Tree of Savior Forum

The game is DYING!

This is it right here. IMC built a game that was all about the grind, all about building your character up slowly from scratch, and then for some mind boggling reason abandoned the game they made and tried to convert it overnight into a typical themepark game where you do nothing but passively gain levels by skipping through quest dialogue until you reach endgame. But they’re still left with this game that has a thousand maps packed with mobs and over 400 character levels, which makes absolutely no sense for the kind of weird themepark they seem to be trying to turn it into. It also has an extremely lackluster endgame and none of the usual themepark attractions on the way towards endgame that can at least hold players’ attention a little bit, so it’s a boring slog to get to an unfulfilling endgame where you just have a few forgettable raids to do and beyond that it’s just daily challenge modes. If you’re really dedicated you can make a proper farming character, but what are you even farming for?

I’m sure IMC will find a way to directly publish in regions where Nexon is dropping the game. Like @raikoseifuu said, this isn’t a new thing at all - Nexon has been dropping third party games left and right for a while. I think this is more a Nexon problem than a ToS problem, there’ve been rumors for a while that the company might be sold soon.


nexon no longer for sale due to lack of buyers

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OH LOL is that a thing at all? Selling Nexon?

IMC is getting what they ask for, 2 years without listening the community and without posting the updates we are almost 4 months behind in update not even mentioning JTOS, IMC doesn’t deserve the player base they have.

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Do mounted characters still visually desync with the mount while moving very fast (looking like they’re falling off it) and when the FPS drops (e.g. 20+ players spamming skills on your screen)?

Something like this…

One may think it’s such a stupid reason, but that was one of the core reasons I stopped playing 'cause as a big fan of mounted classes (Cata, Hacka, SR) it irked me so much seeing how goofy my character looks while moving around in GvG and WB before.

Maybe if they tryed to simplify the things a litle bit in a matter of game design, they coud focus on things more important to the game. Doing some uniq raids are fun, but when you finnaly gear up and reach the highest levels, thats where things shoud be Really exiting.

Like, i dont mind losing all of this class complexity, if it wold make some more balanced game, for example.

Dont know what is wrong this coud be a good and nice game.

Also…i spent soo much time on it already, i dont want it to close :v.

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Its another silly thread, if you go back and read the forums over the last 2 to 3 years you will see this same thread re-rolled every month.

Outside of the mega mmorpgs like WoW or FFXIV any game I have played in my 20+ years of mmos has been supposedly dying like 2 weeks after originally launching.

While no-one can argue the size of the player base people greatly under-estimate the power of the whales in that tiny pool. I dont think its that far fetched to say that about 10 players alone on the NA server spend enough on this game per month to completely cover their server costs, not to mention all the new people who wander in and buy a token, a cosmetic here or there and then leave.

And if all of this reply was TLDR for you I leave you with this, its still better then Maple Story 2. As long as that game is still going I have absolute faith in every mmorpg in existence staying above water.


So for those unaware, Nexon is in a huge crisis in general. They are closing down several mmos and have stopped production of over 5 games, one of which was the long awaited DFO sequel known as project BBQ, so most ToS sever closes over seas are because of nexons financial troubles.
If I remeber correctly they also have some tax law stuff they have to deal with.

Tbh… Thata totally true :v


Cant say that i dont have that feel like, they coud deliver somethin a lil bit more solid and polite
I mean what happend with team bate league on silute for example, people are not going just because they’re bored of it.
Maybe theyr’re busy doing gvg or boruta…

^ This is the player count.

I also left the game recently, there’s nothing to do. The game is rotting to death, I’d argue its already pretty dead aside from the most dedicated of people who put way too much time to quit. Most people just use it to chat in Orsha or Klai.


The population of tos was around 1k since 2016. This post is a joke.


Well yes but actually no.


I’m just so sad this game is dying / dead. I had such high hopes before launch…

imo the worst point that causes people leave is imc decisions when there was cheater/bug/exploit. like the other day with sorien hack, dpk bug, channel crash anvil and probably many more. they could make a fast and better decision but they are freakingly lame compare to another mmo.

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Thefuck happened between March and April in 2016 lol? massive bot arriving? but yeah the usual was 4k+ as average back then, now they are lucky if they even get a steady 1k-2k

wasn’t that “payed EarlyAccess” end + Full Free Launch?

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I have 9000+ hours on this game, and sadly yes it is genuinely dying I can say.

IMC can hype it all they want every time with a patch (which btw takes foken forever to arrive to itos) but players only stay for a couple of weeks when they realize "there’s still nothing to do here really"

iMC can band aid the solution, but they are not fixing the game and listening to players that still play the game

The game is dead within its core

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Yes. If you bought the premium package, you got a month head start over everyone else. That explains the jump from april to may.

Then most of the people that came in may left the next month it seems lol.