that fact like an elephant hides behind a mouse?
anyone that knew about this game, already knew obt was coming next or here…

@irwin_wck games ask for money before alpha begins… games ask for money for alpha access… games ask for money in closed beta access… games ask for money in open beta… games ask for money in released state… games ask for money 7 years after the game should have died but still has enough of a player base to keep the servers and their salaries alive… the world and its many inhabitants with different viewpoints dont actually share your view that a true game company only asks for money when its ready to launch its official release version


It’s not that people expect too much, but they are fking around with major aspects of a game which just HAVE to work. Otherwise this game will be dead in a few months. Believe that. I understand you are desperate for this game being a success and thats why you start sugarcoating things…but just let’s be realistic. Games drop like flies these days and it is not OUR job to keep a positive vibe going…the devs need to react NOW and give proper statements.

If they don’t do it this just implies that they are going for the cash as long as possible…it’s not that a game with Nexon behind it fked something up for the first time.

G-guys, the BETA will never end.

We can milk money from customer without caring about service quality because it’s a Beta!

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I just don’t feel like I should have to settle with poor optimization, if the game is still stuttering by the tim eit goes f2p i don’t see a lot of people sticking around. Most people don’t want to play a game that can’t run smooth let alone pay the ridiculous 18/m token price lmao.